Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 43: Political compromise?

Under Matt Dai's crazy training, Fenghuo's body has finally reached its limit, and unless his body gradually develops over time, he can no longer improve by a little bit. This is undoubtedly good news for Fenghuo.

Although it is still necessary to maintain enough training volume to maintain physical condition, there is a lot more time.

Every day, Fenghuo spends ten hours refining Chakra. His physical energy and mental energy are very abundant. It is not difficult to refine Chakra. Fenghuo can clearly feel that the Chakra in his body is increasing bit by bit all the time. The accumulation of less becomes more, and hundreds of rivers converge into the sea.

And the learning speed of the shadow clone sealing technique is getting faster and faster.

At the beginning of learning the sealing technique, because there was no corresponding foundation, it was very uncomfortable and slow to learn, but after the initial difficulties, and then with the foundation, and with the guidance of a good teacher, it was impossible to slow down.

When it comes to good teachers, I have to mention Kushina, because Namakaze Minato often has missions, so most of the doubts are actually Kushina's answers.

And the frequent contact between the two also made Danzo attack Fenghuo from time to time, because Kushina is Kyuubi Jinchuriki, if Fenghuo has ulterior motives, the consequences will be quite serious!

He dragged Zhuanju Koharu and Mitomon Yan to look for Sarutobi Hiruzen, but the latter was not moved at all.

So Danzang began to fabricate false information to slander Fenghuo as a spy from other villages, and his methods were extremely dirty and despicable.

But Hiruzaru Sarutobi still turned a blind eye.

This angered Danzo, he thought to himself, do you think it's over if you ignore it? too naive,

He directly ordered people to leak the false information, wanting to repeat the old tricks and use 'public opinion' to denounce Fenghuo.

But soon, he hit a wall, a huge iron wall.

The Konoha Galewind Newspaper directly used a quarter of the page to introduce the two young geniuses in the village to all the common people!

It was Kakashi and Fenghuo.

Of course, it goes without saying that Kakashi is a well-known genius, and he broke the record for Chunin promotion at the age of 6.

But Fenghuo is not bad. He was promoted to Zhongnin at the age of 7. What is even more rare is that he is comprehensive in all aspects, including ninjutsu, illusion, physical skills, and sealing skills. In addition, the powerful blood follower limit boundary sharingan, the future potential is endless , Moreover, he is also the vice president of the Konoha Hayate Newspaper, and he has made great contributions to the establishment of the newspaper. In this way, his popularity was once equal to Kakashi, and he became a household name, and became the talk of many ordinary people after dinner.

Under such circumstances, Danzang sent people to slander everywhere, saying that Fenghuo was a spy sent by other villages. This is totally untenable and no one will believe it.

In the next few issues of the newspaper, Fenghuo and Kakashi frequently appeared in the newspaper. In modern terms, it means that the headlines are in the headlines every three days. In less than a month, Fenghuo and Kakashi have attracted a lot of fans in the village, and they have become models for countless families to educate their children, that is, "other people's family" kid'!

Danzo was so angry that he could only play and stare blankly!

At the same time, he finally realized the true role of newspapers.

"So that's it, this is the biggest role of the newspaper! Damn it, bastard!"

Danzo really didn't expect, absolutely never expected, that this newspaper is so powerful, not only collecting money, but also guiding public opinion, this is simply a cheating tool!

Using vicious public opinion to slander others, attack others, and exclude others, this kind of thing Danzo has done a lot, but with newspapers, it is almost difficult for him to use these methods in the future, and he even has to worry about using newspapers to slander others. he!

After all, his roots are not clean at all, if it is revealed by the newspapers...

Danzo's scalp is numb, if this kind of thing really happens, he will never even think about taking the position of Hokage in the future!

"Sakumo Hatake, Uchiha seals the fire!"

Danzo is not reconciled, if the newspaper is in his hands, he can even force Hiruzaru Sarutobi to abdicate in peacetime!

He rolled his eyes, and immediately set off to find Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In Hokage's office, Danzo rarely showed a smile on his gloomy face.

"Hizan, about Hatake Sakumo, I have something I want to talk to you about."

"Huh?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi picked up the pipe and took a puff. Thinking of the actions of the newspaper office, he understood Danzo's purpose, and said with a smile, "Let's talk."

"The situation in the ninja world is not peaceful now, I think it's time for Konoha Baiya to come out and frighten them again." Danzo Daiyi said awe-inspiringly, "The last time Kakashi went to the Land of Rain, he was actually hunted down by Sand Ninja Hmph, if Konoha Baiga is still active, would Sand Ninja dare to make a move? In view of this, I hope you can let Konoha Baiga resume his position as the leader of the dark army!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi happily smoked his pipe, and deliberately said slowly: "This is not allowed. Sakumo gave up the mission for the sake of his partner, which caused huge losses to the village. As Hokage, I can't let him commit such a bad thing again." Things! No, he can no longer be the captain of the dark army!"

Danzo's face twitched, wishing he could tear the **** in front of him.

If it weren't for this incident, the Konoha Galewind Newspaper would not have been born!

This is really shooting yourself in the foot!

"Hi Zhan, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Konoha Baiya's combat power is one of the few in the entire ninja world, but such a character is placed in a place like a newspaper office, it is really inferior!" Danzo pressed With anger in his heart, he slowly persuaded him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen still shook his head: "No, I can't do that!"

Danzo was trembling with anger, if Hatake Sakumo was not moved away, how would he let his people join the newspaper office?

Danzo squinted his eyes and muttered, no matter how stupid Sarutobi Hiruzen was, he couldn't keep Hatake Sakumo idle in Konoha, so as long as he increased his chips, he would definitely make him compromise!

Isn't that what politics is all about?

So he immediately took advantage of it to seduce Hiruza Sarutobi.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi struggled for a while, but finally couldn't resist the temptation and agreed.

Danzo said with a smile: "Since Hatake Sakumo will be the leader of the dark army again, I recommend the position of the president of the Konoha Hayate newspaper..."

"Wait." Hiruzaru Sarutobi put down his pipe and looked at him in surprise, "Danzo, the Konoha Hayate newspaper is privately owned, and we have no right to decide who will be the president."

Danzo's face darkened, and he said, "Don't tell me you want that kid Uchiha Fenghuo to be the president of the newspaper?!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at him deeply, showing a weird smile, and said: "Danzo, your information is still not accurate enough, what is Konoha Hayate, um..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought for a long time and finally remembered, "It's a shareholding system, hehe, I, the Sakumo family, the Fenghuo family, the Akido family, the Yamanaka family, the Nara family, the Yume family, and the Inuzuka family jointly control this house." The shares of the newspaper, of course, we will only choose from these families for the positions of president and vice president of the newspaper."

When Danzang heard this, his face turned pale.

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