["Looking for something?\" Xiao Nan said at this time. 】

["Yeah, where did you put Nagato's body?" Obito's tone was full of ill will. 】

["Not here.\" Xiao Nan closed her eyes and said, and then her body turned into a piece of white paper. 】

[Countless pieces of paper were suddenly folded into the air by invisible forces and flew like butterflies, which looked very beautiful. 】

[Countless paper butterflies flew around, and Obito followed with his divine might. 】

[On the water, paper butterflies all gathered on a stone, and then Xiao Nan appeared on the stone. 】

[On the opposite side of her is a black vortex, followed by Uchiha Obito standing on top of a broken building. 】

["The eye of reincarnation, it seems that you don't intend to tell me where Nagato is!" Obito said with great dissatisfaction! 】

["I know you will come to me, I have been waiting here for a long time, just to end your life!" Xiao Nan also said coldly, not to be outdone. 】

["I won't show mercy to you just because you are my former companion! Akatsuki will not forgive traitors, you know that!" Uchiha Obito said with awe. 】

【"By the way, let me ask you a question. Why would a ninja member as good as you betray me!"

"You and Nagato originally agreed very much with my Moon Eye plan!"

"Naruto Naruto? If he is defeated, there is nothing that can be done." Speaking of this, Obito's tone became sharp. 】

[\"But Nagato... But he died because he used Reincarnation on Naruto! That was supposed to be used on me!"]

[Uchiha Obito said very dissatisfiedly, why did they rebel because of a sudden and inexplicable betrayal! 】

【“Even if there is absolutely no way to figure out what changed Nagato’s mind!”】

[After Obito said this, Xiao Nan recalled the previous conversation. 】

["I have finished my story, now tell me, your answer!" Nagato said very coldly.]

[Xiao Nan on the side watched all this, Naruto Naruto came to him, if there is no reasonable answer, Nagato will definitely kill him! 】

[Naruto picks up the story of the hero of Jiraiya written by Jiraiya, and recalls the words of Jiraiya in his head. 】

[I believe that the era when people truly trust each other will surely come. 】

["I already know your situation, but even so, I still..." Naruto said with some pain and annoyance. 】

[\"I still can't forgive you! I still hate you!'\'Naruto said with his eyes closed and his teeth gritted.]

["Then make a break!" Nagato just finished speaking and was about to start when Naruto suddenly said. 】

["But... the lecherous immortal entrusted all this to me because he trusted me!"]

【“Then I am also willing to believe what the lecherous immortal once believed!”]

["This! This is my answer!" Naruto said very sharply. 】

[He opened his eyes and said with bright eyes! 】

【“What a joke! Even now, do you still believe what Jiraiya said?”]

【"Wake up! There is no real peace in this world!"】

[“As long as we are still living in this cursed world, there is no such thing as peace!”]

[Nagato said angrily, he used to believe in peace so much. 】

[But now, he realizes that peace cannot exist at all, and only by letting them fight a bag of rice can the world be peaceful! 】

[Naruto was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said firmly \"Then! Then let me unravel this curse for everyone!\"]

[\"If there really is peace, I will definitely grab it with my own hands! I will never give up!\" Nagato was stunned after Naruto finished speaking. 】

[He feels a bit familiar with this sentence! "Your.. this sentence....\"]

["Nagato, what's wrong?\" Xiao Nan looked at Nagato in confusion, could something happen? 】

["This sentence, this sentence...is...I..." Nagato murmured in shock. 】

["That's right, I just said all the sentences in this book!" Naruto picked up the book again and looked at it. 】

[\"It is the first book written by the lecherous fairy. The lecherous fairy once really wanted to use this book to change the world."

"At the end of the book, an apprentice who inspired him to write this book is recorded." Then Naruto turned to the end of the book. 】

["That's your name, Nagato!" Naruto's words made Nagato unable to calm down for a long time. 】

["How is this possible...\" Nagato's eyes were no longer as firm as before, and he began to doubt his own thoughts! 】【He did not expect that Jiraiya also wrote such a book! 】

[“And the protagonist of this book, his name is… Naruto!”].

Chapter 257 Naruto's Will!

【\"Do you understand? My name! It's a precious legacy bestowed by lecherous immortals!"]

[\"How could I give up my efforts and let Master's legacy be dusted!"]

【\"I want to become Hokage! Then bring peace to Yuyin Village!"]

[\"So, please believe me!" Naruto said very firmly! 】

[He is serious about becoming Hokage! 】

"Good boy, I really have you!" Jirai also patted the head of Naruto who was cultivating and said with great emotion.

The dialogue in the list made his blood boil, but it seems that he is dead in the future!

【\"Why? Why do you dare to be so firm that you will not change?"

"No matter how much pain you experience in the future, it will never change. Can you really hold on to such an idea?"

\"Can you assert? Can you believe in yourself?\" Nagato questioned with anger and dissatisfaction! 】

[Naruto covered his stomach and said, "In my body, there is a certain terrible pain." Naruto is talking about the nine-tailed Kurama! 】

[“I really don’t know how much pain I will experience in the future, but if I stop believing in myself because of this.”

"If the character of the protagonist has changed, the story will be distorted, and what the master left behind will become another book."

"Then it's no longer Naruto's book!" Naruto said very sharply, and then his tone changed. 】

["I'm not as good at writing books as Master, so I have to figure out the sequel by myself!"

