"Okay, you can get off the boat now." Dazna nodded to the boatman with a smile, then looked at Kakashi and said, "Remember to protect me well."

"Since we have already promised, we will naturally not break our promise."

"That's good." Dazna nodded, and then took the lead to walk forward.

As long as he passed through the forest in front, he could return home.

I don't know if the little granddaughter at home is like him.

Soon, everyone arrived in the forest.

"The environment outside was very harsh just now, but the forest here is still so lush." ​​Sako looked around in surprise, the trees here were no worse than those in the Land of Fire.

"Haha, maybe it's because these trees have adapted to the environment here." Dazner said with a smile.

Although it often rains and fogs in their country of waves, it is precisely because of the existence of these trees that they can get part of the land that can be used for planting.

"Shouldn't there be ninjas anymore." Hinata looked around nervously, now that Uncle Dazna was about to return home, if the other party wanted to attack them, he would only choose this last journey.

So it made her a little nervous.

"Don't be nervous. Didn't you see that Mr. Kakashi is calmer?" Naruto has a calm face, and he won't show up if he doesn't leave until he sees the snow rabbit.

Hinata glanced at Kakashi upon hearing this, and heaved a sigh of relief seeing that Kakashi still had that calm expression.

At this time, there was a sudden shaking from the grass not far away, as if there was something inside.

"What?!" Zuozi's eyes flashed, and then she was thrown out by her as soon as she had a kunai!



"Something was hit!" Hinata rolled her eyes without hesitation when she heard that!

"Blind eyes!"

The powerful blood follower boundary endowed her with a strong observation ability, and soon saw what was killed by Sako.

Then he trotted all the way to the grass and took out the little white rabbit that was killed by Vice Admiral.

"It's a snow rabbit?" Zuozi immediately showed a speechless expression when she heard that. She thought she had killed an enemy, but she was just a small animal for a long time.

"Isn't this good." Naruto took the snow rabbit from Hinata's hand with a smile and said, "It's just a matter of time to cook this braised red."

Then quietly said to Hinata: "Hinata, look around with your white eyes, something is wrong."

Hinata froze for a moment, although she was a little surprised why Naruto would say that, but obediently opened the white eyes that had been closed just now.

'Have enemies? ’ Looking at Hinata’s white eyes that opened again, Sako’s eyes flashed a trace of doubt.

But tacit understanding, she did not choose to speak out, and Hinata will naturally issue an early warning when she finds out the situation.

'The vigilance is quite high. ’ Appreciation flashed in Kakashi’s eyes, it turned out that not only he found out, but Naruto also found out!

Although things like snow rabbits are very common, hair of this color will only have such hair in winter when the sunshine time is very short, but not now!

Then it is obvious that this is a rabbit specially bred indoors for Body Replacement Technique!

"White eyes..." Those who observed from the tree could see Hinata's situation without taking a single glance.

If that's the case, it's pointless for him to hide here.


Unexpectedly, the leader of the team this time is Konoha's first technician-copy ninja·Hatake Kakashi?

With him around, it's no wonder the Ghost Brothers would be killed.

Thinking of this, Zai Bu Zhan disappeared in place in an instant.

"Six o'clock!" Hinata immediately put his eyes on Zai Buzhan's body and said, "He threw a huge knife over!"

"Get down!" Naruto immediately rushed to Dazna's side, pinned him to the ground, and successfully avoided the beheading knife that would never cut him!


The beheading knife skipped over the heads of several people, and chopped directly on the big tree beside them.

At this time, Zai Bu Zhan also appeared on the Beheading Sword, looking at the people below with contempt in his eyes.

"That guy is..." Kakashi recognized the other party's identity at a glance. Isn't this one of the seven ninja swordsmen in Wunin Village, known as the ghost man Momochi Zabuza.

And it belongs to the stage of defection.

Thinking of this, Kakashi looked at Zabuza with a playful expression and said, "Hey, isn't this the runaway ninja Momochi Zabuza from Kirinin?"

Bu Zhan did not speak, but silently observed the situation of these people.

'Kakashi is a strong enemy, the other three kids don't matter...'

It seems that the only way to kill the target is to find a way to hold the other party back.

As for the three brats, Zai Bu Zhan didn't pay much attention to them.

In his opinion, he can easily kill these three brats!

Of course, it would be even better if we could snatch away the little girl from the Hyuga clan by the way.

Thinking of this, Zabuza set his sights on Hinata.

Sensing something, Sako immediately stopped in front of Hinata, watching with sharp eyes, she didn't want her best friend to be taken away!

"What do you want to do?" Naruto pulled out Kunai and said, "If you want to attack us, you must be prepared accordingly."

"You three, protect Dazna well." Kakashi said without looking back, "This guy is completely different from the two before, and you can't deal with it anymore."

Although Naruto and the three of them cooperated to take down the two Mist Ninja Chūnin, but this unstoppable strength is not something they can deal with!

This guy was the one who assassinated Mizukage who was a fog ninja!

Although he failed, he also managed to escape, and he has been free and easy outside for so many years, which is enough to prove how powerful the opponent is.

Thinking of this, Kakashi prepared his own forehead protector to pull up.

"It seems that you are Sharingan Kakashi." Zabu Zhan squinted his eyes at Kakashi and said, "I'm sorry, give that old man to me quickly."

"That's not allowed." Kakashi revealed his Sharingan and said, "This is the target we want to protect!"

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