"Xuan Yan, what you said...is true?"

An elder of the Uchiha clan couldn't help but look at Xuan Yan tremblingly.

Xuan Yan nodded affirmatively:"It's true."

"So why?……"

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Xuan Yan interrupted the other party's words and looked around. Everyone had such questions in their eyes.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of what I said earlier? This secret will be leaked. The village ordered me to lead people to conquer that world. If I don't want to, it will cost the lives of the Uchiha clan members, old and young. By then, our clan will really have no way out."

"But can we really live in that world? There are not many strong people in that world."

Leaving your hometown and going to a completely unfamiliar world makes many people a little worried.

"Don’t worry, although there are many strong people in that world, not all strong people will gather together, and that world is actually very chaotic. With the strength of our Uchiha clan, under full development, there is still a great chance of becoming a major force. of."

Many young people in the family could not help but feel their hearts beating when they heard Xuan Yan's words. Which young person has never thought about opening up new territories, but they can only work as security guards in the village.

"But... I'm really unwilling to leave like this!"

"yes! This is obviously a village founded by our Uchiha clan, but now we are running away in despair."

Almost all the Uchiha clan members present were born in Konoha Village, grew up in Konoha Village, and naturally regard Konoha Village as their hometown.

They don't hate Konoha, but they hate Konoha's senior officials and those who are against them. They are the prejudiced villagers of the Uchiha clan.

"I know that everyone will not be reconciled, and I am the same, but this is the reality. If you want to raise your head, you must first learn to lower your head. Moreover, we are not gone forever. We need a period of time and use this time to strengthen our Uchiha clan. , when we come back, we will no longer secretly launch a coup here, but will carry out a coup openly and openly, and take back everything that belongs to us."

"Take back!"

"Take back!"……

All the young people felt excited when they heard Xuan Yan's words. Xuan Yan's words truly spoke to their hearts.

Uchiha Fugaku frowned and thought for a moment. If what Xuan Yan said is true, then there is no doubt that this is indeed a good opportunity.

"So when do we set off?"



"Now is the right time, everyone in the family is here, and it's time to leave. After all, Konoha has already taken action at this time.

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly changed his expression:"Action?" You mean?!"

"Konoha's investigation of the Uchiha clan is all-pervasive. Since they already know that the Uchiha clan is going to launch a coup tonight, they will naturally not remain indifferent. At this moment, they are waiting for a signal, waiting for the moment when we actually launch a coup, and then take action to kill the Uchiha clan. Completely eliminate it, so you don't even have to make excuses."


"how come?!"


Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that their conspiracy had already been seen through by Konoha. Wouldn't it mean that they have now surrounded this place?

"Konoha is no longer our Uchiha's Konoha. Don't have any illusions about Konoha. If you want to control your own destiny, you can only strengthen yourself."

The three magatama in Xuan Yan's Sharingan eyes began to rotate rapidly.

Then the space in front of him fluctuated, and a mirror-like space-time channel appeared.

"Let's go."

Everyone walked in one after another.

Xuan Yan walked in last, glanced outside and slightly raised the corners of his mouth:"Goodbye, Konoha"


At this time, outside Nanga Shrine, just as Xuan Yan said, Konoha's ANBU ninjas have surrounded Nanga Shrine.

The Third Hokage looked at Shimura Danzo with a serious face and said:"Danzo, are you sure the Uchiha clan will launch a coup?"


Danzo said with certainty, and then glanced at his subordinates. The subordinates immediately understood and released a large number of black bugs from their hands.

This is the parasitic bug, the secret technique of the Aburame clan, which uses one's body as a nest to raise Bugs, you can use bugs to fight and collect intelligence.

The bugs quickly flew to Nanga Shrine.

After a while, the bugs flew back

"What?!"The face of the ninja of the Aburame clan who was responsible for detecting intelligence changed slightly, and his eyes showed disbelief.

"What's wrong? Danzo asked with a frown.

"There is no one in Nanga Shrine, and all the Uchiha clan has disappeared!"

After hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo were all stunned, and then they quickly sent everyone to conduct an investigation on Nanga Shrine.

As a result, no tunnels were found, and the Uchiha clan was just in front of their eyes. Everything below disappeared silently

"Find it for me! Even if the entire ninja world is turned upside down, I will find them!"

The cooked duck flew away, which made Danzo furious.

The Third Hokage also frowned at this time. All members of the Uchiha clan disappeared. This matter must be related to the young man from the Uchiha clan.

He has seen Uchiha Xuanyan tried several times, but he couldn't see through the boy at all.

He had a hunch that the Uchiha clan would definitely come back.

And when the Uchiha clan returned, the entire ninja world would tremble.

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