"What on earth are you going to do with the two scumbags, Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo!?"

Qianshou Zhujian thought in his heart:

"After all, it's the Hokage and high-level executives of my Konoha Village... If it is really beheaded, I'm afraid it will cause some turmoil."

"And if it's too light, don't say that the Ninja world is not satisfied, the people of Konoha Village are not satisfied, and even I am not happy..."

227 "Just beat the disabled and expel Konoha? Or do you want to abolish one's strength and put him in my Konoha Village prison and never let him go?" Chishou Hasuma thought in his heart, and went deep into the Uchiha clan. on.


At this time, Madara Uchiha looked at himself in the picture, narrowed his eyes and looked solemn, not knowing what he was thinking.

After that, Madara Uchiha continued to rush to the location of the Uchiha clan.


Yukan Boban stopped. Although he has not yet stepped into the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara keenly sensed a familiar aura in front of him. It was the breath of an old friend and an old rival that he was thinking about in his heart.

Just in front of him, in this Uchiha clan.

"Sure enough... Hexi hot mom is here." Thinking in his heart, Madara Uchiha raised his foot and stepped into the Uchiha clan.

At this time, in the Senju Hashirama in the Uchiha clan, I also felt a familiar breath approaching from the gate of the Uchiha clan.

Suddenly, Qianshou Zhujian frowned, and then gradually loosened. "Is Madara Uchiha..." Qianshou Hasuma murmured.

Qianshou Hasuma immediately turned around and walked towards the gate of the Uchiha clan. "This is the first time in the human world to meet as a real living person..."

"I don't know what is the difference from when we met in the Pure Land world before?"

\"By the way, Madara Uchiha has been resurrected for so long, what did he do?\" Qianshou Hasuma murmured in his heart.

"With Madara Uchiha's strength, in today's ninja world, if you really want to do something, I'm afraid no one can stop it?"

"Since Tsunade told me earlier that Madara Uchiha was not found, and nothing related to Madara Uchiha appeared... Then that is to say."

"Uchiha Madara didn't make any big moves after being resurrected..."

"Has Madara Uchiha abandoned the Moon Eyes project?"

Chapter 207 Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara? ! Are these two great gods here? ! !

"Well...but that's right, after all, it has already been exposed that the Moon Eyes plan is a conspiracy of the Black Jue...\" Qianshou Hashima thought in his heart.

"Uchiha Madara also just wants to bring peace to the ninja world...just in a different way from me."

"After learning that the so-called Eye of the Moon plan cannot bring peace to the ninja world, it is only natural for Madara to give up the plan..." Thinking in his heart, Qianshou Hakuma walked forward quickly .

On the other side, Madara Uchiha has also stepped into the gate of the Uchiha clan, and the ninja shoes gently swayed a circle of dust on the ground.

"Da da da......\"

The soft sound of the shoes touching the ground made Madara Uchiha's mouth rise gradually, bringing a radiance.

At a corner, Madara Uchiha and Chishou Hasuma faced each other.

"Hazi Mommy!\"


After the two of them saw each other, although Senju Hakuma appeared calm on the surface, he secretly put on a defensive posture ready to fight.

Seeing this, Madara Uchiha's face suddenly showed a disappointed expression: "Haxi hot mom, don't even you believe me?"

\"I'm so sad!\"

Hearing the words, Qianshou Hashirama was stunned for a moment, and he said, "This... Madara?"

"Hazi hot mom!" Hearing this, Uchiha nodded, looking at Senju Hashirama earnestly.

"You gave up on your plan?"

Qianshouzhuma asked.

Hearing this, Madara Uchiha sighed faintly and said: \"Yeah... I have given up on the so-called Eye of the Moon\' plan."

"After I was resurrected, I found out that the connection with Hei Jue has been cut off..."

\"The plan has been proven to be false..."

"If that's the case, then I don't have to hold on anymore."

After hearing Uchiha Madara's words, Senju Hasuma was silent for a while, then looked at Uchiha Madara and asked:

"Then Madara, what are you going to do next?"

Hearing this, Madara Uchiha was silent for a while, then raised his head and looked at Senju Hasuma and said firmly:

"Next, I'll go look for Hei Jue, and after that... maybe I'll go around the entire ninja world and take a look."

After hearing Madara Uchiha's words, Senju Hasuma knew.

This old friend of mine really let go of the obsession in his heart.

Immediately, Senju Hasuma patted Madara Uchiha on the shoulder: \"Madara, if you want to come back in the future, I, Konoha, welcome you at any time."

Hearing this, Madara Uchiha raised his head.

I saw Senju Hasuma stared at Madara Uchiha with a sincere and earnest look on his face.

see. "Yeah!" Uchiha Madara nodded with tears in his eyes. "Hazi Momma..."


The two immediately embraced each other and cried.

\"Haxi hot mom...Are you coming back this time, do you have anything to do?\"

Hearing this, Qianshou Shima nodded: "Yes Madara, I do have something to do..."

