\"It stands to reason that I should remember the person who came to assassinate me very well...but why I really don't have any impression at all..." Qianshou Shima continued to wonder in his heart. .

But unfortunately, Qianshouzhuma's thinking is destined to be fruitless. Because although the two did have "fights and battles", but...

It's just limited to a "fight" and "battle" between a long-range projectile and eyes.. If that can also be called a battle

So at this time, it was normal that Senju Hakuma couldn't remember the details of the battle between the two.

Because after all, there are no details at all. So, of course, I can't recall the Senju Hashirama at this time...

Inside Konoha Village.

After seeing this scene, Mute has a shocked expression on his face.

At this moment, Tsunade frowned deeply after seeing this scene.

"It's actually the assassination of the first Hokage of Konoha, is it my grandfather's mission..." Tsunade looked at the corners in the screen and murmured:

"But... Judging from the abilities shown by this guy named Kakuto in the previous screen, it doesn't seem to be equal to the strength of Grandpa Senju Hashima who can defeat Madara Uchiha?"

"Could it be... ... this guy named Jiaodu, what ability has he not shown?"

At this moment, Mute on the side looked at the corner of the screen, and couldn't help clenching his fists and pinching the corner of his clothes: "Is it actually this way to fight against the first generation Chishou Hasuma-sama..."

"Assassination mission..."

Looking at the corner of the screen, Mute murmured and guessed:

"It is said that the cause of death of Senju Hashima-sama is unknown... Could it be that he was killed by Kakuto?"

On the side, Tsunade also looked at Kakuto in the picture, and murmured: "I know the name of my grandpa Senju Hasuma, the **** of ninjas, but he still dares to come and assassinate" This guy called Kakuto, What is the ability? The battle between him and my grandfather Senjuzhu... What kind of scene is it! ? "

At this time, after seeing this scene in the picture, Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang was shocked one by one.

"Assassination of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama...\"

"This guy named Jiaodu is too bold! He dares to take this kind of task... Isn't it a death sentence!? How dare he..."

Hearing this, Shikamaru, who was on the side, looked at the corners in the picture with a solemn expression and muttered, "No..."

"It's not a death sentence... Judging from the previous pictures, Jiao Du is still alive after taking the assassination mission, and has lived until the future when you and I grow up...\"

"In other words, at least in this mission, the corners did not die..."

Hearing Shikamaru's analysis, the Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang and the others on the side were all shocked!

Ino: \"So...Is this called Kakuto, the assassination mission was successful this time?!\"

Tian Tian: "What!? This man named Kakuto really assassinated Konoha's first Hokage Senju Hasuma-sama, did he succeed!?"

Neji: "I can't believe that the cause of death of Senju Hakuma-sama is still unknown. Is it because of this reason..."

Dingji: "How is that possible! Senju Hashima-sama doesn't die so easily!"

Inuzuka Tooth: "Yeah! How could this guy named Jiaodu actually succeed in assassinating him!? It must be that the two of them fought to no avail, and the rear corners took the opportunity to run away!"

Oil Girl Shino: "I also think it's the same as what Inuzuka said... After all, based on the strength of Senju Hasuma-sama and this guy named Kakuto, as shown in the previous screen. "This guy named Kakuto has absolutely no chance to win against Senju Hashima-sama... No, it's hard to even escape."

"Unless he hides some other abilities...\" Oil Girl Shino calmly analyzed.

"Nani!? How dare you go to assassinate Senju Hasuma-sama!?"

At this time, Naruto looked at Jiaodu in the picture, and was suddenly shocked. "It's really brave...but this guy can't beat Senju Hashima-sama, right!?"

"How could the strength of Senju Hashirama-sama be what this guy can think of..."

Naruto looked at the corners of the screen and murmured: "I guess even if I go, it's just to die!"

At this time, the two Namikaze Minato couple on the side looked at the corner of the picture with a solemn expression. "What the **** happened..."

"If you look at the previous picture and compare the strength gap between the two..."

"There is really no comparison between the two... It is completely the strength of Senju Hashima-sama crushing this guy named Kakuto."

"But." Namikaze Minato turned the conversation, looked at the corner in the picture with a solemn expression and said:

"But judging from the previous pictures, this corner not only survived, but also survived until Naruto and the others grew up..."

