Konoha: Exposure Of Six Paths Naruto, Shocking The Ninja World

Chapter 76: Invincible God, Uzumaki Naruto Defeated?

Solve hell.

Some of the audience hugged each other excitedly.

The indifferent, contemptuous, and confident Payne finally showed his surprise under the continuous blows from Uzumaki Naruto.

Viewers are very familiar with this maneuver by Uzumaki Naruto.

Use the Transformation Technique to transform your own body into a Wind Style spiral shuriken.

Although Hungry Kidō can absorb ninjutsu, he must not be able to absorb people.

The moment he threw down the hungry Kidō, he used the second spiral shuriken to attract Payne's attention.

Then cut Kidō's view of the sky.

Take the hell way from the sky by Shadow Clone Naruto.

Naruto has used such subtle operations against Zabuza, Inuzuka, and Neji.

Unexpectedly, even a formidable opponent like Payne still could not escape the trap of Uzumaki Naruto avatar Transformation Technique combination.

"Handsome! Long live Naruto!"

Inuzuka was excited.

Did you see, it wasn’t that I was weak when I lost to Naruto, so what about Payne who claims to be a god?

Also played around by Naruto's Clone Technique and Transformation Technique.


Me! Inuzuka is in a way the same as Payne.

"Tooth, although we are as excited as you, Naruto's situation is not good right now."

"That Penn's power seems to have been restored."

Aburame Shino doesn't want to pour cold water on it.

But it is what it is.

Uzumaki Naruto's current situation is not advantageous compared to Payne.

Even, there is a big disadvantage.

"Hey! This Payne is really too powerful, in fact, I feel that even Lord Jiraiya fought with Payne after knowing his ability.

"It seems that it is impossible for "190" to defeat the opponent."

Asuma sighed.

"Although I don't want to admit it, an opponent like Payne is not something ordinary people can resist.

"Naruto has done an excellent job."

Yuhihong sighed at the same time.

Certainly not ordinary people can resist.

Leaving aside Jiraiya for a moment, Hatake Kakashi is the obvious example.

With the help of the Akamichi clan, he duels with Penn, and as a result, except for Chōji who is saved, everyone else dies.

If Payne hadn't carelessly left Kakashi with a breath, Chōji would have died in his hands.


Hyūga Hinata's nervous heart was pounding.

She doesn't understand how dangerous the situation Naruto is in on the screen.

However, she firmly believes that Naruto will definitely be able to defeat Payne.

"Hey! Stupid!"

At this time, Sasuke suddenly called out to Naruto who was also trembling with nervousness.

This is a battle that bears the expectations of many people, and it must not be lost.

"What.. what!"

"Why didn't you use the power of Nine Tails when you were fighting Payne?"

Sasuke, issued a soul torture.

Hit us all with the power of Nine Tails, beat the crap out of us.

You don't need to meet Payne, it's hard to know that your senior brother is partial.

"You ask me, who am I to ask?"

Naruto pursed his lips, expressing dissatisfaction.

"The power of Nine Tails is too much burden for Naruto, and once it is not well controlled..."

Asuma let out a burst of smoke rings: "Especially, Naruto is now in Konoha Village, once he goes berserk, maybe those surviving companions..."

"Cut! Is it still out of control? You idiot have such a powerful force in your body but don't know how to use it properly."


Sasuke spread his hands.

My heart is satisfied a lot.

[However, all of this is within Uzumaki Naruto's expectations. 】

[In five seconds, even if Payne regains his strength, if he bounces the spiral shuriken with Shinra Tenji, Naruto will leave immediately after finishing the Hell Road. 】

[Within five seconds, it is already possible to attack Payne. 】

【This time, Naruto didn't hesitate. 】

【After Shadow Clone solved the hell way, he immediately punched Payne. 】

【Naruto's main body clenched his fist and beat Kidō. 】

【"Damn it, can you barely catch up?"】

[Penn is also not as confident as usual. 】

[Open your arms. 】

【The moment Naruto touched him, Shenluo Tianzheng descended. 】

【"Shenluo Tianzheng!"】


[In an instant, Naruto and his Shadow Clone were ejected collectively by a powerful impact. 】

【Shadow Clone also turned into white smoke and disappeared. 】


Damn it! It's just that close!

