Konoha: Compared With Double Naruto, Hinata's Happiness Is Broken

Chapter 63: Teacher Sarutobi, I Am Looking Forward To Your Pain Mask

Count new and old grudges together.

Uzumaki Naruto's choice immediately shocked the ninjas of Konoha Village into a cold sweat.

This guy is really the opposite.

Senju Tobirama: "Hey! I can't speak anymore, Konoha Village in the other world seems unable to escape this catastrophe.

Onoki: "Is the Jinchūriki in the village going to be reversed? This is indeed a very terrible thing."

Fourth Raikage: "Not necessarily. With Uzumaki Naruto's scheming in the other world, it's not as simple as sabotaging Konoha Village."

Terumi Mei: "That's right, didn't you hear what he said, a small dilapidated village can be rebuilt even if it is destroyed, his goal is not Konoha Village."

Konoha Village is a small broken village?

Uzumaki Naruto really dares to say, if Konoha Village is a small broken village, then what are the remaining Konoha Villages?

Doesn't he even count as scum in his eyes?

In a daze, everyone suddenly understood what Uzumaki Naruto meant.

The village is not important, the people in the village are important.

So it's the people of Konoha Village that he wants to destroy.

This makes sense, after all, Uzumaki Naruto had to give wisdom to the villagers of Konoha Village.

Shimura Danzō: "Damn Hiruzen, you see it, you see it, this is the ruin your naivety brought to Konoha Village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "What are you yelling at! Isn't there nothing to do in Konoha Village now? Besides, Naruto over there is not stupid, he can't attack Konoha without preparation


On the high platform.

Orochimaru looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with interest.

"I have to say that the teacher's luck is really good."

"Elected as the Third Generation by the Second Generation project, Hokage has been sitting in the position for decades."

"Even if Fourth Hokage sacrificed, Master Danzo did not beat you in Hokage's competition."

"It's another twelve years. When Uzumaki Naruto wants to take revenge on Konoha Village, you will be killed by me again."

"What luck."

"Even if he destroys Konoha Village, you won't see it."

Orochimaru's words made Sarutobi Hiruzen fly into a rage.

"You traitor, you are simply talking nonsense."

"Okay, okay, stop pretending, you might be secretly enjoying yourself now."

Orochimaru spread his hands: "Good will of fire, all unlucky things were resisted by this junior."

"After you are killed by me, who will be the Hokage?"

Orochimaru thought to himself.

With the current situation of Uzumaki Naruto in the black-frame world, the other party will naturally not accept Jiraiya's way of coaxing children.

Then, it is impossible for him to follow Jiraiya to find Tsunade.

Chaos, Konoha Village in the world over there, after this Chūnin exam, will definitely be a mess.

But that's the way it's fun.

Orochimaru in particular was interested to see what Uzumaki Naruto could rely on to keep Konoha Village in his hands.

After all, as Uzumaki Naruto himself knows the truth, the village is nothing more than a village, if it is destroyed, it can be rebuilt naturally, and the important thing in the final analysis is the villagers.

The stands of the venue.

Naruto's contemporaries were dumbfounded.

The villagers of Konoha Village are talking about it even more.

Uzumaki Naruto himself is not sure how to evaluate himself there.

The other party's current behavior and thoughts have already had a serious impact on his thinking.

"He wants to destroy the village. Does he really not care about these companions walking with him at all?"

"This feeling, unlike Gaara at the beginning, Sasuke who plunged into the darkness, they really seemed.

looks like?

In the spirit world, Nine Tails squinted at the dejected Uzumaki Naruto.

Humph! He just did what he was supposed to do, or what he had to do.

In the whole stand, only Uchiha Sasuke's mouth has an imperceptible arc.

Uzumaki Naruto in the world over there must be able to understand his own mind.

This kind of mentality of revenge or struggle for the family.

