Konoha: Compared With Double Naruto, Hinata's Happiness Is Broken

Chapter 88: Three Gou Yu Transformation Into Rinnegan, Sage Of Six Paths Meets Heiming

【Recently. 】

【 Orochimaru forgets to eat and sleep, busy day and night. 】

[Never walked out of that laboratory. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto will occasionally take a look, because the attitude towards him has obviously changed 360 degrees. 】


[ Orochimaru seems to have forgotten the discomfort of taking the house not long ago. 】

【"The fusion of cells is perfect. This is the most perfect, valuable and meaningful experiment I have ever seen."】

【Orochimaru's excited appearance also made Uzumaki Naruto heave a sigh of relief. 】

[It seems that the cell fusion is very smooth. 】

[After all, Uzumaki Naruto doesn't understand the meaning, let alone the effect of a little more fusion of two phases in the experiment. 】


【"I think the rest of the time is for cell transplantation."】

【"This step is quite critical."】

[I looked at Orochimaru's appearance, and it seemed that the success rate was very high. "]

【"But have you ever thought that if you succeed, Orochimaru will fuse all this into other people's bodies."】

【"If that's the case, wouldn't you create yourself an opponent whose strength is comparable to yours?"】

【Nine Tails' words made Uzumaki Naruto stunned. 】

【He looked at Nine Tails, with a look in his eyes as if looking at a fool. 】

【"Hey! Naruto..."】

【"I'm not joking with you."】

【"A mad scientist like Orochimaru doesn't care about these things."】

【However, Naruto signaled Nine Tails to shut up: "Lama】

【"Even if a person like me is really created, does he have immortal skills?"】

【"Does he have Kurama?"】

【"Please think about it, two opponents who can be at the same level are afraid that the opponent will win with one move and a half."】

【"Not to mention I have more senjutsu and Kurama than him, why should he beat me?"】"Three six three"

【"Open Eight Inner Gates nitrogen life?"】

Rock Lee: "Mr. Guy, is Heiming laughing at me?"

Might Guy: "Yo Li! You can't think like this, this is Heiming's recognition of us, don't forget the red blood that burns after turning on the Eight Gate, it really boils people's hearts."

Uchiha Madara: "It's just Krypton's tricks, can you not mention Eight Inner Gates Formation?"

Hyuga Neji: "Hei Ming is right. When Li was fighting against Gaara, the side effect of Eight Gate was too great, and now he has the sealed book of Hei Ming in hand." I don't know if he

Senju Tobirama: "This kid, I'm afraid he's going to heaven."

【Uzumaki Naruto's words made Nine Tails feel relieved. 】

[Especially when mentioning herself, Nine Tails flicks her tail proudly]

【"Well! Now that you've said that, I don't care about it."】

【"And I think what you said is right, with my and your fairy art, even if the other party fuses your cells, they can't defeat us."】

【The two exchanged a few words, and Orochimaru came out of the laboratory excitedly. 】

[In his hand, he also holds a glass vessel. 】

[It is filled with red liquid. 】

【"I have integrated the cultured cells into your previous blood."】

【"Now you just need to re-inject your blood into your body, and then put you in my special culture medium for cultivation and observation."】

[ Orochimaru looks at Naruto expectantly. 】

【Suddenly, he said earnestly: "I hope you can persevere and re-cultivate new cells from your blood to change the environment in your body."】

【"The new Chakra may be able to stimulate you to successfully open Sharingan and have Wood Style secrets."】

[Uzumaki Naruto nods. 】

[The transplant process was also quite smooth. 】

【Orochimaru did everything well, and locked Uzumaki Naruto into a container of culture fluid. 】

【After waiting for several hours, seeing that Uzumaki Naruto seemed to be asleep, Orochimaru left with a little peace of mind. 】

【"Master Orochimaru..."】

【Yakushi Kabuto sees Orochimaru appear, and rushes up to him. 】

【"Did the experiment go well? Uzumaki Naruto..."】

【"There is no phenomenon of Wood Style rampaging and piercing the body." Orochimaru let out a long sigh. 】

【"Several hours have passed, I think there should be no big problem. 1

【"Just wait for new cells to be born in his body."】

【"In this way, his blood will also undergo some changes due to the changes in the cells."】

【"You mean if the experiment is successful, he is no longer a member of the Uzumaki clan?" Yakushi Kabuto asked. 】

【However, Orochimaru shook his head. 】

【"Of course he is still a member of the Uzumaki clan, and the physique of his Uzumaki clan will not change because of this."】

【"If the experiment is successful, nothing more than his Uzumaki physique will be greatly enhanced."】

