[Not to mention blowing out the flame, the huge shock wave directly caused waves on the lake! 】

[Then, Uzumaki Naruto punched Sasuke Uchiha hard. 】

[Uchiha Sasuke was kicked into the water again with a double blow, and before he could react, Naruto launched an attack in the water! 】

[Several consecutive attacks hit Sasuke Uchiha. 】

[Sasuke finally swam out of the water with all his strength, and he jumped straight into the air after leaving the water. 】

[Who knows that Naruto is close behind, even faster than Sasuke Uchiha! 】

[Naruto, who came to the sky above Sasuke, hit Sasuke with a slash with his foot! 】

[Sasuke used his arm to block directly, but he just blocked Naruto's lower slash, and then Naruto directly grabbed his feet! 】

[After spinning several times in the air, Naruto smashed Sasuke Uchiha to the ground! 】

[boom! A huge explosion sounded, and countless boulders on the mountain fell into the water! 】

[Naruto continues to fly towards Sasuke in pursuit of his victory. Who knows that when the smoke of the explosion dissipates, Sasuke directly pounces on Naruto! 】

[Naruto and Sasuke fell from the mountain toward the river together. 】

[At this time, a lot of things fell out of Naruto's backpack, including scrolls and ration pills. After the scrolls were completely opened, they exploded and a thick white smoke appeared! 】

[Innumerable pieces of wood fell from the scroll and hit the river. 】

[Naruto stood directly on a log, as did Sasuke Uchiha. 】

[Only this time Sasuke Uchiha launched the attack first! 】

[Uchiha Sasuke stepped on it hard, and the log suddenly fell apart. He picked up a piece of wood that was about to fall on the water and threw it towards Naruto! 】

[Naruto jumped up with the log and let the wood chips hit the log. The hit log suddenly split apart. 】

[Naruto reluctantly stood up on the water. Obviously, his condition was not as good as he imagined. 】

[At this time, Uchiha Sasuke's eyes appeared strange, his double groove and writing wheel eye, the distance between the two gouyu is spreading! 】

[Then, Uchiha Sasuke's writing wheel eye appeared three hook jade! 】

[Three Gouyu's writing wheel eye allows Sasuke Uchiha to perfectly capture Naruto Uzumaki's movements! 】

[Obviously Naruto Uzumaki didn't know this at this time, and he continued to charge towards Sasuke. 】

[Sasuke directly lifts up a wooden board with his feet, and then pushes it hard, the high-speed moving wooden board burns in the air! 】

[The heat generated by the friction between the board and the air actually makes the board burn directly! 】

[Uzumaki Naruto easily dodged the plank, and then came to Sasuke Uchiha, he smashed his fist at Sasuke Uchiha's face! 】

[However, Sasuke Uchiha, who couldn't keep up with his movements, actually took the next punch! 】

["I can see!\" Sasuke Uchiha said excitedly, and then directly gave Naruto a shoulder throw. 】

[Naruto stood firmly on the water after being thrown out, and then kicked it horizontally, but was avoided by Sasuke Uchiha! 】

[Following another punch, he smashed it, but Sasuke Uchiha evaded it lightly, and even threw Naruto out! 】

[However, Naruto Uzumaki didn't notice that something was wrong, he only knew that he was going to bring Sasuke back! 】

[Naruto Uzumaki rushed towards Sasuke, who knew that Sasuke did not fight him, but jumped into the air instead. 】

[Uchiha Sasuke condensed chakra on his feet and stood directly on the mountainside. Naruto Vortex didn't even think about it, and rushed up. 】

["I can see the movement of the guy who has been unable to capture since just now, I can see it!\" Uchiha thought in his heart with some excitement. 】

[Faced with Naruto's attack, Sasuke Uchiha easily avoided this time. 】

[As there are more and more successful dodges at this time, Sasuke becomes more and more confident, and he feels that he can do it again! 】

[Uzumaki Naruto finally found something wrong, "Sasuke's actions are completely different from just now! But this kind of thing doesn't matter. In short, I can't lose, **** it!"]