[Because he is his own tribe, Uzumaki Naruto did not leave Uzumaki Xianglin alone in the death forest. 】

【"But my companion hasn't come back yet."】

[Seeing that Uzumaki Naruto is going to take her to the central tower, Xianglin said weakly. 】

【"I went out for so long and didn't come back, I'm probably dead."】

【"Of course, if they come back, I will also send them to die."】

【Uzumaki Naruto said coldly: "Remember your identity, I helped you bring you out of the forest of death because you are one of my few compatriots."】

【"What to do, I advise you to think clearly."】

【"Companion, you know better than anyone else whether those people are your companions."】

【Taking advantage of the gap between the others walking in front, Uzumaki Naruto glared at Uzumaki Kaoru viciously. 】

[This makes Uzumaki happy and surprised. 】

【Happy that I seem to be able to walk out of the death forest alive. Surprised that although the compatriots in front of me are very strong, they seem to have a bad temper. 】

【"Don't be stupid, if you do it again, you will be the first one I interrogate."】

【Facing Naruto with a vicious look. 】

【Uzumaki Xianglin shuddered, and quickly replied: "Yes, I know, I know."】

[Then, the two began to walk in the direction of the team. 】

[Spiritual world. 】

【Nine Tails looks at Uzumaki Naruto with interest. 】

【"Hey, if you care about your compatriots, you just care about it. Why pretend to be so vicious."】

【"Big fox, you are wrong, what I said is true."】

【"If she really treats those ninjas from Hidden Grass Village as companions in her heart, I will deal with her unceremoniously."】

【"One less ignorant compatriot can save a lot of unnecessary things from happening."】

As one of my few compatriots, as the Uzumaki family who have suffered injustice.

I am kind and want to help my fellow man.

But if you are stubborn and don't take my words to heart, then I will send you to die.

What arrogance is this!

Everyone in the ninja world gasped, Uzumaki Naruto is going crazy.

In the face of disobedient compatriots, he would take action, let alone others.

It's over, now let's pay a silent tribute to the villagers of Konoha Village in the other world in advance.

Shimura Danzō: "Huh! Uzumaki Naruto in the world over there is so inflated, is it possible that he really thought that defeating one Orochimaru would make him invincible?"

Orochimaru: "Master Danzo, what do you mean? What are you doing here?"

Uzumaki Kushina: "Naruto is right, since the people of Caoyin Village treat Xianglin like this, why do they still treat them as companions?"

Uchiha Mikoto: "I feel sad for that child. Seeing the mother was killed alive, I feel so much pain in my heart, and I regard them as companions.

Uzumaki Kushina: "That's right, I want to see the scene where they were killed by Naruto after they came back, but it's a pity that they died in the death forest."

Senju Tobirama: "Uzumaki Kushina, you...Mito sister-in-law, look at what you said."

Uzumaki Mito: "Tobirama, it's all for future generations. Since we are all dead, why should we bother so much?"

Senju Tobirama: "Big Brother"

Senju Hashirama: "Don't call me, I pretend I can't hear you.

Senju Tobirama:

[Soon, everyone came to the central tower of the Death Forest. 】

[Since Uzumaki went to the tower alone, she was eliminated. 】

[After a while, a special invigilator will escort him out of the deadly forest. 】

【While Xianglin was waiting for the invigilator to come, Uzumaki Naruto handed over the key of his house to Xianglin. 】

【"This is the key to my house. You are leaving Konoha Village to go to my house with money. There is my wallet in the locker."】

【"You can take the money in it and use it, I don't need it anyway."】

【"The Kingdom of Fire is relatively stable, don't go back to Caoyin Village, if I need you in the future, I will find a way to contact you."】

【Uzumaki Naruto spoke, and handed the note with his home address and the key to Kaorin. 】

【However, just when Xianglin wanted to refuse, he suddenly felt that the surrounding air began to cool down. 】

【The frightened Xianglin quickly took the key and the note: "Thank you, Brother Naruto."】

【"Well! Very good, promising."】

【"Just remember what I said, and you are a good boy if you are obedient."】

【Uzumaki Naruto touched Kaorin's head, then turned to say goodbye to her. 】

[Just passing the corner, Uzumaki Naruto found Uchiha Sasuke crossed his arms and embraced his chest, leaning against the wall, as if he had been waiting for him for a long time. 】

【"she left?"】

【Sasuke finds a topic to chat with Naruto. 】

【But in the next second, Uzumaki Naruto waved his hand: "You really can't learn Rasengan."】

【Uchiha Sasuke was stunned, his eyes widened, and his eyes suddenly became erratic. 】

[It's really uncomfortable to be seen through by someone at a glance. 】

【"I know I learned the Shuriken Shadow Clone technique from you last time, and I'm already embarrassed."】

【"This time I plan to teach you the Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique of our Uchiha family. Let's change it. What do you think?"】

【Uchiha Sasuke deeply felt that he was wronged, and his voice was weak as if he had no confidence. 】


