【“Don’t yell in our ears!”】

Inside Konoha Village.

in a bath somewhere.

"Nani!? My reappearance was interrupted again!?"

Jiraiya stared at himself in the picture, and was muttered by Fukasaku Shima's two toad fists. "What a shame!"

"It's over, this time, my image in the hearts of girls, young women and girls in the entire ninja world is completely lost! w

Naruto: "Ah this..."

At this time, Naruto only felt that the tall image of Jiraiya-sama in his mind collapsed and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, after seeing this scene, even the two Namikaze Minato and his wife twitched at the corners of their mouths. "I can't believe that Jiraiya-sensei is still like this... so maverick, Minato Namikaze said with an unnatural smile, with a forced expression on his face.

Outside Konoha Village.

"Teacher Jiraiya... It's such a familiar character!"

Xiao Nan looked at the picture, and Jiraiya, whose face was hammered by two toads, murmured. 〃yes! "Besides, Nagato also looked at Jiraiya in the picture and sighed.

"I really miss the time when we were together..."

Nagato looked at Jiraiya in the picture and murmured, his eyes drifted through the picture to the distance, to the small wooden house where the four of them lived together. "I really miss it...Unfortunately, I can't go back..."

The live broadcast continues.

["This time, let me go back soon, and I still have dinner to prepare!" Shima shouted. 】

["Child mother, compared to the dinner thing, that guy's eyes are the problem! Don't be careless, that is the strongest pupil technique..."]

["I don't care!" Shima interrupted Fukasaku's words and shouted. 】

【“Don’t underestimate the housewife who has to worry about preparing meals every day, you immortal!”】

[Listening to the quarrel between the two toads in his ears, Jirai was also speechless: "Who the **** is screaming..."]

[At this time, the human Dao Payne suddenly seized the opportunity to rush towards Jiraiya to sneak attack, but was kicked away by Jiraiya and slammed into the stone pile in the distance. 】

["Alright, alright, let's end the quarrel between husband and wife, hurry up and clean up these guys!" Jiraiya said. 】

[After hearing this sentence, Zhima hummed: "Humph! Otherwise, I'll make fried dishes this evening, kid, prepare the oil, and the kid's father uses the wind to escape!"]

[After hearing this, Jiraiya also made a seal with both hands: "Okay!"]

[Suddenly, I saw oil spewing out of Jiraiya's mouth, and Shima Fukasaku's mouth also spit out fire and wind, respectively. 】

[The three kinds of wind, fire, and oil blended together, and a huge flame formed suddenly and blasted towards the three Payne. 】

【"Senfa. Goemon!"】

[The sea of ​​​​fire is overwhelming, filling the entire space in an instant, and the monstrous flames swept away towards the three of Payne. 】

Inside Konoha Village.

At this time, after seeing this scene, Tsunade suddenly waved his fist fiercely and said, "Nice job, Jiraiya!"

"Burn their **** down hard!"

On the side, after seeing such monstrous flames, Mute also thought excitedly in his heart: "Such a powerful trick, those guys named Payne must be absolutely unstoppable!"... ask for flowers....

Nara Shikakuho Naka O

At this time, Hiruzen Sarutobi was shocked when he saw this scene:

"Nani?! Has my apprentice Jirai also become so powerful!?"

"You can even use such a powerful combination of wind and fire... And it seems that the power is still very powerful..."

Sarutobi Hizan stared at Jiraiya in the picture and muttered: "I can't believe that Jiraiya has grown so much in the future!"

"But... this is just right!" Sarutobi Hizan looked at Jiraiya in the picture, and said excitedly:

"Jilai is also my apprentice. The stronger he is, the more hope I have to restore Hokage!"

Thinking of this, Hiruzen Sarutobi shouted excitedly: "Hahahahaha! I knew that the position of Hokage was finally managed by Hiruzen Sarutobi!" "That little Tsunade is just a girl. If I hadn't had an accident, how could it be her turn to be Hokage!?"

On the side, Shimura Danzo listened to Sarutobi Hizan's words, although his heart was uneasy, but his face was still calm.


"Hmph, let's let Sarutobi Hiru be the first bird. If Tsunade is really broken in the end, then it's not that I can't get my hands on Shimura Danzo at this time.

Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang was also amazed after seeing this scene.

