Konoha: Comprehension Is Heaven-Defying, The Opening Is Broken Caged Bird

Chapter 198: Applying Nuclear Fusion Theory To Golden Elixir

I heard that Neji are travelers from other civilizations.

Dukao also received him solemnly.

Even if this is all superficial.

After all, Neji's arrival was somewhat unlucky.

Because, the space battleship of the Taotie Civilization has already crossed the bridge and reached the Chiwu star system, and will arrive on the earth in a few days.

At this point.

Neji, a person from other civilizations, suddenly arrived, and no one knew whether it was good or bad.

It will definitely make Dukao and other military personnel treat it with caution and even become nervous.

But this is normal.

And Dukao didn't show it so obviously.

But after the reception, he took the opportunity to invite Neji to live on the Grand Canyon. This can be regarded as a different kind of supervision.


Will Tuan let them discover what Neji is going to do as soon as possible?

But that's exactly what Neji wanted.

Because he came to the Grand Canyon just to see the various technical reserves of the Deno civilization.

In other words, even if Dukao asks him to leave, he may not leave. Now it saves him time, so he will naturally not refuse.

"The conditions on the Grand Canyon are limited, Mr. Hyuga, please don't mind."

"Qiangwei, please take Mr. Hyuga to find a place to live. I have something to do here, so I won't go over. Mr. Hyuga forgives me.

Dukao said so.

"General, you're welcome. Let's talk another day.


Seen off by Dukao.

Neji also followed Qiangwei and walked out of the living room.

There is really nothing to see on the Juxia. After all, it is a thing that serves the war. In addition, the technology is limited, so it can only be practical.

Come all the way.

This was Neji’s first experience with the Grand Canyon.

"how do you feel?"

Seeing Neji looking at him, Qiangwei asked.

"Not bad. With the technology and industrial level of pre-nuclear civilization, it must have taken a lot of hard work to create such a warship. It deserves a compliment."

Neji held it up.

Facts have also proved that people like to hear good things. You can tell this just by looking at the corners of Qiangwei's mouth that can't help but turn up.

Obviously she was very impressed by Neji's words.

"Is your ninja civilization pre-nuclear or post-nuclear?"

"We don't use nuclear energy."

"What's the use?"

“The force of nature.

Speaking of which.

Neji also had some thoughts in his mind.

Nuclear fusion is a technology.

In theory, it can be applied to any element, but the conditions required are different.

So what would be the effect if Chakra and natural energy were subjected to fusion reaction?

This topic is indeed worthy of study.

at present.

Neji has not yet entered the golden elixir stage.

He thought about whether the golden elixir to be condensed could be operated as a star.

It uses gravity to gather energy together, allowing elements to collide with each other, thereby erupting into an effect similar to fusion.

Of course this is just the simplest theory.

If you want to truly realize it, you still need to consider and experiment, and it is definitely not something that can be accomplished in a short time.

But everything is difficult at the beginning.

The most important thing about science is the explosion of inspiration.

The subsequent practical work is secondary. If you go step by step, you will always succeed, and Neji is not short of this time.

"what are you thinking about?"

When the question received no response, Qiangwei called Neji again.

"Oh, think about something else. What did you just say?"

"I mean, how do you use natural energy, and what does this energy refer to?"

"Natural energy refers to the energy emitted by all things in the world, including mountains, rivers, animals and plants."

"As for how to use it, we have to practice it slowly."

"Practice? Do you mean exercise?"

"That's understandable."

"That's similar to dark energy drive."

"There are similarities."

Neji nodded.

Although technology is king here in the Supergod Universe and everything is aligned with technology, it does not mean that there is no need for personal practice.

Just like people using firearms.

If you don't exercise well, you won't be able to achieve perfect results.

So it can only be said that the focus is different.

Practice in the ninja world can directly improve your strength and get positive feedback.

On the Super God Universe side, we have to take a roundabout way and practice the use of various techniques well. Being able to master them proficiently can be regarded as improving our strength.

"Can you tell me what the use of natural energy does? If it is the secret of your civilization, then forget it."

"It's not a secret. I happen to be a little curious about your method of using dark energy. Why don't we talk about it?"


Qiangwei happily agreed.

She is also considered a technical person and is pursuing this aspect.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to master the micro-wormhole transport technology skillfully at this age, which depends not only on talent and genes.

Without enough interest and perseverance, giving an innate Taoist body would be in vain.

Just like Ge Xiaolun in the early stage.

That's really useless beyond words.

He only thinks about his goddess and wants to be someone else's licking dog, no matter when and where, even on the battlefield and among the dead.

He has never changed.

Perseverance is strong enough, but unfortunately it is used in the wrong place.

Such a man is destined to never become a king.

Because it's too easy to defeat him, just get it with Wei.

As a man, everything he does is for a woman.

It's not that it can't be done.

But it also depends on where you are and what responsibilities you have.

Peaceful times.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a good family man.

But in troubled times, the power of the Milky Way is still there. When facing the invasion of foreign enemies, he always thinks about women.

Then someone cannot see the situation clearly and is no different from an idiot.

Anime is animation.

This happens in reality.

Even Neji dared to say that this is the gene of Galaxy Power and cannot be exchanged for others, otherwise the people in the military (Li Zhao) would have done it.

What else can happen to Ge Xiaolun?

"...We are here, you should stay here first, the conditions are indeed a bit crude and cannot compare to those hotels.


"Well, my dormitory is next door. If you need anything, you can go find me over there."

"Okay, thank you Qiangjie.

"You are welcome."

"Then let's talk about the topic we just talked about?"

"Okay, we'll have dinner soon, so I'll take you there again.


Neji and Qiangwei found a place to sit down and talked about a lot of things without knowing it.

From science and technology, extending to myths and legends, and the use of natural energy that Neji talks about, it is really all-encompassing, and we can talk about whatever comes to mind.

So much so that when it was time to eat, they both almost missed it.

Fortunately, Qiangwei has a set alarm clock.

After being reminded, the two of them temporarily stopped talking and went to the cafeteria together.

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