Chapter 104: Six Paths Suzuo shocks the world, Lan Yu powerfully enters the Pure Land of Bliss!


At the moment Lan Yu’s words fell, Sage of Six Paths felt the pressure.

Lan Yu’s body is much stronger than the clone’s breath.

Decisive, take the lead!

When Sage of Six Paths raised his hand, his right hand burst into an extremely dazzling thunder.

Thunder and lightning, extremely terrifying!

As soon as it appeared, it formed a sky full of thunder.

Like lush branches.

Every strand has a tyrannical destructive power, and it rushes towards Lan Yu quickly!

“Does it contain magic,…”

Perceiving it seems that every ray of thunder and lightning has power running through the mountains.

Lan Yu has to say that Sage of Six Paths’ random attacks are far beyond the limits of conventional ninjas.

Fei Lian feet!

Lan Yu instantly crossed the barriers.

Coming to the sky above Sage of Six Paths, raising your hand is a shot of multiple divine destruction!

Dozens of small, tyrannical sacred destruction proceeded from the fingertips!

Boom boom boom!

Nine Truth-Seeking Balls instantly turned into shields and stood in front of you. Under the solemnity of Sage of Six Paths, Truth-Seeking Balls were directly shattered.

Lan Yu’s moves are not ninjutsu, the destructive power is enough, and the Truth-Seeking Ball has to be broken.

After all, to put it bluntly, Truth-Seeking Ball is a high-density Chakra sphere containing various energy.

“Fantasy creation, multiple barriers!

“Sage Art Wood Style· Wood Expulsion Jutsu!

Below, I saw the thunder that was pressing down on the cover.

Orochimaru immediately created dozens of grand barriers.

Senju Hashirama was also extremely cautious, forming a seal to express meaning, and immediately created a huge shield like a ghost face and fangs inside the barrier.


The barrier is broken when touched!

But it also offset some of the power.

Thunder continued to explode on the Mutong shield, and in the blink of an eye, this shield, which was able to compete with Susanoo’s sword, shattered 810 directly.

Some of the aftermath was immediately flattened by everyone!

Seeing this, Hashirama is full of solemnity!

“This man, Xianshu is better than me!

Everyone is speechless, isn’t this normal?

Boom boom boom!

The sky roared again.

The broken Truth-Seeking Ball was once again condensed by Sage of Six Paths in an instant, constantly defending against Lan Yu’s attack.

If the user has the full attribute Chakra and the Master Yin-Yang Escape Technique, the Truth-Seeking Ball can continue to be manufactured if the Truth-Seeking Ball is destroyed.

So far only the Six Paths brothers can continue to manufacture.

“Are you only defensive?”

Lan Yu casually attacked Sage of Six Paths, constantly absorbing the soul from the opponent.

He discovered that Sage of Six Paths has not been a white man in the Pure Land for thousands of years. Although the control of Lingzi is far inferior to Lan Yu, it can be controlled.

“If you don’t know the intelligence, defense is the best way…”

During the Sage of Six Paths battle, he was also learning Lan Yu’s attack methods.

He has been in the Pure Land for thousands of years, and he has indeed discovered a spirit that can be used outside of Chakra, but he still can’t use it perfectly for so many years.

Don’t even know how to absorb the promotion.

If he really understands it, he can’t say he can go further.

Even, no longer rely on the Pure Land to return to the Ninja World!


Lan Yu suddenly accelerated, and came to the side of Six Paths in a flash, with terrible power condensed in his fist:

“You and your brother fought against the goddess Uyuni for a few months. After collecting the information, you shamelessly sealed it?”

How did he know that he had been playing for so long?

Sage of Six Paths’ pupils shrank, and immediately saw a terrifying shock wave coming from Lan Yu’s hand, with a huge range.

Engulf him in an instant (ahfg)!


Sage of Six Paths turned into a beam of light flying backwards towards the sky, tearing apart the clouds!

“If Kaguya has multiple Shadow Clone Techniques, it will be invincible.”

Lan Yu couldn’t help but think so at the moment.

Kaguya unlimited Chakra!

Multiple Shadow Clone

Even if the clone is not infinite Chakra, it still has all of her abilities.

Eighty gods air strikes.

The strongest physical skills, offensive and defensive, perfect!

think about it.

One hundred thousand karu Yoruichi also performs eighty gods air strikes!

That picture is too bursting!

No matter how much you do, Kakuzu will die!

The Ninja world is about to blow you up!

Lan Yu thought so, feeling so exciting.

He felt that if he did this, he might create an ultimate female devil!

Kaguya: The protagonist? Ten thousand concubines!


Suddenly there was a huge roar in the sky.

This shock affected the entire invisible empire, and even people in the surrounding countries looked at it in astonishment.

The clouds are constantly being torn apart!

A huge shadow appeared in the atmosphere.

Before I could see it clearly, I felt an unparalleled sense of oppression.