"That's amazing! Is this one of the three ninjas, Jiraiya-sama!? It seems that the previous ones were all temptations by Jiraiya-sama, and they didn't do their best!"

"Yeah! As expected of the immortal mode that Lord Jiraiya took so long to summon, it is powerful!"

"This fire escape, I think it can directly turn most of the Yuren Village into ashes!" "Exaggerated! But I think it's fine for the small half!" Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang stared at Jiraiya in the picture. exclaimed.

Outside the unknown bathing place of Konoha.

At this time, Jiraiya had just finished bathing and walked out of the bath. Then I saw the immortal magic of my own powerful, monstrous fireworks. Goemon. "Hahaha! Now, I am also the image in the minds of all the female ninjas in the ninja world, isn't this up again!?"

Zilai also laughed proudly. "Hahahaha! As expected of me, I came here!"

"Now, let's see where you avatars go!"

The live broadcast continues.

[After seeing this scene, Payne, the hungry ghost among the three of Payne, jumped out and blocked in front of this monstrous flame. 】

[Then, stretch out his hands and absorb all the flames! 】

[A burst of smoke dissipated, and the oil that originally filled this space disappeared! 】

[After seeing this scene, Jiraiya murmured: "It seems that this guy is also a bit weird..." After speaking, Jiraiya kicked off the wooden shoes on his feet: "Use close combat to come Check it out!"]

[Speaking, a huge spiral pill appeared in Jiraiya's hand and blasted towards the hungry ghost Dao Payne. "Super Jade Spiral Pills!"]

[Seeing this, Hungry Ghost Dao Payne didn't dodge or dodge, he took the oversized jade spiral pill with both hands, and absorbed it all! 】


Chapter 175 Curious Madara Uchiha: Is this the Dou Xianren mode? These scales are so much fun!

In Miaomu Mountain.

"Nani!? Mom, this, this person actually absorbed all of Jiraiya's attacks!" Fukasaku said, looking at the hungry ghost Dao Payne in the picture, with a look of astonishment. Shima on the side also said with a face full of fear:

"I saw the child's father! I don't know what kind of ability this is, but it can do such incredible things! It's really in trouble now!"

Hearing this, Fukasaku nodded and said, "This kind of tricky ability...is a troublesome enemy!"

"Payne?" The two toads looked deeply at Payne in the picture and murmured.

Inside Konoha Village.

At this moment, after seeing this scene, Tsunade's eyes widened in shock: "Nani!? How could this happen!?"

"Why is this guy able to absorb that huge spiral pill!?"

At this time, Mute on the side also widened his eyes, staring at the hungry ghost Dao Payne in the picture, and was shocked to the point of being speechless. "Really, a powerful and incredible move..."

Mute looked at the hungry ghost Dao Payne with a shocked face, and murmured in his heart.

Outside a certain bath in Konoha.

At this moment, Jiraiya "210", who was wearing clothes, was shocked when he saw that his oversized jade spiral pill was absorbed by the hungry ghost Dao Payne. "What, what kind of ninjutsu is this!? It was able to absorb all my attacks!?"

Jiraiya's face was full of incredible shock. "Is there actually such ninjutsu in the world!? This is too powerful!"

"As long as you absorb all of your opponent's ninjutsu, wouldn't you be invincible!?"

Staring at the hungry ghost Dao Payne in the picture, Jiraiya murmured, "Is it the power of the Samsara Eye? Or is it something else!?"

"But no matter what, the ability of this guy on the other side is very tricky!"

"Oh? Did you actually absorb all these attacks?" Madara Uchiha looked at the hungry ghost Dao Payne in a slightly different way.

As the owner of Samsara Eye, Madara Uchiha saw at a glance that the Samsara Eye that Payne and the others possessed was not the real Samsara Eye. It's just an eye that looks like a samsara eye structure.

"But, even if it's not a reincarnation eye, this eye is still very interesting..." Madara Uchiha murmured while looking at Payne in the picture with interest.

"I didn't expect that the eyes I gave to Nagato were really played by him... I really want to catch a few for research..." With that, Madara Uchiha looked aside. The fairy-mode pharmacist pocket that was **** by his five flowers.

--This is the previous Orochimaru group sneaked into Konoha, and Uchiha Madara was attracted by the immortal mode breath on Yaoshi's pocket.