"So no matter what kind of pain I encounter, I will not stop!"

"This is Naruto!" Naruto said very loudly and firmly! 】

[The screen changes, and once again comes to the confrontation between Obito and Xiaonan. 】

["Uzumaki Naruto? Do you really think such a guy has such great value?" Obito's tone was very calm. 】

[But Obito's anger has reached the edge, just because of a naive boy, did they use the reincarnation on the ordinary people of Konoha? 】【Has Nagato been tricked into committing suicide just because of a few words? 】

[\"He is bright, so everyone is talented, holding flowers of hope.\" Xiao Nan pointed out Obito with his right hand and said. 】

[Afterwards, Xiao Nan's body began to turn into pieces of white paper. 】

【"Hmph, you betrayed me, but you are still wearing the clothes of Akatsuki.\" Uchiha Obito sneered at this. 】

【\"It seems that you still have some nostalgia for Xiao organization!\"】

["Xiao Ke was an organization founded by Yahiko. The red cloud in this suit symbolizes the war that brought blood and blood to Wuyin Village!"

"You bastard, you just stole Akatsuki!"

"This dress represents our justice and peace, it does not belong to you."

"And the Eye of Samsara is also a ninja from Yuyin Village, and Nagato got it after looking at it! It doesn't belong to you either!"

"His eyes are the country and the treasure of this village!" Xiao Nan said angrily. 】

[She didn't expect Obito's face to be so thick, and then Xiao Nan manipulated the paper and threw a few paper shuriken! 】

[But without exception, they were all dodged by Obito with divine power. 】

【"Hum hum hum! You misunderstood two things!" Obito said with a cold snort. 】

["Anyway, your life is not long, then I will tell you!\"

"I was the one who prompted Yahiko to create the Akatsuki organization, and another."

"I was the one who gave Nagato the Eye of Samsara! 〃Obito's words shocked Konan!"

["So, it should be correct that I hope he can return it to me.\" Uchiha Obito spread his hands and said helplessly. 】

["Forget it, in my opinion, you're just a cute little girl with an empty head!\" Obito's words were full of ridicule! ] On the other hand, Xiao organized everyone to watch Obitu's performance on the list with disgust.

They are all hopeful people with ideals they believe in.

But this guy, pretending to be Madara, actually wants to use Akatsuki to start a war!

Especially Nagato, the eyes on his body, even if they are spotted, is it a matter of shit?

["And now the little girl who knows where Nagato's Samsara Eye is, as long as I catch you, I can dig out the information!" Obito said very easily. 】

[But his eyes are full of danger! 】

["Don't underestimate Uchiha's pupil power, little girl!" He said in an angry and domineering tone. 】

[Xiao Nan didn't talk nonsense, she directly used countless sheets of paper to form a pair of white wings behind her, and then flew into the air! 】

[Next, Xiao Nan flew towards Uchiha Obito with countless sheets of paper! 】

[Want to rely on the advantage of numbers to seize every opportunity that I become materialized to attack me? Well, I know you're trying to seduce me! Take the soil to analyze and fight. 】

[Since that's the case, let's compete with you faster than anyone else! Obito is very confident in his own strength! 】

[\"Here!\"Obito said decisively, and then grabbed it! 】

[He sees where Xiao Nan is, and he wants to shred Xiao Nan directly! 】

["Ah!\" Xiao Nan cried out in pain after being caught, and then Obito displayed his divine might! 】

[He will use Shenwei to shred Xiao Nan, however, at this time, countless pieces of paper entered his Shenwei space! 】

[He saw countless figures of detonating talismans! \"Did you also mix in the detonator?"】

[Obito is obviously a little shocked, what is this Xiaonan trying to do? 】

["I'll take you to that world!\" Xiao Nan murmured, and then a strong light flashed! 】

[All the detonating talismans exploded! 】

[A piece of white paper burned, and then fell into the water and extinguished. 】

[On the water, fragments of Akatsuki's clothes and a fragment of a vortex mask appeared! 】

[As soon as the screen changes, Uchiha Obito is half-squatting on the ground, his right hand has been lost, and the mask on his face has been blown up in half! 】

【Blood and rain are mixed on your body! 】

["I underestimated you, think about it carefully, after all, you were also a member of Akatsuki's organization before!" Obito said a little unhappily. 】

[Obviously, he suffered a loss, but Xiao Nan's state at this time is not very good. 】

[Paper slowly gathers Xiao Nan's upper body, Xiao Nan gasps heavily. 】

【"Are you going to explode when I absorb you, and die with me? It's a pity that you failed!" Obito said with some displeasure. 】

[“It’s still my movement faster, and even the explosion was absorbed, although I suffered a little injury. 〃 However, no matter how bad it is, Obito will still not show weakness.]

["Thanks to me, you also saved a small life, thank me!" Obito said very forcefully. 】

【"Now, have you run out of tactics?" Obito slowly stood up and said. 】

["Ban, I'm asking you.\" Xiao Nan said a little angrily. 】

[\"What's the matter!" Obito stood up and said very arrogantly. 】

【“Do you know, why did we betray you, why did we choose to believe in Naruto!”]

[Xiao Nan's words directly stabbed Obito, and Obito suddenly became a little annoyed. 】

【Why do your own people go to trust that guy Naruto? 】

[What kind of magic does he have? Is it strong? Are you still good at saying nice things? 】

【".I don't know! That's your problem!\"

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