Konoha: Exposure Of Six Paths Naruto, Shocking The Ninja World

Chapter 1: The Lost Graduation Season, The System Comes

Konoha Village, Nation of Fire.

A sunny day is a happy day for everyone.

In front of the teaching building of the Ninja School, groups of children had smiles on their faces.

"I can stand alone."

"Yeah, from today, we are a real ninja."

"Look, Mom and Dad, don't I look so handsome with Jōnin's forehead protector?"

"Of course he's handsome. He's doing a great job. He's worthy of being my son."

"Congratulations on graduating."

"Mom will cook something delicious for you tonight."


Where there is light, there is darkness naturally.

Just as there is happiness, there must be sadness.

Under the shade of a tree, a blond-haired boy sat on a swing alone with his eyes full of desolation.

There was sadness in his eyes.

"Hey, that kid..."

"Just according to the child..."

"Tch, I really don't know what Third Hokage thinks, why should he come to the ninja school."

"Fortunately, he was the only one in the whole school who failed to graduate."

"Hmph, that's what he deserves, that kind of person will suffer if he becomes a Jōnin, after all, that kid..."

"Hey, wait a minute, I can't talk about the next one."


Disgusted eyes and bursts of slander came to the sad Naruto's ears, and he didn't show any expression.

For twelve years, this kind of voice has been heard endlessly.

He didn't know why he was treated like this, and why the people in the village didn't like him so much.

Did you do something wrong?

In other words, what did my parents do wrong?

Otherwise, why do everyone in the village dislike him so much?

This question remains unanswered.

Uzumaki Naruto collected his thoughts and looked at the forehead protector between everyone's foreheads.

He put the goggles on slowly.

However, at this moment, there was a loud noise in the distant sky, and the clouds in the sky seemed to be burned red by some kind of object.

All of a sudden, he rolled in the air.

"What happened here?"

Uzumaki Naruto was startled and fell off the swing and sat on the ground, looking into the distance with horror on his face.

The tumbling flames burned among the clouds, and a huge object slowly rose from the clouds covering the sky and the sun.

"Hey, what's going on."

"Look, what is that? Who made this thing?"

"Is that a movie screen? Impossible...it's too big."

"Go to Third Hokage quickly."


The giant screen that appeared in the sky scared the villagers of Konoha Village to scatter.

And not just in Konoha Village.

Cloud Shinobi Village, Iwagakure, Sunagakure, Kirigakure, etc., the whole ninja world saw the abnormality happening in the sky.

【Ding! 】

Just as people were still in shock, there was another mechanical sound in the air.

[Video is loading, please wait patiently...]

[During the video loading process, the Q&A discussion group is being created, please wait patiently...]

"What the hell is this!"

Uzumaki Naruto staggered to his feet.

Facing the sudden "big crisis", Naruto got up and ran towards the classroom.


Pushing the classroom away abruptly, Naruto was taken aback.

The blackboard in the classroom did not know when it became a big screen.


Seeing the goggle on Naruto's forehead, Shikamaru understood everything at once.

I didn't say much.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Huh? Why are you still wearing goggles? We all wear our forehead protectors now."

"Hahaha, it's useless to say, Naruto must have failed the graduation exam."


There was a roar of laughter in the classroom immediately.

Faced with such a situation, Naruto paused, blushing and said: "What's so funny, I will definitely be able to graduate next year."


These nasty guys, I really don't worry about them for nothing.

Even though Naruto was extremely unwilling, but the fact was so, he had no excuse to refute.

With anguish in his heart, he looked towards the seat in the back row.

"Hmph!" Seeing this, Sasuke looked out the window: "What an idiot."

【Ding! 】

At this time, the screens in the classroom and the screens outside made mechanical sounds at the same time.

【Video loading complete】

[Discussion group construction completed]

[The system will start playing the screen in ten minutes, during which time questions will be asked about the video content. 】

[Everyone can discuss from the discussion group and answer within five minutes. 】

[At that time, the system will randomly select three lucky viewers who answered correctly to give rewards. 】

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