After a fight, he was captured.

"The reward on this list is strong, I almost missed it..." Madara Uchiha murmured as he looked at Yakushidou's body.

"Is this the person who reincarnated me from the dirt in the future? Yes, yes..." With that, Madara Uchiha stepped forward and carefully observed Yakushitou's body. At this time, Yao Shidou had fine scales on his body, and his eyes were also snake pupils, but they were obviously several times smaller than those in the previously exposed images.

"Collecting my corpse reincarnated me from the dirt, and arrogantly said 'strength in its heyday...' Really good work!"

With that said, Madara Uchiha pulled out a piece of phosphorous with his hands!

Suddenly, the pharmacist let out a scream.

"Bang!" Madara Uchiha slapped him out with a knife in his backhand.

Looking carefully at the scales in his hand, Madara Uchiha murmured, "It's really unusual... Do snake scales grow on human bodies?"

"But it's not quite the same as ordinary snake scales... The color is also, it has a brighter luster..."

"And there is a lot of unusual energy in the body...Is this the energy of fairy magic?"

"Hmm... Immortal mode, is this the Immortal mode? Immortal mode is unusual." Madara Uchiha sighed as he looked at the scales in his hands.

Then, Madara Uchiha turned his attention to Jiraiya in the picture again:

"Then I don't know, how will Jiraiya, who has the immortal mode, deal with Payne?" Uchiha Madara murmured:

"But the opponent has the power to absorb attacks! It's tricky..."

Speaking, Madara Uchiha squinted his eyes slightly suspiciously and said, "It's not a real Samsara Eye, but it has the power to absorb attacks like Samsara Eye?"

"That boy Nagato, how did you do it?"

"I'm really curious."

"However." Madara Uchiha turned his attention to Jiraiya in the picture, and said sternly: "I am still more curious, this man with immortal mode is called Jiraiya."

"What is the outcome of the final battle after confronting Payne, who has false reincarnation eyes?"

At this time, the Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang and the others were seeing the scene where the hungry ghost Dao Payne absorbed all of Jiraiya's attacks twice. Suddenly, one by one, their eyes widened and their mouths wide open, exclaiming in shock.

Dingji: "What, what kind of ability is this!? Never heard of it!"

Ino: "It's unheard of!"

Li Luo: "This kind of trick is too powerful!? Absorb all ninjutsu!? Isn't that a ninja nemesis!?"

Hearing this, Matekai from the side said, "Oh, but it's ineffective against taijutsu, Li!"

At this time, Neji stared at the screen and murmured:

"The eye of reincarnation... Is it similar to the previous picture, Madara Uchiha used the eye of reincarnation to absorb Naruto's spiral shuriken?"

Hearing Dingji's words, everyone suddenly recalled the scene in the previous picture where Madara Uchiha used his Samsara eyes to absorb Naruto's spiral shuriken, and suddenly realized. Sakura: "Oh! So it is! It's actually using the eye of reincarnation to absorb all the opponent's attacks, so that's how it is!"

Inuzuka Tooth: "So that's how it is... Samsara eyes are really powerful eyes!"

Sasuke on the side looked at the screen with a solemn expression and said nothing.

Hinata: "I always feel that there is something weird..."

At this time, the young girl Shino on the side also said: "Yes...it's a little strange...The reincarnation eye was developed and evolved when Uchiha Madara was near death."

"With Madara Uchiha's talent, it still takes so much time... Those people named Payne, but everyone has the eye of reincarnation, which is obviously not quite right!"

Speaking of this, Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang also recalled one after another, and also discovered the unreasonableness here...

Kakashi Meitekai and Yuhi Red Sarutobi Fei Asma, who were on the side, were also gathering to discuss at this time.

"Can you absorb all of Jiraiya-sama's attacks? What a terrifying ability!" Yuhika said while staring at the hungry ghost Dopeen in the picture.

Matekai on the side also said solemnly: "Yeah! This kind of trick that can absorb ninjutsu... It's just an unreasonable existence!" At this time, Kakashi on the side didn't say a word, He just stared at Jiraiya in the picture with a solemn expression.

Kakashi murmured in his heart: "Lord Jiraiya... Will you fight against such a powerful enemy for Konoha in the future?"

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