[Naruto charged towards Uchiha Sasuke again after shouting! 】

[Sasuke Uchiha is analyzing it in his heart, is his body completely used to the influence of the curse mark? 】

["From the beginning, when the guy was moving, and I exerted a subtle force all over my body, so that the guy's next movement image clearly appeared in front of me!"]

["That's it, that's it!" Sasuke Uchiha easily avoided Naruto's attack after Naruto rushed over, and then found the right time to punch Naruto in the face with two backhands! 】

[Then, Sasuke Uchiha kicked him with two consecutive kicks, and Naruto, who was too late to defend, was kicked out and fell to the ground! 】

"That's too much!" Sakura looked at the pictures in the list with some worry, and Naruto, who had the upper hand, was beaten again in the blink of an eye!

Fortunately, Hinata Hinata didn't wake up, otherwise he would faint from fright when he saw this scene.

Hinata Hinata is still too young to be frightened.

Pure Land.

Uzumaki Kushina was heartbroken again, while Namikaze Minato was comforted again.

He didn't understand a little, why did Uchiha's night of extermination just let Sasuke's writing wheel eyes reach Shuanggouyu?

And his own child, Naruto Uzumaki actually let him open Sangou jade?

However, what Namikaze Minato didn't know was that Sasuke Uchiha's writing wheel was also opened because of Naruto before.

If Namikaze Minato knew about it, he would definitely scold Sasuke for being gay!

["With these eyes, you can save the extra chakra. Because the curse mark will consume too much power!" Uchiha Sasuke stared closely at Uzumaki Naruto and thought. ] ["I see through Naruto's action image first and then launch an attack with the timing!" Sasuke Uchiha decided his battle plan the moment Naruto rushed over! 】

[At the moment when Naruto whirlpool was about to hit him, Sasuke Uchiha took the lead in punching Naruto out! 】

[Naruto suddenly flew out of 237 like a broken kite, and then fell into the lake! 】

[Sasuke Uchiha jumped to the lake after seeing this, and then clasped his hands together to sense it! 】

[Bubble began to appear on the lake, and then countless Naruto drilled out of the lake! 】

[Uchiha Sasuke punched a small Naruto, kicked a big Naruto, and soon, all the shadow clones on the field were cleaned up by Uchiha Sasuke! 】

["Huh? Why didn't you come out? Those were all shadow clones just now, right? 〃 Sasuke Uchiha couldn't help thinking after seeing Naruto Uzumaki hadn't appeared for a long time.]

[And at this moment, Uchiha Sasuke's feet were caught by Naruto Uzumaki! 】

["Sass!\" Naruto whirlpool screamed from the heart, and then a Naruto pulled a Naruto's leg to form a long chain! 】

[Countless Uzumaki Naruto used the principle of inertia to spin in the air, and then smashed Sasuke and several shadow clones on the wall with force! 】

[In an instant, the stones splashed! 】

"This, will Naruto be too strong?" Inuzuka Ya said tremblingly.

He only felt that his worldview was about to be destroyed, so many shadow clones, how much chakra would it take!

Even jounin is probably not enough!

"Naruto's strength is indeed a bit unimaginable, but I care more about Sasuke's eyes!"

The oil girl Shino pushed the frame of her glasses, and he saw that Sasuke was able to press Naruto all of a sudden, those eyes were indispensable! In the dark place, Orochimaru stretched out his tongue like a snake and licked his own. lips.

"Sasuke-kun, you really have a pair of beautiful eyes!"

Orochimaru did not mean to cover up his desires at all, and his desire for Sasuke is well known to the world!

After all, he can only beat Ying Sasuke now, but he can't beat the rest of the Uchiha family.

What Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara, he can't beat them all.

And only Sasuke can win.

At this time, Orochimaru saw something that excited him! .

Chapter 227 Tailed Beast Coat!

Orochimaru saw the curse mark on Sasuke Uchiha's neck, which he invented!

In addition, he had cast a spell on Sasuke Uchiha during the Chunin exam before, obviously his experiment was a success!

Uchiha Sasuke really got used to the power of the curse mark!

And at this time, the pictures on the list have not stopped and are still playing!

