[Reward: Complete control of Ichio Shoukuru. The number of ranges for sand manipulation x5! 】

Gaara, who was in the hidden sand village, was suddenly covered by a strong light, and then he felt that his control of the sand had improved a lot! And the one-tailed crane in his body slept soundly, but suddenly he felt like he was imprisoned by a chain and couldn't help himself! Immediately afterwards, it felt a terrifying thing, that is, it seemed to be completely controlled by Gaara! Of course, Gaara also discovered this.

And many elders who were discussing the next Kazekage suddenly made a decision!

That is to recommend Gaara!

In terms of strength, no one is stronger than Gaara, especially when Gaara got the rewards on the list!

You must know that they originally did not want Gaara to be the wind shadow simply because the power of the human column is uncontrollable, and the tailed beast is prone to runaway, bringing huge losses to the village! Now, Gaara can perfectly control the tailed beast, and Fengying gives him When it couldn't be more suitable!

Su Yu felt a little bit dissatisfied with this reward, because he didn't get anything!

The control of sand, whether he can control the sand, this thing X50 is no different from X0 on him. To know that 0X any number is equal to 0!

As for the perfect control of the one-tailed Shouhe, there is no tailed beast in his body, and even if there is, does 233 need to have perfect control? With his strength, any look can make Nine-Tails tremble, so why do you need so much trouble?


Su Yu let out a long sigh, his mood was not very beautiful.

So, he can completely control the list, of course, except for the rewards.

Su Yu decided to let everyone wait for a while, the third place, the second place first, let's talk about it after he finishes shopping!

Su Yu went shopping without any pressure, while 90% of the ninjas in the entire ninja world were waiting anxiously.

The fourth place has already seen such an earth-shattering battle, they are very curious, who will be the third place!

However, at this time, Su Yu held a bunch of dumplings in his left hand and a bottle of happy water in his right hand, strutting down the street.

He was looking for a suitable place as his own tavern.

While walking, he inexplicably walked into a dead end.

But there is a small room next to it?

Man, he thinks this place is pretty good.

Su Yu knocked on the door, and then the door was knocked open, and an acquaintance appeared in front of him!

Otsutsuki is happy!

"Ah, sorry, I knocked on the wrong door."

After Su Yu finished speaking, it was too late to eat the dumplings, so he turned his head and prepared to slip away.

Who knew that at this time he felt as if he was hanging in the air, obviously trying to escape, but he couldn't move forward half a point. \"It's you kid who hooked up with my daughter!"

Otsutsuki Ichiro mentioned Su Yu in a bad tone.

"I didn't, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

How dare Su Yu admit that, if he admits this, won't his future husband break his leg? Hearing Su Yu's words, Otsutsuki was stunned for a moment, but this gave Su Yu a chance.

Su Yu struggled directly, and then disappeared in a hurry.

Otsutsuki Ichile watched Su Yu's retreating shadow, and he couldn't catch up even if he wanted to.

Su Yu never imagined that in a dead end, the great **** Otsutsuki Ichile lived next to him! ! !

Chapter 222 Ranked third, pharmacist pocket!

After escaping from Otsutsuki Ichiraku's sight, Su Yu continued to hang out in Konoha Village. He's looking for the perfect place to build his little shop and then live the life of a depraved landowner.

Su Yu was walking on the streets of Konoha, and he could feel the uneasy atmosphere in the air!

Especially those chunin and upper ninjas, while those lower ninjas are so carefree, those who catch cats catch cats, those who catch dogs catch dogs.

"Hey, isn't there a remote and clean place nearby?"

Su Yu sighed, the ideal place in his mind was too hard to find.

A whole morning passed by like this, when he saw a barbecue restaurant.

Su Yu touched his stomach and was not hungry, but the aroma of the barbecue was too strong.

He couldn't resist this feeling!


At the entrance of the barbecue shop were two very cute girls standing there. When Su Yu passed by, the two of them bent down 90 degrees and shouted in a very fatherly tone. This made Su Yu, who didn't want to go in, turn his left foot and walk in.

Everyone else welcomes them like this. If they don't go, wouldn't they not give face to these two little girls?

After entering the barbecue restaurant, Su Yu directly ordered twenty plates of meat.

Then, all the twenty plates of meat were wiped out under the surprised eyes of everyone around.

Su Yu patted his belly contentedly, um, he was full, and he gained weight.

Then he touched his pocket again and was about to yell at the checkout, but he was stunned.

This is so special, it seems that you forgot to bring your money?

Or do you have no money at all?

At this time, he was restless, only feeling that everyone around him was looking at him.

Su Yu gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Ten more plates of barbecue!"

Then, under the admiration of everyone, Su Yu destroyed the barbecue with great difficulty.

He was procrastinating and thinking of a way. At this moment, he suddenly thought of a good way.

That's the list!

That's right, it's the list, and there are still three people in the list of the strongest genin that have not been announced.

And these three people occupy a lot of place in his heart!

And their battles are very exciting, Su Yu believes that everyone here will be attracted by the fierce battle! At that time, he can easily escape from the scene and eat this overlord list.