The hearts of the audience raised their throats.

No one expected that Uzumaki Naruto planned so Zitian.

The second spiral shuriken shot should not only attract Payne's attention, but also force his Shenluo Tianzheng to cool down.

The battle plan was pretty perfect.

Uzumaki Naruto's combat talent once again overwhelmed everyone.

Unfortunately, it's still a bit late.

"What a pity!"

"Ahhhh, Naruto almost got rid of Payne."

The audience gritted their teeth with hatred, and some even bit their sleeves with regret.

Because they know how powerful Naruto's punch in Sage Mode is.

If successful, Indo and Hungry Kidō withdraw from the battle on the spot.

It's a pity that there is no if.

Uzumaki Naruto still failed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Oh Naruto, what a pity."

Senju Tobirama: "Naruto boy's performance is already perfect, but Rinnegan deserves to have the strongest pupil technique, hey..."

Hanzō of the Salamander: "Actually, Uzumaki Naruto is already very powerful. Although the old man is known as a ninja demigod, he was helpless when he faced Payne."


Hanzō of the Salamander actually showed up?

And his simple sentence made the audience stunned.

Even Hanzō of the Salamander, a ninja demigod, was no match for Penn.

The Hanzo who bestowed the titles of Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade Konoha Sannin himself admitted that he had no power to fight back against Penn.

This is enough to reflect the strength of Uzumaki Naruto.

At least the ninja demigod has approved.

【Today, only Tiandao and Hungry Kidō are left on the battlefield. 】

[Heavenly Dao Payne, who has recovered his strength, is already planning to clean up the battlefield. 】

[Shenluo Tianzheng comes out. 】

[Even the huge Toad Wentai, Toad Guang, and Toad Jian can fly instantly. 】

【Keep rolling and rolling】

【Three big toads from Mount Myōboku started from the center of Konoha Village and rolled out of Konoha Village. Toad Hiro was lucky and rolled into the freshwater lake outside. 】

【Hamo Wentai and Hama Jian were not so lucky. They forcibly bumped into the rock outside the village and passed out. 】


This is Payne!

So scary!

How can such an opponent be defeated.

At this moment, the audience sweated for Uzumaki Naruto.

Jiraiya: "This..."

Fukasaku: "Impossible, the power of Rinnegan is so terrifying."

Fourth Raikage: "I finally understand what Payne said to Tsunade that any intelligence is meaningless in the face of absolute power."

Onoki: "This Payne... how to deal with him."

too strong.

Penn controlled by Nagato is just too scary.

Is it really like what he said, he...

is God!

How much courage is needed to fight this kind of enemy one-on-one?

[Because the power of Heaven has been restored. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto is in a tough fight again. 】

[In the end, they negotiated. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto continued to entangle with Payne, and Fukasaku and Sesame prepared the illusion. 】

【"You are still the first to be able to push Payne to this level."】

【"You are really strong."】

【"But, that's all for now.】

【"Universal Pull"】

[Penn raises his hand casually. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto's body flew towards him uncontrollably, the next moment, the hungry Kidō rushed over and held Naruto in his arms. 】

【"Let's stop here."】

【Payne's tone returned to the calm before: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, you are an important Jinchūriki after all."】

【"Hmph! Don't underestimate Sage Mode, I'm going to..." Uzumaki Naruto smiled slightly, but when he was about to use force, he found that things were beyond his expectations. 】

【His strength is decreasing. 】

[Hungry Kidō can actually absorb the magic Chakra on him. 】

[At such a moment when thousands of troops are fighting, Uzumaki Naruto suddenly remembered the scene when he was practicing immortality. 】

[Once the body absorbs too much natural energy and cannot control it, it will be turned into a frog or even turned into a stone. 】