【"Of course, all of this must wait until the experiment is successful."】

【 Orochimaru is full of anticipation. 】

[This is the most perfect experiment he has done so far. 】

[And the materials used are all quite terrifying. 】

[Think about it for a while. 】

【 Orochimaru's eyes showed a hint of expectation, he picked up the remaining experimental materials and went to other rooms. 】

[In the room, there are several strong ninjas ready to move. 】

【"If you succeed this time."】

【"You will become invincible existences in this ninja world."】

【"The strength will surpass the five major countries."】

【"At that time, even if you hate me and want to kill me, it will be quite easy."】

【bring it on"】

【 Orochimaru injected the remaining material of the three-party cell into the person in front of him in the form that was just injected into Naruto's body. 】

【Of course, at the moment when he injected the first person. 】

[Only heard a loud "bang". 】

[The man's body exploded on the spot. 】


[The impact of the explosion destroyed the entire laboratory on the spot. 】

[ Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto are rushed out of the laboratory while rolling. 】

【"Damn it, obviously theirs can also be integrated with the latest model, why the experiment will fail?"】

[ Orochimaru is dumbfounded. 】

[Such precious experimental materials were completely destroyed in the impact just now. 】

【But he doesn't know which step he took wrong. 】


In response to that sentence, people's hearts are not enough to swallow an elephant.

Perhaps no one of them is aware of the special identity of Uzumaki Heiming.

The error between this kind of information will naturally lead to this kind of consequence.

Uchiha Madara: "I'm dying of laughter, do you really think everyone is the reincarnation of Ashura?"

Namikaze Minato: "Senior Madara, those people are clearly able to fuse into the new type of cells, why did they have problems when they were implanted?"

Senju Tobirama: "Ashura and Indra, the Chakra of Sage of Six Paths has been pulled out of the cells. This kind of Chakra can take care of everything. Orochimaru obviously reversed the order due to insufficient intelligence."

Namikaze Minato: "I get it. Simply put, because Naruto is the reincarnation of Ashura Chakra, the closest person to Six Paths, so he can adapt to Chakra from Sage of Six Paths, and change to any normal ninja, see It seems that the fusion is perfect, but they are actually swallowed by the Chakra of Six Paths, and they themselves cannot bear the Chakra of Sage of Six Paths.

Tsunade: "As expected of Konoha's most talented people in history, so those people's bodies exploded, which is a very normal phenomenon."

Jiraiya: "Orochimaru, Orochimaru, always engage in such self-righteous cleverness. If Naruto really opens Sharingan, I believe Orochimaru will definitely transplant the remaining materials into his body."

Tsunade: "It's a pity that this is impossible. If he dares to do it, he will explode in the next second."

Jiraiya: "Orochimaru, bang, exploded."


[In the spiritual world of Uzumaki Naruto. 】

【He seems to be asleep, and his mind is chaotic. 】

【Suddenly, he seemed to feel his eyes turned into a pair of scarlet Three Tomoe Sharingan. 】

[But in the next second, there was a stabbing pain in his eyes, and two bloodstains emerged from his eyes. 】

[Two pupils flicker. 】

【Sangouyu's Sharingan changed suddenly, and turned into a pair of rippled eyes emitting purple light. 】

【"what is this..."】

【Uzumaki Naruto said something casually. 】

【"Ah! Sharingan"】

【"Why is it gone?"】

[However, soon, his eyes returned to his original blue pupils. 】

【At the same time, an inexplicably huge Chakra gushes out from Naruto's body. 】


【"What a powerful Chakra, who is it!"】

【Uzumaki Naruto only felt that his eyes were dark, he was unconscious, and this inexplicably powerful Chakra was enough to make him panic. 】

[In front of this powerful Chakra, the Chakra that I was once proud of is simply insignificant and not worth mentioning. 】


[ Uzumaki Naruto roared in horror. 】

[At the critical moment, Daodao's familiar voice rang out from his ears. 】


【"Hey! Naruto!"】

【"Naruto, wake up, are you okay, don't scare me. 1

【"Hey! Kid..."】

【"Damn it, it's all your fault for being too impulsive. I didn't let you take risks at the beginning, and you didn't listen..."】


【This voice...】

【It turned out to be a lama...】

【Uzumaki Naruto's eyelids move slightly. 】

[In the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. 】

【Nine Tails saw that Naruto had some reaction, and immediately continued to shout: "Wake up, Naruto..."】

【"Don't fall asleep."】


【Finally with Nine Tails yelling and yelling, even writhing Naruto with their claws. 】