【"It's not that I'm stingy, you also know that every family has the characteristics of every family."】

...asking for flowers...0

【"Yanglin probably mentioned the characteristics of our Uzumaki bloodline before, good physique and large amount of Chakra."】

【"Rasengan is purely supplied by the Chakra in the body. If the amount of Chakra is not enough, the ninjutsu effect will not be achieved, and the damage to oneself will be very severe."】

【"If you have this kind of time to waste energy on Rasengan, you might as well refine your Great Fireball Technique."】

【"Also, the Sharingan unique to your Uchiha clan."】

【Speaking of Sharingan, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help looking into Sasuke's eyes. 】

[I heard that these eyes can get more powerful pupil skills as they evolve. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto is really curious. 】

【Uchiha Sasuke paused for a few seconds after hearing the words, then nodded slightly: "What you said is indeed reasonable, but I'm a little anxious."】

【"Then let's wait in the tower rest area now, there are still a few days before we can enter the next assessment."】

[Naruto nods. 】

[The two walk towards the rest area. 】

[When we came to the rest area, Akamaru seemed to be in a bad state, shivering in Inuzuka's arms. 】

【"What's going on here?"】

【Naruto came to Hinata's side and asked suspiciously. 】


【Feeling the hot body beside her, Hyūga Hinata blushed slightly. 】

【"Naruto, Akamaru felt fear from that person."】

【"I think the other party is a ruthless character."】

[Following Inuzuka Ya's eyes signaled, Uzumaki Naruto looked not far away, it was the Sunagakure ninja with an indifferent face and a gourd on his back. 】


【"The kid with no eyebrows?"】

Vortex Naruto thought for a moment. 】

[As early as the reminder from Nine Tails, Uzumaki Naruto knew that Sunagakure's Gaara was a Jinchūriki with a tailed beast in his body just like himself. 】

【Moreover, the tailed beast in the opponent's body seems to be incompatible with Nine Tails. 】

[As if feeling the attention of everyone, Gaara also turned his head to Uzumaki Naruto and others. 】

[When I saw that someone was able to pass through the death forest to the central tower at the same speed as them. 】

[Gaara's face suddenly showed a hint of excitement. 】

【The bloodshot eyes and lustful eyes immediately made Uzumaki Naruto feel uncomfortable. 】

【He suddenly remembered the scene when he first met Orochimaru in the Forest of Death. 】

[This look is like seeing prey. 】

[However, Gaara is different from Orochimaru. Orochimaru is a tempter full of wisdom, while Gaara is more like a ferocious beast. 】

[This is the difference between a hunter and a beast treating its prey. 】

【"Naruto, it seems that One Tail Jinchūriki has a big prejudice against you."】

【Nine Tails was vigilant: "Now the Eight Sign Seal cannot be lifted, and the power I can use for you is very little."】

【"I just don't know how much power the opponent can use now."】

【"I think you should pay attention, that kid is very dangerous."】


[Dangerous is good. 】

【 Uzumaki Naruto thinks for a moment, he is very familiar with people like Gaara. 】

[The other party can change into this man-eating appearance, it must be related to the crowding out of the village. 】

[However, he is different from himself, he seems unable to control his personal emotions, and is controlled by hatred. 】

【If once he completely erupts this ominous emotion...】


【 Uzumaki Naruto suddenly remembered the question about Jinchūriki mentioned by Nine Tails before. 】

【Once Jinchūriki goes berserk, it will be a very scary thing. 】

【"Big fox, I have a solution."】


What the hell can you do?

Your solution will undoubtedly be to let Gaara go berserk and wreak havoc on Konoha Village.


The ninjas of Konoha Village are on pins and needles.

Even if it's just watching a movie, no one wants to see themselves or their family members die on the sidelines in front of them.

This feeling of knowing what the other party wants to do but being helpless is simply a kind of mental torture.

Onoki: "Sure enough, Uzumaki Naruto found the key point of implementing the plan."

Terumi Mei: "Now I don't know how Naruto angered Gaara, but I remember Gaara was defeated by Sasuke."

Fourth Raikage: "This kind of thing should be easy to operate, after all, Gaara's emotions are inherently unstable."

Orochimaru: "Haha, it seems that the plan I wanted to implement but failed to implement, I have to rely on Naruto-kun to help me realize it. I really want to see Sarutobi-sensei wearing the Painful South Island

calendar. "

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