"In other words, at least this guy named Kakuto didn't die on the mission to assassinate Qianshou Zhuma..."

Namikaze Minato looked at the corners in the picture and murmured, "What the **** is going on..."

"Why did Kakuto survive!? If someone wants to assassinate Senju Hasuma-sama, there is no reason for Sensu-sama-sama to let him go..."

"Could it be..."

...for flowers....

A bad guess suddenly appeared in Minato Namikaze. "The cause of death of Senju Hashirama-sama has been unknown, could it be that he was killed by this guy named Kakuto!?" Thinking of this, Minato Minato clenched his fists tightly: "No... Calm down, there is a huge difference in strength between the two..."

"The first Hokage Senju Hashima-sama cannot possibly die in his hands...\" Minato Namikaze murmured as he looked into the corner of the screen.

\"Damn it!\"

"What the **** happened then!?"

"Oh!? Are you going to assassinate Chishou Hasuma!? Tsk tsk tsk, I really don't know what to say..."

"Should it be said that this guy named Kakuto is dedicated to the good of the village, or should he say that his newborn calf is not afraid of tigers?" Madara Uchiha looked at Kakuto in the picture with a playful expression on his face.

- As an old rival of Senju Hasramama, Madara Uchiha of course knows the strength of Senju Hashirama. Therefore, in the eyes of Uchiha Madara. This ninja named Kakuto is just going to die.

"Forget it... Let's just enjoy quietly, the actions of this guy named Jiaodu!"

"I'm really curious that Senju Hakuma actually let go of this guy named Kakuto, and let Kakuto live to this day... I really don't know what Senju Hakuma thinks..."

Madara Uchiha said with a sigh: "If someone wants to assassinate me, I will definitely kill him..."

"Could it be that this guy named Jiaodu is hiding some powerful tricks!?"

Madara Uchiha looked at the corner of the screen and murmured with a thoughtful expression: "However, even if he really has some means of hiding. It must not be the opponent of Senju!"

"Forget it, let's see how Qianshou Hashimura abused and killed this guy named Kakuto!"

Outside Konoha Village.

"Nani!? How dare this guy named Jiaodu be so bold, how dare he take on such a task!?"

Terumi Mei looked at the corners in the picture in surprise and murmured: "The first Naruto and the **** of ninjas who assassinated Konoha, Senju Hasuma.

"This kind of task is simply courting death, okay!?"

At this moment, Chang Shilang on the side also said with a shocked expression on his face: \"Yeah....This kind of task is simply a death sentence...\'

"I wonder if the high-level people in their village are not pleasing to the eye and want to kill people with a knife..."

Suddenly, Terumi Mei on the side said solemnly: "No!"

"Kakuto is still alive to this day after taking over the mission to assassinate Senju Hashirama... This means that he did not die in that mission!" Thinking of this, Terumi Mei suddenly looked shocked. Expression: \"Could it be that this guy named Jiaodu really succeeded in assassination!?\"

"The legendary **** of ninjas, Senju Hashirama, the cause of death has always been unknown... Could it be that he was killed by this guy!?"

Hearing Terumi Mei's words, Chang Ten Lang, who was beside him, swallowed a sip of water immediately:

\"No way......"

"If this is really the case, wouldn't the entire ninja world be in chaos!"


Chapter 190 The perspective of the oath: After I take a good rest, I sneak into Konoha Village and kill Qianshouzhu

At this time, after seeing this scene in the picture, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai suddenly laughed and dropped his chin!

"Hahahahaha! I'm really laughing to death! How dare you go to assassinate Chishou Hashirama!"

"As the first unified central ninja, the first Hokage of Konoha who established the village, the **** of ninjas, how can you imagine the strength of Senju Hashirama?"

"I have to wonder if you have a grudge against the higher-ups in your village. They sent you out to die... Hahaha!"

Just as the fourth Raikage Ai was laughing, Azabuyi on the side interrupted the fourth Raikage:

\"Lord Raikage, having said that, don't you think it's strange?"

"In the previous picture, this guy named Jiaodu, together with Feiduan, killed the two-tailed man of our Yunyin Village, Zhu Liyumu..."

Azabuyi looked at the fourth generation of Raikage Ai and said solemnly: "I think, in the era of Qianshouzhujian.\"

"Isn't there no two-tailed man Zhuri to follow Yukito?"