【Thinking of this, Uzumaki Naruto slowly faded away the natural energy from his body. 】

[Immediately, I began to concentrate on absorbing natural energy from nature. 】

【Not surprisingly, all the natural energy absorbed into the body by Naruto was absorbed by the hungry Kidō and left......】

【However, Hungry Kidō will not control the conversion of these natural energies into senjutsu Chakra. 】

【Suddenly, Kidō's wrist deforms suddenly. 】

[The next second, his whole body began to petrify. 】

【The head turned into a toad-like head. 】


[Everything is over. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto let out a loud shout, broke Kidō's petrified arms, and broke free. 】

【And this scene made Payne stunned for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal. 】

【"Senjutsu Chakra seems to be dangerous."】

【Payne didn't do anything, just quietly waiting for Uzumaki Naruto to adjust his breathing. 】



What happened on the scene became strange.

Payne didn't hit Naruto while he was breathing?

Still waiting for Naruto to adjust his status.

Even if there is only Payne left in Tiandao, is Payne still so confident?

"What does Payne want to do?"

"I don't understand, he may be too confident in his own strength, so even if Naruto recovers, he won't worry.

"Damn it, why is there such a powerful guy in the ninja world? The most terrifying thing is that he is still our common enemy."

The audience whispered to each other.

But no one knew exactly what Penn wanted to do.

【"In this way, you are the only one left."】

【Naruto looked at Payne vigilantly. 】

【Unfortunately, Payne didn't seem to act at all, instead he snorted: "Mmm..."】

【"You're not quite right."】


[Payne's remarks surprised Naruto, and his expression became a little strange. 】

【Just when he was wondering, the little Katsuyu hiding in his arms slowly climbed onto Naruto's shoulder. 】

[Explained: "These Penns are only

It's just a puppet. "]

【"In the dark, there seems to be a body that controls them."】


【Uzumaki Naruto heard the sound and looked in all directions. 】

[However, he found nothing. 】

【And Payne didn't take the opportunity to do anything, even when little Katsuyu was explaining the information, he didn't do anything. 】

【At this moment, Fukasaku and Zhima are ready. 】

[I plan to launch an illusion, and the magic toad will sing. 】

【"Okay, ready, let's get ready too."】

[Shen Zuo just finished speaking. 】

【Penn, who hadn't taken any action, suddenly raised his arm, aiming at Fukasaku. 】

[The next moment, Fukasaku, like Naruto before, flew towards Pain uncontrollably. 2.4]

【And Payne has already held a sharp black stick in his hand. 】

【"I've had enough of that illusion."】



[Penn makes a move. 】

【The sharp black stick passed through Fukasaku's belly without any mistakes. 】

[Blood burst out immediately. 】

[The rushing Uzumaki Naruto widened his eyes in disbelief. Seeing that Fukasaku was out of breath, Uzumaki Naruto fell powerlessly in front of Payne. 】

【"You bastard!"】

【 Naruto got up and was about to deal with Payne, but when he saw the opponent's black stick flicked, Fukasaku's body flew out immediately. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto didn't dare to slack off, turned around immediately, and caught Fukasaku's body firmly. 】

【Unfortunately, it was this momentary mistake that made Payne seize the opportunity. 】

【"Universal Pull."】

【Uzumaki Naruto was attracted by Payne in no time. 】

[It's too late to make any moves. 】

【Penn grabs Naruto's neck and slams him to the ground. 】

【And Payne's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he overlapped Naruto's hands in one go, and the black stick passed directly through the back of his hands, nailing Uzumaki Naruto to the ground. 】

【The powerful Chakra instantly poured into Naruto's body, binding him tightly. 】


The audience was dumbfounded.

Everyone was stunned.

The Toad Sage of Mount Myōboku was thus killed by Penn.

Uzumaki Naruto was also restrained by Payne due to a momentary mistake.


"Has Uzumaki Naruto lost..."

"Did he really lose?"


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