【 Uzumaki Naruto finally opened his eyes. 】

[And his eyes are still blue. 】

【"Ah! Lama․.."】

【Uzumaki Naruto always felt profusely sweating, the powerful Chakra just now made his heart skip a beat, and he broke out in a cold sweat. 】

【"That's right!" As if thinking of something, Uzumaki Naruto looked at Nine Tails beside him. 】

【"Kurama, look into my eyes, have you become a Sharingan.."】

【Staring at Naruto's blue eyes, Nine Tails sighed, with a regretful expression: "Although I'm sorry, but Naruto..."】

【"We seem to have failed."】

【"Huh?" Uzumaki Naruto heard the words, and instantly became distraught: "I just felt like I already have a Sharingan."】

【“But in the blink of an eye, those Three Tomoe Sharingans turned into something else. 1

【"So it's all a dream."】

【Uzumaki Naruto lying on Nine Tails'

On the huge claw: "It's over Lama, we have failed."]

【"Sure enough, experiments and so on are all lies."】

【"If I wake up completely, we will go to Orochimaru to settle the score."】

[The ups and downs of mood make Uzumaki Naruto a little sad. 】

【It's just that at this moment, a strange voice broke into the ears of him and Nine Tails. 】


【"I didn't expect Hama Wan's prophecy to be quite accurate. Ten years later, a blond boy with blue eyes will be able to play with the tailed beast. 1

【"However, this prophecy seems to have some deviations."】

【"The blue-eyed boy actually pulled out the old man's Chakra and activated the Rinnegan in order to gain power."】


【"No! Without using Rinnegan's power, he is still blonde."】

["Hey...but the ninja world is really messed up. Decades ago, Uchiha Madara also pulled out the old man's Chakra to open Rinnegan for power. 1

【"This time, become the reincarnation of Ashura's Chakra again?"】

【"In this life, it seems that the fate between Ashura and Indra has ended before it even started."】

【The sudden sound scared Uzumaki Naruto and jumped from Nine Tails' claws. 】


[However, Nine Tails pricked up his ears. 】

[The voices are very familiar to him, as if he has heard them from somewhere. 】

【Very familiar, and very rude. 】


【"Doesn't seem to have noticed my existence?"】

【Come, look here...】

【"I'm here."】

【Uzumaki Naruto not only didn't notice the existence of that person, especially the babble that the person was talking to himself just now, he couldn't understand a word. 】

【Look in the direction of the sound. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto was stunned. 】

【Even the Nine Tails next to him were so scared that they almost exploded. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto: "Old man?"】

【Nine Tails: "Old Man!"】

【"Hey, why is there another old man in my spiritual consciousness who talks to himself and doesn't understand what he's talking about at all?"】

【"He's actually still floating in mid-air."】

【"What is he doing, is he an alien?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto pointed at the Sage of Six Paths that appeared, and said in horror. 】

[He has never seen an old man with such a strange appearance, especially the way the other party talks, he really can't understand a word. 】

【Nine Tails: "Hey! Naruto, this is not some alien, he is..."】

【"Kurama, long time no see, you seem to be having a very happy life."】

【"Maybe Ashura's reincarnation is not suitable for my way of speaking, I will change it."】


【Uzumaki Naruto: "Eh? Do you know each other?"】

[Naruto, who calmed down a little, looked at Sage of Six Paths again, but his pupils suddenly closed at this look: "Grandpa, your eyes... 】

【"The person who appeared in my dream just now was you, Three Tomoe Sharingan suddenly turned into these rippled eyes."】

【Sage of Six Paths smiled kindly: "No, I didn't enter your dream, that..."】

【"And that huge Chakra, it must be emitted by you, are you trying to scare me for fun?"】

【Sage of Six Paths continues to maintain a kind smile: "I didn't release Chakra, how should I say it..."】

【"Actually, the things you just dreamed about are all your own."】

【"Well, it's your own."】


【Uzumaki Naruto froze on the spot when he heard this. 】

【Is that terrifying Chakra just now my own?】

【Also, that pair of eyes that are the same as those of the strange old man in front of him are also my own?】

At this moment, the audience didn't know how to express their inner thoughts.

Although the first meeting between Uzumaki and Sage of Six Paths was a bit funny, it has to be said that it was under the operation of Heomaki.

He really hit it off.

As Uchiha Madara said, he really turned on the Rinnegan, and while pulling out the Six Paths Chakra, his own Chakra got an unprecedented terrifying boost.

In a dark cave.

Black Zetsu patted the silent Uchiha Obito.

"Obito, although in the white world, we have a little misunderstanding, but in the black world, I can only say one thing..."

"Brother, let's go."

"You too, Black Zetsu."

"Don't think about saving your mother anymore."

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