Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 41: Meet the Red Sand Scorpion

At the junction of the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain, the wind was blustery, and two thin figures were moving forward in the strong wind, followed by a dozen sand hermit ninjas.

"It's all your fault that Uchiha sealed the fire. If it weren't for you, we would have returned to the village long ago!"

Kakashi's white hair swayed in the strong wind, and his eyes were extremely solemn.

"Blame me?" Feng Huo hummed.

"Isn't it your fault!"

Feng Huo looked back at Sha Yin from time to time, and said calmly: "From the time we entered the small town to the time we came out, there was no flaw at all, and it is impossible to be discovered by such a careful barbecue in the cave! So, there must be a traitor who tipped us off. .”

"That's your reason too!" Kakashi clapped his hands together and slapped the ground, "Lei Dun-walk!"


The dense thunder and lightning spread crazily backwards along the ground.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

A few sand ninjas sneered and launched ninjutsu, and the violent gale directly blew away the lightning on the ground.

"Are you an idiot? You don't know about Feng Dun and Klei Dun." Feng Huo Zhizhi despised him.

"Then do you know that Fire Dungeon overcomes Wind Dunk?" Kakashi rolled his eyes and complained.

Feng Huo sneered: "Please, one of those sand ninjas in the back is a particularly good ninja. Even if Huo Dun restrains Feng Dun, it can't make up for the gap in strength."

"Then what do you think?" Even if Kakashi teamed up with Fenghuo, he could fight that special Jonin, but the key is that there are more than a dozen Chunin behind him. If he is caught up, he will die.

"Cold salad!"


"Run away, stupid!"

There is nothing to say about the martial art of sealing the fire. Under the practice of Matedai, he has successfully broken through the third student of the Eight Gates of Dunjia last month, and Kakashi has his father's teachings, and there is no shortcoming in all aspects. plate.

"Little Konoha, surrender quickly!" Yisha Ren kept using Fengdun to speed up his speed, but no matter how hard he chased, he couldn't catch up with the two little ghosts in front of him, which made him more determined to kill them, " Hand over the information, and we will let you go!"

"Hey, this is already the land of the Land of Fire. If you break in privately, aren't you afraid of triggering a war in the ninja world?" Feng Huo shouted, "At that time, you will be the sinners of the Land of Wind through the ages, and you will be stigmatized for thousands of years. You are so right. What about your parents and friends?"

After a few years of peace, the situation in various countries became tense again. The Land of Rain is located at the junction of the Land of Fire, the Land of Earth, and the Land of Wind. The strategic location is naturally very important, so the three major countries have sent a large number of ninjas into the Land of Rain Gather intelligence.

For intelligence, ninjas from all over the world are fighting each other, and the situation has gradually become uncontrollable.

Even Sanshoyu Hanzo, who holds the title of demigod, can't deter ninjas from all over the world at this time.

"Huh? Wait!" From the corner of his eyes, Feng Huo saw a red-haired Sha Yin on the left side in front of him looking at him. When he looked carefully, his scalp suddenly went numb.

'The red sand scorpion? ! '

I have a go!

Fenghuo was taken aback.

Two years later, this guy will be able to overthrow the tyrannical existence of the third generation of Kazekage, so it is absolutely impossible to meet him face to face.

"Run to the right!"

Seal the fire and yell.

Kakashi was taken aback. Although he also saw the Red Sand Scorpion, he didn't take him seriously.

"What are you doing, Uchiha sealing the fire?" Kakashi followed very unhappy.

"That red-haired man is a dangerous person. Let's not mess with him." They were already in a miserable situation. They were hunted down by a special Jnin and a dozen Chunin. If they got any closer to the Red Sand Scorpion, it would be a human tragedy. up.

"You know him?" Kakashi asked puzzled.

Feng Huo gave him a strange look: "Your father killed his parents with his own hands, you ask me who is he?"

Kakashi rolled his eyes. During World War II, his father killed ninjas from all over the world in fear. He didn't know which pair of unlucky ghosts he was the son of.

"Scorpion, stop them!" The special jonin from Sand Hidden Village behind him yelled.

Scorpion stood there motionless, as if he didn't hear it.

"Damn it, Xie, that white-haired man is Konoha Baiya's son, he is your enemy!" the special ninja of Shayin Village shouted anxiously.

But Xie was still expressionless, just looking at this side quietly.

‘Ha, as expected of the murderous man who slaughtered Sandai Kazekage two years later, he has character! '

Fenghuo gave a thumbs up to the Red Sand Scorpion.

Soon, Fenghuo and Kakashi got into the forest on the right side, and fled quickly along the dense branches.

The special ninja from Shayin Village was so angry that if he continued chasing, he might encounter Konoha's large army of ninjas, so he had to give up. He rushed to Scorpion and shouted: "Scorpion, what are you thinking? Don't you want to?" To avenge your parents? That's Konoha Baiya's son, what are you thinking about, you... uh, uh!"

A trace of blood suddenly overflowed from his throat, dripping to the ground.

"grown ups?!"

The rest of the Chunin were stunned and couldn't believe what they saw.

Xie's red hair swayed slightly in the wind, and his unrecognizable voice came: "Stop pointing in front of me!"

In just a moment, Scorpion opened a small hole in the throat of this special Jonin.

Several Chunin hurriedly rushed up to heal his injuries. After medical ninjutsu, the blood in his throat was finally blocked, but the blood flowed into the trachea, which caused him to suffocate. When a bunch of Chunin finally rescued him in a hurry, they finally came back. The scorpion was found to have disappeared.

"This guy is so arrogant!"

"That's right, even the people in my own village are attacked, maybe I will become a traitor in the future!"

"Even if he is a descendant of Lord Chiyo~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he can't go too far!"

Chunin accused one after another.

However, what they didn't know was that Xie was not far away at this time, and could hear these people's words very clearly.

"It's ugly."

Scorpion sighed softly, then turned and left.

In the dense forest, Fenghuo and Kakashi ran for a while and found that there was no hidden sand behind them before they relaxed slightly.

"Don't worry, this is the Land of Fire, and those sand ninjas don't dare to blatantly chase them in." Feng Huo stretched his waist.

"Who is that red-haired guy?" Kakashi was still curious.

"His name is Xie, and he is good at puppet art and poison." Feng Huo said solemnly, "Don't underestimate him. If he grows up, even the current three generations of Kazekage will not be his opponents!"

Kakashi rolled his eyes: "You can say whatever you want." The proud Kakashi said that as long as he grows up, he will go away regardless of what scorpion he is.

"What should we do now?" Kakashi glanced at him with strange eyes.

"Of course I'm going back to the village."

"Aren't you afraid?" Kakashi already knew some inside information from Sakumo Hatake. This time, he was inexplicably hunted down by Sand Yin. Biggest, but without evidence, there's not much they can do.

"Hehe, didn't you find out? Even in the Land of Rain, they only dared to attract Sand Yin, and they didn't dare to do it themselves. They obviously have concerns. When they return to the Land of Fire, they dare not do it." Feng Huo smiling face.

After all, with his help, Konoha Baiga didn't die, and the newspaper office earned so much money every month for Sarutobi Hiruza and the families that supported him. Do you think this is all fake?

Reciprocate, Sarutobi Hiruza must ensure the safety of sealing the fire!

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