"The first thing I do is to find you, and then I will put Sarutobi Hiizan, Shimura Danzo, Orochimaru, Yaoshitou and a few people one by one."

"It's just that I've only found you now, and as for Sarutobi Hiizan, I haven't found it yet..."

After hearing the words of Senshou Hasuma, Uchiha Madara suddenly said: "That Haxi hot mother, then you have found the right person."

"I know the whereabouts of the people you mentioned..."

"Huh!? Really Madara!" Chishou Hasuma immediately looked at Madara Uchiha with a hopeful look on her face, "Of course, I Madara can still lie to you?" After that, Madara Uchiha looked To the depths of the Uchiha clan: \"Haxi hot mom, that guy called Dou in your mouth."

"In this Uchiha clan."

Hearing this, Qianshou Hashirama suddenly showed surprise on his face: "Really?"

"Well.\" Uchiha Madara pointed to the depths of the Uchiha clan's hinterland: "It's in a secret room in the Uchiha clan's land."

After all, Madara Uchiha took Senju Hasuma to the secret room.

The live broadcast continues.

[The screen flashes, and the perspective comes to the battlefield of the Fourth Ninja World War. 】

[On the screen, the ninja coalition forces are fighting against the reincarnated ninjas controlled by Kao. 】

[The reincarnated ninjas are all famous elite ninjas, and they caused a lot of casualties to the ninja coalition at the first contact. 】

[Although the ninjas reincarnated in the dirt will also be killed by the ninja coalition, but the ninjas reincarnated in the dirt are already dead, and they will not fear death at all. 】

[Even if they are fatally injured, as long as they are not reincarnated, the ninjas reincarnated in the dirt can still be resurrected again. 】

[This feature has caused huge shock and casualties to the Ninja coalition. 】

Inside Konoha Village.

Uchiha clan land, in a secret room.

At this time, I was anxious in my heart.

"Why is the picture so long, it's not over yet..."

"This picture will end soon, let me get a reward!" I thought to myself. "As long as I get rewards and strengthen my strength..."

"I can escape from this secret room!"

While thinking about it in my heart, I looked at the dense detonation talismans around me.

"Damn Uchiha Madara... After I get the reward and go out and fully digest the reward of this fairy mode."

"I want you to look good!\"

I thought angrily in my heart.

At this moment, the door of the secret room was suddenly pushed open.

"It's here.\"

A familiar voice came from outside the door.

Then the two figures stepped into the secret room.

\"I Nani!?\"

Looking at these two people, Dou suddenly widened his eyes with a look of incredible shock on his face.

"Senju Hasuma... and Madara Uchiha..."

"How come the two of them are here!?"

That's right, it's Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara.

At this time, looking at the shocking pocket, Qianshou Shimao touched his chin: "Madala, is this the pocket..."

"Well...it's exactly the same as the guy in the picture..."

"Haxi hot mom, this guy has won the reward of the fairy mode, and the breath on his body is similar to yours..."

Speaking, Madara Uchiha began to tell the story, grabbing the pocket by himself.

At this time, after seeing the two of them, there was a look of despair in his eyes.

"It's over... The legendary **** of ninjas, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama and Madara Uchiha of Konoha Village are here now...\"

"And now the picture is still showing the picture of me starting a war..."

"Presumably the peace-loving Senju Hashirama will definitely kill me after seeing this scene!"

Desperate thought in my heart. "I'm not reconciled (to Zhao)!"

"I just got the reward of the list, got the fairy mode, and I am about to succeed... but I died in this secret room today" I am not reconciled! ! \"

He howled wildly in his heart.

But at this moment, no matter how much Ren Dou wailed in his heart, he couldn't change the established facts and ending.

The live broadcast continues.

[The screen flashes, and the perspective comes to a battlefield. 】

[At this time, Uchiha Itachi and Nagato stood side by side, while Naruto and Kirabi were on the opposite side. 】

[After a fight between the four, I saw that Uchiha Itachi called out the crow that was hidden in Naruto in advance. 】

[I saw a black red-eyed crow emerge from Naruto's mouth, but this crow is different from ordinary crows in that one of this crow's eyes is a wheel-shaped eye. 】

[--This crow is not an ordinary crow, and the Shaker is not an ordinary Shaker. 】

[It's the crow who hides the legendary strongest pupil technique "Bie Tianshen" Shaking Wheel Eyes.]

Chapter 208 The Pharmacist's pocket that escaped successfully!

[Under the influence of the strongest pupil technique "Bie Tianshen", Uchiha Itachi actually broke through and reincarnated from the dirty earth! 】

【Next, with the help of Itachi Uchiha, Naruto and Kirabi finally successfully sealed Nagato with the ten fist sword! 】

[Then Uchiha Itachi, after leaving Naruto, found the position of the pharmacist's pocket directly along the line that controlled him! 】

[At the same time, Sasuke Uchiha also found the pharmacist pocket! 】

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