["Fire Escape. Dragon Fire Technique!" Sasuke, who was smashed on the mountain, didn't die, not even seriously injured! 】

[Sasuke activated a high-level ninjutsu full of energy, and saw that the entire mountain was on fire! 】

[Even many stones were melted and turned into magma! 】

[As for the shadow clones of Naruto Uzumaki, all of them were naturally burned to death! 】

[Uchiha Sasuke leans back against the wall, gasping for breath, obviously this ninjutsu is still a lot of consumption for him! 】

[Then, the black thing in front of him changed back to his original appearance, it was Naruto Uzumaki! 】

["Sass whispered to Naruto a little weakly. And this is tantamount to arousing some kind of fire in Sasuke Uchiha! 】

["It's too late, it's too late, it's too late!" Sasuke Uchiha kept saying that it was too late for some reason, and then threw Naruto away! 】【Then Uchiha Sasuke rushed up, he hugged Naruto who was free-falling from the sky, and then smashed his head to the ground! ] [boom!]

[Naruto Vortex fell directly to the ground after being severely injured and could not get up again! 】

The whirlpool Kushina in the Pure Land world was already crying unbelievably, and at the same time Minato Namikaze was not feeling very well.

He never imagined that Naruto would lose, and Sasuke Uchiha would be so cruel!

At this time, Hinata Hinata, who finally woke up at Konoha Hospital, glanced at the pictures on the list.

As a result, she saw another scene that scared her. Naruto was hugged by Sasuke and smashed to the ground from the air!

And still on the ground!

When Hinata Hinata saw this scene, she fainted again!

"Sass!" Naruto Uzumaki shouted angrily.

He doesn't know why Sasuke treats him like this, but he only knows that now his friend, Hinata Hinata, fainted twice because of Sasuke!

Of course, there are also reasons why he can't beat Sasuke.

"Sasuke is too ruthless!"

Inuzuka Toga said with a frown, but Shikamaru, who was next to him, suddenly said.

"I'm afraid this will cause some kind of gap between us and Sasuke, but if this day does appear, I hope everyone will stop treating him as a companion, or he will die!" Shikamaru said very seriously, it is rare for everyone did not refute anything.

After all, they have seen from the list screen, Uchiha Sasuke is indeed too cruel!

[After Naruto lost his intuition, he slipped from the ground and rolled into the lake, while Sasuke Uchiha was lying on the ground and coughing. First, let Naruto's unexpected blow hurt him! 】【And Naruto really died like this? 】

[Of course not, at this time Naruto's inner world, a huge face appeared in the darkness! 】

【〃You are weak, boy! hum hum hum hum! You have to thank me, and the guy called the Fourth Hokage who sealed me in your body々.! \"]

[When talking about the fourth Hokage, that huge face was suddenly filled with chills and anger! 】

[And when it finished speaking, a mutation appeared on Naruto's body! 】

[The red liquid filled with bubbles and slowly covered Naruto's body! 】

["What is this!" Uchiha Sasuke said weakly. 】

[Uchiha Sasuke came to Naruto involuntarily, and Naruto, who was lying on the water, suddenly stood up unconsciously! 】

[Uchiha Sasuke's pupils shrank suddenly, and at this moment, Uzumaki Naruto punched Uchiha Sasuke's face fiercely! 】

[Sasuke Uchiha was kicked out by this punch, he covered his face in pain, this blow is countless times stronger than any previous move! 】

[Naruto who knocked Sasuke out screamed in pain, and then his whole body was surrounded by this red liquid! 】

[Naruto's head has the same shape of two ears and the shape of a tail appears on the back! 】

[Even, Naruto did not stand with his feet, but supported himself with his hands and feet like a beast! 】

[Uchiha Sasuke just stood up, Naruto waved his arms vigorously, and then a strong shock wave directly set off a wave and hit Uchiha Sasuke! 】

[After waiting for the spray to dissipate, Naruto has appeared in front of Sasuke! 】

[Naruto's three consecutive attacks were all dodged by Sasuke, but it can be clearly seen that Sasuke was very difficult to dodge! 】

[Sasuke stepped back, then stood on a log and said to himself with a dignified expression, "What was that just now!\"]

[“Why is that Chakra doing other activities even if he can see through Naruto’s movements.”]

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