
Lu Qi raised his foot and kicked Asbagu in the face.

"Be careful what you say, do you think you are still my boss? Kagu, take his pulse."

Kagu checked Asbagu's pulse according to Lu Qi's instructions. Asbagu was lying on the ground. He had been injured before and lost too much blood. He was kicked by Lu Qi again. At this time, except for breathing, he almost didn't feel anything. mobility

"Mr. Aspagu, we just made a hypothesis. Just listen and your pulse will tell you the truth."

"First, you let us get fake blueprints! From this point of view, there is a problem. You speculated that the criminal was from the government, so you deliberately exposed the fake blueprint!"

"But if the people who come are not from the government, but just people who have a grudge against you, and just come to take your life, then the real design will lose its owner, let alone be passed down. You are not stupid enough. think of that possibility"

"You clearly know that possibility, but you haven't entrusted the real design to anyone yet. That is to say, you have actually entrusted it to someone!"

"At least, it's no longer in your hands!!"


Aspagu gritted his teeth and said nothing, but his face darkened. At this time, his pulse was felt. No matter how disguised his face was, he could not deceive these agents.

"Of course, we don’t have any evidence. Even under our constant surveillance and investigation over the past five years, you have not revealed any evidence. Moreover, the person who can be entrusted by you to accept this design drawing must be quite capable!!"

"So, let’s continue with our hypothesis. It has the designer’s signature on it. Just now, I took a closer look at the fake drawing that fooled us. It has the designer’s signature on it."

"Tom... Aspagos... Kati Flam! The final company name is Tom Studios"

"Your original intention was to use that imaginary plan to lure the enemy out, but you never even dreamed that the enemy would be right in front of you. This was a miscalculation on your part!!"

"Compared to ordinary thieves who don’t know the truth, this is just a piece of waste paper. However, to us who have lived in this city for five years, this designer’s name is very special."

"The legendary shipbuilder, Tom's Tom Studio, is actually a mysterious shipbuilding company. Although it was once on this island, there is no registration in the household register."

"It took us a lot of effort to find out that you are Tom's disciple. According to government information, Tom only has two disciples. One of them is said to have died in an accident eight years ago."

"The government has repeatedly confirmed this matter, and there should be no problem. However, I have an impression of the name Kati Fram. It was four years ago. There was a man who passed through the Carrera Company. The gate comes to visit you, he once claimed this life!!"

"I remember it too!!"

Jianifa said, as the secretary, she was the one to inform Aspagu.

Kagu also said:"I also have the impression"

"In other words, another disciple of Tom is still alive and still in this city, but he has changed his name to Franky!!"


Aspagu's body couldn't help trembling, and veins popped out on his forehead.

"It seems true. I didn't expect that guy to have such a relationship with you."

Kagu felt Asbagu's pulse and confirmed it immediately. However, Asbagu and Franky never dealt with each other, and he did not expect that the two of them would be brothers.

"Regarding Franky, we can't find out his origins in any way. He is engaged in shipbreaking work. Although he is domineering, he is not pretentious."

"I see, we will only make inferences based on facts, and this dead man happens to be a blind spot. The French family will take the wood to the shipyard to sell it. If you cooperate well, you will have more chances to hand over the design drawings to him. yes"

"Now that I think about it, the distance between him and you is neither far nor close, so he will least arouse suspicion from others."

"If the design drawing is not in your hands, then your tough attitude is easy to understand. If the trustee is your only junior brother, then your behavior of not entrusting it to any foreman of Carrera Company is understandable. , the whole thing fell into place."

"Your ever-increasing pulse proves this even more!!"

"Thank you for taking care of me. You are no longer useful."

"We need to find Franky quickly"


Aspagu lay on the floor and roared.

Sudden! boom!!!

The wall and door shattered simultaneously.

Luffy and Zoro rushed in

"Where is Robin?"


Robin was shocked when he saw Luffy and others appearing.

Lucci's face darkened:"Want to come and cause trouble?"

"Robin!! I finally found you!!"

"Wait a minute, what's going on?"

Nami was a little confused when she saw the scene in the house, and Barry was also confused.

At this time, his former companions were all wearing strange clothes, including the one who attacked him just now, and Mr. Aspagu was a The deputy was lying on the ground seriously injured.

"Mr. Aspagu...what on going on?"

"Barry, why didn't you run away?"

Asbagu's previous order to Barry was to let him escape with the blueprint.

"What's going on here? They look like killers who want to take your life! Why are you dressed like this?"

"Hello!! Janifa!! Bruno!! Kagu!! Lucky!! Stop kidding me!!"

Barry collapsed a little at this time.

Luffy, who was face blind, also recognized it at this time:"Yes! They all work with you! That's the pigeon guy, right?"

"I’ve seen that guy with the square nose too!"

Zoron was responsible for watching the ship before, and met Kagu to check the condition of the ship's hull.

Nami had an unbelievable guess:"Could it be said that the"assassin" is one of her own?"

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