[Qirabi is standing on a huge rock like no one else! 】

【“Did he use the thunder escape on the body to stagger the trajectory of the attack? It seems to have avoided the fatal injury.\” Rabbi Qi 250 thought in his heart. 】

["Then that woman has the ability to let others absorb Chakra and restore it\" Chirabi suddenly felt a little difficult. 】

[Xiang Rin is sitting on the ground and gasping for breath at this time, the more Sasuke consumes, the more Chakra he absorbs! 】

["I'm saved, Xiang Rin.\" Sasuke said with some breathlessness, while Xiang Rin hummed. 】

["Sasuke, let's go together three times, and designate the quack to kill!" Guideng Shuiyue said. 】

["To be honest, this person is surprisingly powerful! Don't say anything to stay alive, just go with the idea of ​​killing him! It is estimated that this is the only way to crippling him!"]

[Guideng Shuiyue said very seriously, while Kirabi frowned slightly. 】

["It seems that the fight can't be finished in a while! Let's take a look at this!" Chirabi said and rushed up! 】

[And Sasuke is condensed with Chidori, and Ghost Light Sizuki is holding a big sword, and Shigego followed and rushed towards Kirabi frantically. 】

[Kirabi easily dodged Shuiyue's slash and Shigego's heavy punch. 】

[Then kicked Sasuke away and hid Sasuke's Chidori. 】

[Then Kirabi sideways dodged Chonggo's attack, and then found an opportunity to punch directly at the ghost lamp Shuiyue! 】

[Unpredictable, Gui Deng Shuiyue's abdomen was directly pierced by Kirabi! 】

[However, who knows that Ghost Light Shuiyue's stomach actually turned into a pool of water! 】

[Part of the water splashed on Kirabi's body, which surprised Kirabi. 】

[Then, Ghost Light Shuiyue grinned hoarsely. 】

[\"I'm hooked! Sasuke, take advantage of this time, and give me electricity!" Ghost Light Shuiyue said to Sasuke. 】

(cbdb) [Sasuke is also very ruthless, he directly held Chidori and hit Kirabi in the abdomen. 】

[The powerful current directly turns the ghost lamp water and moon electricity to the point of rolling my eyes. After all, Ghost Lamp Shuiyue's body is made of water! 】

[However, Kirabi's injuries are not small. He was splashed with water by the ghost lamp Shuiyue, so he was also electrocuted to kneel on the ground. 】

[Qirabi is clutching his abdomen, his body is still emitting bursts of electricity, this is not his own, but someone else's! 】

[Sasuke hurriedly supports him after looking at the crumbling ghost lamp Shuiyue. 】

[And Chonggo also found an opportunity, he jumped directly into the air and smashed it down! 】

[This time, the dust splashes all over the place. 】

[When the dust dissipated, Shigego looked at the huge pothole and was very surprised. 】

【“I’m gone, where did you go?” Chonggo said suspiciously. 】

[At this time, Kirabi was hiding behind a rock, shook his head, and said with a wave of his hand. 】

["It's obviously weak, but it's entangled, the game is over, go back and drink a glass of wine with water.\" This is Kirabi's rap. 】

[Actually, even during the battle, Kirabi rapped from time to time. 】

["Xiang Rin!" Sasuke said suddenly, and Xiang Rin felt the knot with one hand. 】

["Where!" In an instant, Xiang Rin felt where Kirabi was located, and she hurriedly pointed to one of the many mountain peaks behind her! 】

[Is it still a perception type? that woman. Kirabi thought. 】

[On the other hand, Shigego directly threw Sasuke hard, and then Sasuke flew directly towards the mountain pointed by Xiang Rin. 】

[\"There's no way, the eighth one! Swipe it!\" Kira raised her left hand high and shouted. 】

[Sasuke, who rushes over, is stunned in the air. 】

[As for Kirabi, red bubbles appeared on his body, which sounded with the sound of gurgling water. 】

[The tailed beast coat appeared directly on Kirabi's body! 】

["Appeared, the same thing as then!\" Sasuke looked at Kirabi, recalling the battle with Naruto in the Valley of the End! 】

[Sasuke's three-hooked jade writing wheel eye captured Kirabi's movements. 】

[Facing Kirabi's attack, Sasuke turned upside down to dodge. 】

【Oh? The one who escaped this eighth was the first one except for his brother. Kiraby thought a little unexpectedly, and then he smiled again. 】

["Damn, actually went over there!\" Sasuke, who had just landed, kicked the mountain fiercely, and then chased towards Kirabi. 】

[\"Break you to pieces first!" Kirabi said fiercely towards Xiang Rin, Gui Deng Shui Yue, and Chong Wu. 】

[When Chonggo saw this, a row of vents appeared directly behind him, and then a large amount of blue chakra came out of the vents! 】

[Chongwu directly hugged Xiang Rin and escaped from the place with the ghost lamp Shuiyue. 】

[Qirabi slammed into the position where Xiang Rin and the others were just like a red lightning. 】

[The mountain was suddenly hit with dust, and there was strong lightning around it! 】

[While fleeing, the ghost lamp Shuiyue was hit by a stone and flew out. 】

[Gui Deng Shuiyue let out a painful moan and was beaten into the water. 】

[\"It's okay.\" Sasuke said in front of Shigego. 】

["Well, it's okay." Xiang Rin said with some difficulty. 】

[And Ghost Lamp Shuiyue also surfaced, holding the beheading sword tightly in his hand. 】

[There is indeed speed and strength, but the movements are too single, and it is not impossible for my eyes to see through. Sasuke started the battle analysis again. 】

["Xiang Rin, perceive his Chakra, predict his actions, lock his position, and tell me all the time.\" Sasuke said to Xiang Rin. 】

