This blow actually made the enchantment feel a bit fragmented and almost unsustainable, and even a vacuum environment appeared in the void.

"How could the barrier be cracked by him!"

The Anbu members were shocked, and they moved into Chakra in a panic, strengthening the power of the enchantment, for fear that Bai Yu would suddenly come out.

There was also a trace of cold sweat on their cheeks, their heartbeats rapidly intensified, and their blood boiled~.

This time they didn't dare to underestimate Bai Yu. Sure enough, this is a character who can be regarded as a monster and cannot be judged by common sense.

Anyone in front of him is like a child who can't see where his upper limit is. This is simply a person who is like a taboo.

"I told you not to be too proud, otherwise you don't even know how to die, and you will suffer if you don't listen to the old man."

Bai Yu was like the voice of the nine ghosts, which came out from all directions. This voice made everyone stand upside down, their bodies frightened and fighting frantically.

"How is it possible, isn't Bai Yu trapped by us? Then what is this voice?"

That's right, now Bai Yu is indeed trapped in the barrier. His punch did not break the barrier, but it opened a lot of gaps.

But the voice of Bai Yu just now didn't come from within the barrier, as if there were countless Bai Yu wandering in their ears, which was very daunting.

"Is that an illusion!"

The corner of Bai Yu's mouth crossed, with a cruel smile, Bai Yu in the enchantment suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, Bai Yu didn't know when he had come to the outside of the barrier. He was holding a handful and licking it lightly.

Seeing such a smile on Bai Yu's face, everyone felt that their hearts had stopped beating. They were shocked and almost fell to the ground.

"How is it possible? How is it possible, how could Bai Yu come out of the barrier, he was still inside just now, the barrier has not been broken, it is impossible to come out of it."

"It's impossible that this must be an illusion. We must have been hit by an illusion. Quickly solve the illusion."

The members of Anbu put their hands on each other's shoulders and made a little more Chakra for each other. In this way, they can unlock the control of illusion over themselves in an instant.

However, this method didn't seem to have much effect. Chakra went in, but the scene in front of him was still the scene in front of him. Bai Yu was still standing outside the barrier, looking at them with a foolish expression.

The look in his eyes seemed to say, do you have a problem with your head?

"Impossible. This enchantment is a combination of the scientific research results of Lord Danzo and Orochimaru. Even Kage-level ninjas cannot escape under the joint suppression of so many of us."

"Bai Yu is just a teenage ninja, how could he have such power, how could he break away from such a terrifying enchantment, this must be fake."

"Does he have any other illusion methods that we don't know? Damn it was actually played by such a person, so unwilling.

"Everyone, don't mess with yourself. The current Bai Yu may be just an illusion. We continue to increase the strength of the barrier. Maybe he still wants to use this method without getting out of the barrier. Let us fall apart and take the initiative to lift the formation."

This statement was approved by everyone, and they were unwilling to believe that Bai Yu could really easily escape from the barriers they had worked so hard to set up.

The blow to them was too great, and they couldn't believe it and couldn't accept such a result.

This only shows that Bai Yu is deceiving their eyes, wanting them to take the initiative to remove the formation.

"Your strength is still in the past. If you go to battle on the battlefield, it will be a good strength, but it is a pity that your strength is used in the wrong place."

"Follow Tuan Zang to practice. This is the biggest mistake you have ever made in your life. Just die under my hands. You don't lose."

After speaking, Bai Yu's eyes instantly turned into Rinnegan, with a strong suction force from both hands, which brought everyone to his side.

"Universal Pull!"

"What kind of power is this? Why is my body not under my own control? Is this also an illusion? Damn, what should I do now.,

"It's not right, how can the illusion be so real, unless it is Uchiha Shisui's Distinguished Heavenly Gods to have such an effect, and why his eyes become the eyes of the legendary Sage of Six Paths, that is Rinnegan!"

…0 Seeking flowers…

"What to do? What should we do now? Is Bai Yu really so powerful? Will we die here?"

"Lord Danzo, please help us, help, Bai Yu is a monster, you must not become an enemy with him!

Life and death The members of Anbu can only trust Danzo to save them once. After all, they are short-term capable men. Their death is also a big loss for Danzo.

If you want to cultivate talents again, it takes a lot of manpower, material resources and support. Danzo is definitely not willing to train new talents all the time.

However, it is a pity that Danzo did not even blink his eyes for the Anbu members' call for help, but still sat in the audience with a cold face.

He knew a little bit about the things outside and what happened, but she still didn't choose to take action.

Now this look is obvious. More than 30 members of Anbu shot together. No one injured Bai Yu. Let him go by himself. What good results can he get?

On the contrary, Bai Yu may be injured and killed here. He doesn't believe that Sarutobi Hiruzen will save him.

Even if it saves him, he himself will pay a great price, or it is not impossible for you to let him add his own blood.

It is impossible for him to make such a thing happen. As Anbu, Danzo has already lost his heart.

"It seems that the person you are guarding doesn't seem to want to save you, so just die here."

With their expressions of horror and despair, the Anbu members frightened Bai Yu's hands up and down, coupled with a Fire Style spell attack, enclosing more than 30 people in the flames.

Overwhelmingly huge flames, burning and touching a little bit, the body will be directly burned to ashes, drifting away in the wind.

Coupled with Rinnegan's power, these people couldn't even escape. They could only watch themselves getting closer and closer to the flames.

Amidst the screams and painful groans, more than 30 Anbu members were all resolved by Bai Yu alone in an instant. deficit,

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