Konoha: Dressed As Naruto, But His Girlfriend Is Sasuke!

Chapter 86: Arriving At The Central Tower - Third Generation Of Tai Chi

"Is this the tower?" Zuozi looked up and down the so-called central tower in front of him and said, "It should be all right here.

The door looks like a lot yet. Shikamaru looked around and said: "It seems that each team needs to enter a door separately." "

Shikamaru guessed that this should have something to do with that scroll.

"Then see you later." Naruto waved to the three of Shikamaru, and then entered the door with his team and Uzumaki Kaphos.

"There's no one there." Vortex Xianglin looked around nervously and said, "Isn't it enough to talk about this?"

Why is there not even a receptionist, it shouldn't be.

Or is the battle not over yet?

"Look at the writing on the wall." Naruto looked at the writing on the wall and said, "It should mean let's open the scroll."

"Open the scroll." Sako took out the scroll that Naruto kept with her and said: "Then open it.

Then give Hinata one and the two of them open it together.

But after opening it, the two of them were a little dumbfounded.

"This is..."


Looking at the special magic formula written on it, a question mark appeared above the two of them.

What is this stuff?

The next moment, the herringbone on the scroll suddenly stirred, and smoke started to rise at the same time!

"I see, this is a Summoning Technique!" Sako said with a changed expression, "Hinata, throw the scroll out!"

Although Hinata was puzzled, she obediently followed Sako and threw the scroll out together.

next moment


White smoke came out, and Iruka appeared on the spot!


"Why are you, Teacher Iruka?"

"Yo, long time no see~" Iruka looked at the four of them with a smile and said, "It seems that you have suffered a lot."

The clothes of the four of them don't look very clean, obviously they have experienced many battles...

Wait, four people?

"Who is she?" Iruka looked at the sluggish Uzumaki Kaphos and said, "Aren't there only three people in your team?"

How did he not know that Kakashi's team had an extra member?

And she has red hair...

This hair color is rare.

"She is Uzumaki, and some things happened, I will explain later." Naruto looked at Iruka and said, "Compared with this, I want to know why you are here, Mr. Iruka."

Iruka nodded, and then said: "Because we, Chūnin, came to welcome the candidates for the second exam, and I happened to be the herald who is very important to you~"

"The herald..." Sako thought of the previous Anko, maybe it was some strange rule.

"In short, congratulations on passing the second exam." Iruka said with a smile: "Although I really want to invite you to eat ramen to celebrate your passing the exam, but you can't come here now, so you can only wait later."

Although Naruto and the others came earlier, they were not allowed to leave here according to the rules.

Only after completing the third test, the regiment can leave here.

"Compared to this, I am more curious about one thing." Sako glanced at the scroll thrown to the ground and said, "Mr. Iruka, what will happen if you open the scroll halfway?"

"Sako is still as sharp as ever." Iruka picked up the scroll with a smile and said, "The meaning of this scroll is actually to test your ability to actually complete the task."

"That is to say, if someone violates the rules and opens the scroll, the tester who sees the content of the scroll will lose consciousness on the spot until the end of the second test!"

"Is that so..." Zuozi narrowed her eyes, although she didn't know that she would lose consciousness, but she guessed that nothing good would happen.

Lost realizing the end of the second exam...

Losing consciousness in such a dangerous forest, once discovered by others, there is only one dead end!

Others don't care why you lost consciousness, I'm afraid they will kill you when the time comes!

"Okay, leave here with me first." Iruka turned and walked towards the stairs beside him and said, "I'll find you a place to rest first."

"Rather than this, I want to know where to find Grandpa Hokage?" Naruto asked.

"Did you find something?" Iruka looked at Naruto suspiciously and said, "He happens to be inside this tower.

"Then please, Mr. Iruka, take me there."

"Okay." Iruka glanced at Naruto, then at Uzumaki Kaphos, thinking that she should have something to do with this little girl.

After it's over, I'll ask Naruto for clarification.

"You mean this little girl is from the Uzumaki clan?" Third Hokage looked at Uzumaki, the color of her hair fit the characteristics of the Uzumaki clan.

But the forehead protector this guy is carrying is the Forehead Protector from Caoyin Village.

"Yes." Naruto nodded and said: "Grandpa Hokage, since my surname is Uzumaki, then Xianglin should have some 930 relationship with me, so I want to keep her

"Naruto..." Third Hokage took a puff of cigarette and said, "We can't easily detain people from other villages, otherwise bad things will happen.

As soon as this remark came out, Uzumaki Kalin's expression changed immediately, and he turned his head to look at Naruto, like a little beast that was afraid of being abandoned.

"Having said that, who knows if they snatched away the Uzumaki clan on purpose?" Naruto said dissatisfiedly: "I only heard that the Uzumaki clan once had a good relationship with Konoha, and other villages don't have this kind of treatment."

As soon as these words came out, Third Hokage's eyes flickered.

Who told Naruto this information?

Could it be Kakashi?

Or the news from other people's mouths...

But there is nothing wrong with this sentence, at least on the surface, only Konoha had good friends with the Uzumaki clan in the past.

But it is impossible for him to agree to stay with this little girl just because of this sentence.

As Third Hokage, he has many things to consider.

If the other party is really kept, will Caoyin Village unite with other villages to launch a war against Konoha?

This is a problem. .

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