[However, at this time, Kirabi rushed out of the smoke and dust. 】

["You have to do it in time!\" Kirabi rushed towards Sasuke with some anger. 】

["Sass!" Xiang Rin cried out in panic. 】

[Sasuke's right eye turned into a kaleidoscope writing wheel after seeing this! 】

[Kiraby suddenly feels himself covered with nails, lying on the ground with several huge black crow feathers. 】

[The eyes, the writing wheel eye, the illusion? The body can't move! Kiraby thought a little unhappily. 】

[And Kirabi, who was still rushing towards Sasuke in the air, fell directly to the ground. 】

[Xiang Rin breathed a sigh of relief at this time, while Sasuke was gasping for breath. Obviously, this was not a small consumption for him. 】

[Sasuke, still not used to the power of eyes, he covered his right eye. 】

[The pain from the right eye made Sasuke a little uncomfortable, and at this moment, he suddenly felt something strange behind him! 】

[Sasuke looks back, but Kirabi's attack has come to him! 】

【He can't hide! 】

["Lei Plough Hot Knife!\" Kirabi shouted loudly, his left hand hooked Sasuke's neck directly and knocked him out! 】

[“Wow!” Chirabi raised his left hand high upon seeing this, and shouted excitedly again. 】

["Sass!" Xiangrin shouted very sadly, while Shigego rushed over to catch Sasuke in the air. 】

[Sasuke at this time doesn't know how much blood has been shed. 】

[Xiang Rin then ran over quickly, her pupils shrank when she saw Sasuke's wound. 】

["This, this, what kind of injury is this!\" Xiang Rin said in horror, the expression on her face was very ugly! 】

["The neck and chest, even the internal organs were blown away! This injury has been...\'\'I said with a bit of sadness.]

[Suddenly, Shigego remembered what Junmarou said to him earlier. 】

["He is like my reincarnation\"]

[For Shigego, he lives for Junmarou, and now, he lives for Sasuke! 】

On the other side, the fourth Raikage finally laughed, and he did not continue to slap the table.

This made the sackcloth beside him breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise, Yunyin Village would be destroyed by his own hands sooner or later.

"Hmph, it's ridiculous to do something to my brother, death is inevitable!"

The fourth Raikage said arrogantly, he felt that he was making a fuss, but he thought Kirabi would lose?

You know, he is the eight-tailed man Zhuri!

On the other side, Shigego followed behind Orochimaru.

And beside him were Jun Maru and Ghost Light Shuiyue, and Chongwu looked at Jun Maru suspiciously.

At this time, Junmarou seemed to have seen through Shigego's doubts.

"That is the future. Perhaps, he can indeed take over my existence."

Junma Lu said with a smile, this made Shigego very uncomfortable.

His mood fluctuated violently, and just as he was about to run wild, Junmalu put his hand on his shoulder.

Only then did Shigego recover, and he looked at Junmalu very gratefully.

And Junma Lu returned him a smile.

The list is still going on! .

Chapter 254 The Terrifying Amaterasu Black Flame!

[Xiang Rin saw Sasuke so seriously injured, she decisively lifted her clothes, and wanted Sasuke to bite herself to restore Chakra. 】

[As for Shigego, he suddenly stretched out his hand and said. 】

[\"Xiang Rin, no need, I'll come here, your current Chakra is not enough to cure him." Chongwu said expressionlessly. 】

【"What are you going to do? 〃Xiang Rin is very puzzled, what are you going to do?】

["I assimilated with Sasuke's body and distributed my chakra and body to him. Sasuke's body can adapt to my spell mark, it should be able to do it!" Shige said with some uncertainty. 】

[But now there is only this way! 】

[Shoggo's right half turned reddish-brown directly, and he put his hand inside Sasuke's body. 】

[On the other hand, Kirabi is also self-analysis. 】

[\"To release the illusion, you need to disturb your chakra and wake up your companions. My companion is the eight tails in my body. The illusion is useless to the human Zhuli who can control the tailed beasts!\" After finishing speaking, Kirabi said again. Start rapping and mocking~! 】

["I was disillusioned with you, so you were destroyed, the real appearance of Uncle Renzhu Liben."]

【Between the raps, eight octopus tails appeared behind Kirabi! 】

[The tail directly supports Kirabi, which looks very spectacular. 】

[\"This is a monster, take a good look at it, the human column has changed, yeah!" Kirabi rapped excitedly even after he turned into eight tails. 】

[Then the huge cow's nose spurted hot air! 】

[When the smoke dissipated, a huge beast with horns and eight octopus tails appeared in front of Xiang Rin and them! 】

【“Incontinence because of the eight tails, little ones!” Kirabi shouted very excitedly.】

[At this time, Xiang Rin fell backwards, and she looked at the huge monster in front of her with trembling. 】

[This Chakra, this is really possible! Xiang Rin thought in horror. 】

[\"This is the eight tails!\" I also said solemnly. 】

[\"The monster of a cow and an octopus, is this his real body?\" After the ghost lamp Shuiyue finished speaking, he dived directly into the water. 】

"Assaulting the enemy, stabbing the enemy Longhorn, it's good luck!" Even if Kirabi turned into Yatai, he still couldn't handle his RAP habit. 】

[Rap shaking his head, followed by a cry. 】

[This Chakra is simply incredible, staying here will kill you! Xianglin began to be afraid. 】

[After all, Xiang Rin is a perceptive ninja, and the strength of the other party gives her the strongest sense of experience! 】

["Chongwu, are you all right?\" Xiang Rin asked anxiously. 】

[And Shigego's right hand was shaking wildly on Sasuke's chest, and then when the right hand was removed, a brown mass appeared on Sasuke's chest. 】

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