Konoha: Dressed As Naruto, But His Girlfriend Is Sasuke!

Chapter 66: Sneering Sako-How Dare A Mere Person Come To Cause Trouble? !

"By the way, can we give up halfway?" Shikamaru asked curiously.


Is this unmotivated guy actually thinking about such things at this time?

Mitarashi Anko glanced at Shikamaru curiously, showing a dazed expression after seeing his pineapple head.

'The Nara family...

It doesn't seem to be a surprise that these unmotivated guys ask such a question.

"As a rule, you are not allowed to give up halfway!" Mitarashi Anko said with a smile: "These five days, please spend in the forest~"

"As expected, it's really troublesome." Shikamaru showed a distressed expression, wouldn't he have to stay in this forest carefully for five days?

Hey, forget it, that's the only way.

"Oh, that's right." Mitarashi Anko suddenly remembered something and said: "If three people cannot come to the tower with the Earth Coiling shaft within the specified time, the team will be eliminated.

"The same goes for losing players or teams being unable to act."

"And before reaching the central tower, it is absolutely not allowed to open the scroll, otherwise you will be eliminated!"

"What's the meaning of this rule?" Fang frowned, and refused to read the scroll?

If I read it accidentally, will I be eliminated 687?

"Because after becoming a Chūnin, you will have access to confidential documents." Mitarashi Anko said lightly: "This is also to see if you are trustworthy.

"Okay, those who agree with the agreement, take the three-chapter agreement and go there to exchange the scroll."

"Then take the scroll and look for the entrance you want to enter, and then all the members set off together!"

"One last piece of advice for you..."

"Don't die in the lake, kids!"

Mitarashi Anko doesn't really want them to die inside, despite all the scare words on his lips!

The scary thing to say is just to make them pay attention to this matter.

After all there are Genin who didn't break free from the school's notion, and the death rate is the highest for this kind of people!

"Number 12." Standing at the door, Naruto looked up at the door with the number written on it, and thought, "Does this mean 12 Xiaoqiang?"

"After going in for a while, we will quickly find people from other teams." Sako (daej) glanced at the forest in front of him and said, "With Hinata's white eyes, it is not difficult to find other people."

Among the candidates this time, the strength of ninjas from other villages varies, and some are weak.

So Sako felt that it would not be difficult for them to grab the scroll.

As for those people in Konoha...

She was not interested in doing anything to those people, after all, she was from a village.

"I'll work hard." Hinata clenched her fists and secretly cheered herself up.

She will definitely help her partner to get other people's scrolls, and then successfully advance to this exam!

"It can be seen that you are very confident." Mitarashi Anko, who came here to open the door for them, said with a smile: "Confidence is a good thing, but don't die in it.

After speaking, Mitarashi Anko also glanced at Naruto.

This funny little guy, she didn't want him to die in it so early.

Glancing at the time, Mitarashi Anko found that the appointed time had come, and opened the door and said, "Guys, good luck!"

The three of them immediately turned into three figures and rushed in, this is also to seize the opportunity!

Otherwise, if ambushed by other people, it is very likely that the ship will capsize in the gutter!

"Okay, it's time to go on patrol." After Mitarashi Anko closed the gate, he turned and walked towards the original place.

Although the people inside don't need them to care, they also need to prevent other ninjas from Ninja Village from coming here to make trouble.

So the necessary patrols are also needed!

The three Naruto who came inside quickly rushed forward for a long distance before hiding in the big tree.

"Okay, let's look for the enemy's location." Naruto nodded to Hinata. With the reconnaissance weapon of white eyes, it is not difficult for them to find people from other villages.

After you get the Scroll of Earth, go find the central tower.

It would be great if you can avoid Orochimaru!

"Okay." Hinata nodded and started to watch from the eyes.

But soon her expression changed.

"What's wrong?"

"There... There is a person rushing towards us." Hinata said with a strange expression: "The speed is very fast, and it will arrive at our place soon."

"one person?"

"Yes, day."


Are they underestimated?

"It's really courageous for a single person to come to trouble us." Zuozi sneered and said, "If that's the case, then let's treat this guest well.

I just don't know if this guy who acted alone brought the Scroll of Earth.

"Okay." Naruto nodded, but he was wondering who this person who came alone was.

Is it Orochimaru?

"Are men and women here?"

"A man."

"Okay, I see." Naruto nodded, not Orochimaru it seemed.

That guy doesn't seem to have found the specific location of the three of them.

If that's the case, let's entertain this guy who came to die first.

Hope this person has a scroll on him.

Soon, the enemy came to the vicinity of the three of them, and carefully observed the situation of the three of them.

Hinata nodded to the two, indicating that the person had come here.

Then secretly told the two of the other party's location.

Seeing this, Sako sneered, then took out his shuriken and directly launched the unique throwing technique of the Uchiha clan!

With the Three Tomoe Sharingan, she already has the ability to turn shuriken away!


"What?!" The face of the man who was hit by the shuriken was full of disbelief. He just arrived here, so he was discovered?

Enduring the severe pain, he pulled out the shuriken from his body, and the man immediately jumped into the distance.

My estimate was wrong, these three people are very strong, I am not an opponent!

Damn it, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have hidden Qiqi and ran over by myself!.

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