Hearing Mabuyi's words, the Fourth Raikage Ai suddenly choked up and stopped laughing. The smile on his face gradually disappeared and changed into a solemn expression.

\"Mabuyi, you mean.\"

"That's right.\" Mabuyi looked at Jiaodu in the picture, nodded solemnly and said, "Although \"Twenty Twenty\" I don't know why Jiaodu can still live to this day."

"But one thing is for sure, Jiaodu is definitely stronger than expected."

"After all, how could it be easy for someone who can fight against Qianshouzhuma and still live to this day...\"

Hearing this, the fourth generation of Raiking Ai looked at the corners in the picture with a solemn expression and muttered, "Yeah..."

"I underestimated the other party... I don't know, what was the battle between this guy named Jiaodu and Qianshouzhu back then..."

At this moment, both Granny Chiyo and Hailaozang looked at Kakuto in the picture with solemn expressions on their faces.

"I played against the first-generation Hokage of Konoha Village, the **** of ninjas, Senju Hasuma, and was able to survive..."

\"This guy named Jiaodu is not easy...\" Ei Laozang sighed.

At this time, the mother-in-law Chiyo looked at the corner of the picture and said:

"Actually...there is another possibility."

"That's this guy named Jiaodu. After he took over the task, he didn't complete the task, but gave up the task directly..." Hearing the words of Grandma Chiyo, Hai Laozang nodded solemnly and said: " It's not impossible."

"But judging from the picture, this guy named Jiaodu is loyal and fanatical to Shunin Village... It is unlikely that this kind of thing will happen. Hearing that, Chiyo's mother-in-law also has a solemn expression at this time. With a nod of his expression he agreed: \"Well...it's true. "

\"Oh, I'm really curious, what happened in the battle between the two at the beginning?

Onogi looked at Kakuto in the picture with a solemn expression.

"If you guessed correctly, with the loyalty of this guy named Jiaodu to the village, he will definitely choose to carry out this assassination mission in the end..."

"But why did he still survive in the end..."

"Assassination of Senju Hasuma, the legendary **** of ninjas... I think Senju will not let him go, right?"

Onomu looked at the screen with a solemn expression: "Oh, I don't understand..."

"Is it this guy named Jiaodu, did the assassination really succeed!?"

"Well...the death of Senju Hakuma at that time was indeed a big mystery in the ninja world at the time... It was precisely because both Qianshou Hasuma and Senshou Tobirama died that it broke out. The First Ninja World War Ohnogi looked at the screen and muttered.

"Could it be that Senju Hakuma was really killed by this guy named Kakuto!? Then... this guy named Kakuto is very terrifying!"

"Oh oh oh! It's a mission to assassinate Senju!"

Feiduan looked at the picture, then turned to Jiaodu, and asked with an exaggerated expression: \"Hey, hey, Jiaodu! You never told me this!\""I can't believe you are real Accepting such a daunting task...\"

"How about it, since you can still stand in front of us now, you must have won?"

"Come on, come and tell us, what is the strength of the legendary ninja **** Senju!?"

Saying that, Feiduan looked at Jiaodu with a curious expression on his face. At this time, the members of the Akatsuki organization on the side looked at Jiaodu with curious expressions. I want to hear the evaluation of Senju, the first-generation Hokage of Konoha Village, the legendary **** of ninjas.

but! The face of Jiaodu himself at this time is very gloomy!

"No comment!"

After all, Jiaodu left the crowd and left!

After seeing this scene, everyone in the Xiao organization was dumbfounded and froze in place.

At this moment, Kodo was traveling through the Konoha forest.

——Others don't know, he doesn't even know what happened in that battle! ? Of course, if that could be called a battle... At this moment, the horns stopped. Standing alone on a towering tree, looking at the picture, a look of reminiscence appeared on his face, and he murmured: "A thousand-handed Isramma \" Is his strength really so terrifying! "

The live broadcast continues.

[I saw that the corners in the picture were determined, and then resolutely took over this task. 】

["Please rest assured, elders of Zhunin Village, my Jiaodu will definitely complete the task!" Jiaodu said with an oath on his face. 】

[Afterwards, Kakuto took the portrait of Senju Hakuma, and quickly left Shiin Village, and set off in the direction of Konoha Village according to the directions of the map! 】

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