Maybe you will say why not use ninjutsu, and make a joke, now so many people are watching him, if he runs away with ninjutsu now, others will definitely take note of his appearance and know that he is a ninja. How embarrassing it is for ninjas to eat overlord's meal!

But if everyone's attention will be distracted when those detached pictures are played, then who will pay attention to a person who eats the king's meal?

Thinking of it, Su Yu started the list directly at the barbecue restaurant.

Sure enough, someone was still paying attention to the list. No, a certain fat man in the barbecue restaurant was yelling there.

"The list has moved. The list has moved, everyone, look 々.!\"

Following the fat man's shout, everyone in the barbecue shop walked out one after another!

Su Yu also followed the public and walked on the street with a light look.

The owner of the barbecue restaurant was helpless, because even he wanted to see this list.

However, because of this list, there have been several occasions in his barbecue restaurant where people eat Bawang meal and take the opportunity to escape.

The owner of the kebab shop looked at everyone carefully before looking at the list.

He wrote down everyone's appearance, and when the time comes, he can draw that person's appearance and post it!

But this is not always the way, he is going to look for opportunities to turn his barbecue shop into an outdoor barbecue shop.

This way, you don't have to worry about customers running away to eat Bawang Meal!

Besides, on this side of the list, the third place is actually a guy who surprised everyone!

[Third place on the Strongest Ninja List: Pharmacist Pocket! 】

That's right, it's the pharmacist pocket that has been on the list three times in a row!

"How could it be him again!"

"Why is this guy on the list so many times, why!"

"A murder list, a sinister list, hateful, is this encouraging everyone to be a bad person?"

"Naive, now I'm afraid that if I want to be a bad person, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to be on the list!"

Most were outraged, but they couldn't change the rankings, no matter how reluctant they were.

At this moment, the only person who can control the list and change the ranking of the straps is frantically looking for an opportunity to get off the list in the crowd!

Or it would be more appropriate to escape the bill.

[The screen began to appear on Konoha's Chunin exam, and his performance in the Chunin exam was mediocre. 】

[But it is not difficult for those with sharp eyes to find that the pharmacist is controlling points! 】

[No way, Yakushidou is deliberately acting unremarkable and his identity is Konoha Shimonin! 】

[And all the seven Chunin exams ended in failure, here everyone can see the extraordinaryness of the pharmacist. 】

[Then the screen turned around and came directly to a hole in the ground. 】

[At this time, the pharmacist pocket has completed the fairy mode! 】

[And the genes of more than nine people have been transplanted into the body of the pharmacist, and each of them is a leader in a single field! 】

[Pharmacist pocket's strength has been strengthened unprecedentedly, and even in the following battle, he actually directly pressed two Uchiha geniuses to fight! 】

[Unfortunately, Uchiha Itachi used Izanami to simply trap the pharmacist! 】

[And until he came out of Uchiha Itachi's illusion, Yakushitou was still a genin! 】

\"This guy, this guy is from Konoha!\"

"There are four of them, and three of them are Konoha's Shinobi!"

"Hey, when you say that, I can't remember, is Konoha's ninja so terrifying?"

"Heh, it's not so much that Konoha's submissiveness is terrifying, it's better to say that Konoha's guys are extremely insidious!"

"Who would be stuck with a strong person and not let him upgrade his level, but kept him stuck in the next level?"

Immediately, most of the ninjas only felt extremely terrified. Could it be really as the person said before?

Konoha's strong people like to be shinobi, like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers?

On the other hand, what Su Yu never imagined was such a burning scene.

Pharmacist Dou fights Uchiha and Uchiha, how many people will not watch it?

I'm afraid that person is not a fool. He doesn't look at Uchiha or Yakushi's pocket, but looks at himself as an ordinary little handsome guy?

He also looked at himself with a crazy face, the point was that the guy was still a man.

Su Yu only felt that the whole person was not well, and the barbecue he finally put in was about to spit out.

Faced with this situation, he could only bite the bullet and let the list continue!

However, at this moment, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder.

"Young man, don't you want to eat Bawang's meal?"

It's the owner of that barbecue shop!

His deep eyes, and his eyes that seemed to see everything, made Su Yu feel restless.

What to do, is it about to be discovered?

Of course Su Yu didn't want to admit it like this, he shook his head and pretended to be a little angry.

\"How could it be possible to eat Bawang meal, I still have several plates of meat to eat!

I'm just looking at the battles on this list, it's amazing! \"

Su Yu only felt that he was acting very similar at this time, and the Oscar statuette didn't even look like himself!

However, in the eyes of the kebab shop owner, Su Yu was so tender, as if bacon had not been cooked.

It looks like it's been a while, like it's familiar.

However, in fact, it is not familiar at all.

The owner of the barbecue shop smiled and didn't say much, but he focused more on Su Yu. "I hum, boy, I've seen so many people who eat Bawang's meal. I can understand your eyes, movements, and expressions! It's stupid to want to eat Bawang's meal from my hands."

The owner of the barbecue shop said with great confidence.

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