It seemed that some terrifying beast was about to appear.

The extremely tyrannical breath makes everyone solemn.


Hashirama had a vote in his heart, and said in a deep voice, “Madara, do you remember a hand that fell from the sky?”

Madara: “…you want to be beaten again?”


At this moment, the sky was completely torn apart.

The first thing that was revealed was an indescribably large blue Chakra arm.

“Hi, what is that?”

“The monster… is too big.”

“What the hell is this, is the demon god coming?!”

The huge arms that emerged from the ripped sky made countless people below stunned.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Especially when it appeared in the sky, it shocked countless people.

Hashirama and Madara can’t help but be surprised.

When they looked at each other, they could see the shock in their eyes, and they all spoke together.

“His one is bigger than yours!”

Both of them said so, and Orochimaru and others were shocked.

Ban frowned: “I admit it is bigger than mine, but also bigger than yours!”

Hashirama raised his eyebrows: “This is not necessarily true, his one may not have my heavens!”

Madara snorted coldly: “I still don’t know how big your one is? It’s not as big as his at all!

Hashirama refused to accept: “Why don’t I take it out and compare it with his one?”

“You take your one out!”

“That won’t work, there are too many people here.

What are they talking about?

Yahiko, Nagato and others looked confused.

Jiraiya’s eyes lit up, showing the old driver’s smile, full of smirks.

But the next moment,

Everyone can’t laugh anymore!

When the “monster” on the sky showed its whole body, the sky of the invisible empire was darkened, and only the behemoth was left in everyone’s eyes.

Everyone showed incredible gazes!

I saw in the sky!

There appeared a Chakra materialized mighty god who covered the sky and covered the sun. The armor on the back had wings, and he held two swords, soaring in the sky.


See everything like a demon!

“Susanoo, how could it be…it’s too big!”

Kushina and others who have met Madara or Mikoto Susuo immediately recognized it.


It’s really too big!

If the size of Hashirama’s True Several Thousand Hands is far beyond ordinary people’s imagination, then the size of Susanoo in the sky is no less than it.

Be regarded as equivalent specifications.

You know that Nine Tails are only as big as Ten Tails’ eyes. Use your fingers to fly Nine Tails like flies.

That’s just the Ten Tails squatting state, standing up and really covering the sky.

But the complete body of Sage of Six Paths is as high as the Ten Tails standing up, contending with it.

Madara’s Suzuo is too small compared to Six Paths.

Especially looking up from the ground,

The angle of view is a bit bigger.

That’s why I said: The one from Six Paths may be bigger than True Several Thousand Hands from Hashirama.


The roaring sound of thousands of thunder blasted the sky!

“Here from an alien planet, the old man wants you…

Before the words fell, a huge bright arrow suddenly appeared.

When countless people were still shocked by the size of Six Paths Suzuo, they saw an even more shocking scene.


I saw that the huge Suzuo was directly destroyed by that arrow.

Energy collapses in the sky,

The entire Susao cracked.

“Pretend to be forceful in front of me, and die!”

Lan Yu spoke coldly and rushed directly to the sky!

Reiatsu swept the past strongly, Lan Yu hasn’t arrived yet, and the whole Suzuo collapsed.

“not good!”

Seeing this scene, Sage of Six Paths’ expression changed.


As a soul body, the Ninja World simply can’t exert the strength of the old man to blast the sky!

I saw the sky break through an extremely dark space channel,

Sage of Six Paths rushed directly in.

“Run? Did you run away!”

Perceiving the extremely rich soul in the channel, Lan Yu’s body started to become excited.

He didn’t believe in the dignified Sage of Six Paths, he just ran away with two strokes.

Maybe something was prepared inside to wait for Lan Yu to enter.

But Lan Yu is not afraid at all!


The surging Reiatsu got involved in the passage, forcibly not allowing the space crack to close.

“I will hunt him down and come back soon.

As soon as the words fell, Lan Yu rushed into the passage.

“This is the battle I want…

Seeing this scene, Madara’s blood began to boil.

Ignoring Hashirama’s pulling at all, Lingzi paved the way and headed towards the sky.

“Madara, wait for me!”

Hashirama stomped on the ground, accustomed to paving the way.

Soon, it swayed into the sky.

The three big brothers of the empire, have entered the pure land of bliss?

What will the world be like there?

Mikoto and others looked at each other.

Tsunade shrugged and said, “Your Majesty, there will be nothing wrong with them. With such a big movement, the city must be in chaos. Let’s go to calm down.

“For any reason, I can’t say that Sage of Six Paths appeared, right?”

Terumi Mei stroked her hair lightly, she suspected it would be messier to say that.

Kushina chuckled: “It’s very simple, just say that Suzuo is too boring, just a small toy made by hand. It’s okay to play with.”

Everyone was stunned and nodded immediately.

This spreads out, can’t you scare a large piece of it?



“Great 666!”

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