Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 1043: Touched by Kakashi


After the gravitational force of Earth Explosion Star disappeared, Ohnoki slowly floated into the air again. At this moment, he frowned and looked at the sky, but the aurora-like aftermath caused by the battle between Fenghuo and Madara Uchiha had disappeared. The color was dim, and Ohnoki's sight was severely obstructed under the drop.

But what is certain is that the two complete Susanoos as huge as mountains have all disappeared.

"Why do I have a bad premonition." Fourth Raikage said.

"Uchiha Madara has indeed disappeared." Obito turned on the kaleidoscope, and even though the moonlight was dim, he could still see Fenghuo's figure falling quickly, "However, the puff of smoke just now..."

In the process of sealing the fire and falling, he directly psyched out the second form of chakra rouwu, and then glided to the place where Namikaze Minato and others sat in the second form.

"Fenghuo, where is Uchiha Madara?" Namikaze Minato hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Feng Huo said: "I was taken away by the psychic, I don't know if it is Orochimaru or Uchiha Shin."

"Damn it, he ran away!" Tsunade walked over, slowly stopped Baihao's technique, and the black runes all over his body quickly disappeared.

"If he doesn't run, I'm afraid it will be our turn to run." Feng Huo shrugged.

Tsunade was furious, and he swung his fist and smashed it: "Idiot, don't refute when the teacher is speaking!"

"No matter what, this battle is finally over. Everyone, let's go back and rest for a night." Onoki slowly lowered his figure, rubbed the old man's waist and said, "I am old, and my waist can't stay up all night."

When everyone rushed to the ninja camp, Fenghuo came to Obito and asked, "Shisui and Dou should be with you."

Obito nodded his head: "They were all injured by Uchiha Madara's Susanoo's samurai sword."

"How is the injury?" Feng Huo asked nervously.

"Shisui should be fine, if you take a bag..." Obito hesitated, "He was cut in half, and the slug said that part of his intestines fell off. Whether he can survive depends on his own will."

Feng Huo frowned, and then his eyes brightened.

He remembered that in the original book, Er Zhuzi took Tian Ping Shigeu and others to recover the eight tails. As a result, Er Zhuzi was shot through the chest and abdomen by the rabbi Zhu Liqi, and all internal organs, intestines, etc. were all smashed into pieces , In the end, Tiancheng Zhongwu used his own flesh and blood to turn Erzhuzi's lost internal organs into a new one, completely repairing Erzhuzi's injury.

Therefore, Dou’s injury is not a problem. The only problem is that Fenghuo has been crazily integrating the celestial chakra in the past month or so in order to evolve Er Zhuzi’s eternal kaleidoscope into the eye of reincarnation, and Libra Zhongwu and Xianglin have paid for it. He paid a huge price, and now he is still recuperating in Konoha, and has not come with the group!

I don't know if the pocket can hold Konoha!

Hearing what Feng Huo said, Obito's spirits were greatly lifted, and he hurriedly expressed that he would take the pharmacist back to Konoha overnight, and let Libra Shigego repair the injury of the bag!

With Obito's space-time pupil technique, ignoring the consumption of pupil power, it is not a problem to go back and forth between Konoha and the ninja coalition camp overnight.

"Why are you so active all of a sudden?" Feng Huo looked strangely at Obito who suddenly became righteous.

Obito rubbed his head and laughed, without explanation, but his heart was bubbling with beauty: If you save Kabuki, let him clone Kakashi's Sharingan immediately!

At present, there are very few ninjas who have mastered the cloning technology in the ninja world. There may be some people in the ninja alliance who have mastered this technology, but Obito does not trust them. After all, what they clone is Sharingan. If the other party has greed, they will clone more on purpose. But, that would be a lot of fun, and his only, no, only two trusted medical ninjas, there are only two people, one is Medicine Master Dou and the other is Medicine Master Nonoyu!

Pharmacist Nonoyu is tired of fighting, so he will still be the director of Konoha's orphanage.

So no matter whether he was looking for the pharmacist No Naoyu or the rescue pharmacist Dou, Obito had to go back to Konoha.

When they arrived at the camp of the Ninja Allied Forces, Namikaze Minato and others went to deal with the matter, while Obito transferred Kakashi, Shisui, Yakumo, Hatake Sakumo, Sakura and others, as well as a large number of supplies from the Hitomijutsu space .

"Brother Fenghuo!" As soon as Kuruma Yakumo came out, he looked around, and after confirming that he was safe, he immediately ran to Fenghuo happily, hugged his arm, and smiled sweetly, "I knew that Brother Fenghuo could defeat Madara Uchiha."

Feng Huo smiled wryly: "Ah, um, Uchiha Madara was suddenly psychic away. Strictly speaking, I didn't defeat him."

"Even so, Brother Fenghuo is the best!" Yakumo praised.

"Hey, Fenghuo, you're already married, so don't flirt with other girls." Obito was jealous beside him.

It's not that Obito likes Yakumo, but because he thinks of Lin who always keeps a distance from him, so... uncomfortable.

Yakumo stuck out his tongue, and then let go of Fenghuo's arm.

"Captain, I may not be able to participate in the next battle." Shisui suddenly said, with a bitter smile, "I didn't expect Uchiha Madara to be so powerful, I am not his opponent at all."

After Zhishui was healed by the slug, the huge wound on the chest and abdomen had healed, but the wound on the internal organs still needed time to rest.

"Don't worry, after the bag is finished, he should be able to think of a way to heal your injury quickly." Feng Huo smiled and turned his head to look at Obito, "Then, it's about time you set off."

"Oh, no problem, leave it all to me!" Upon hearing this, Obito cheered up again, his eyes sparkling.

"and many more."

Kakashi suddenly said, "Before that, Obito, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter? Is it important?" Obito couldn't wait to get on the road, "If it's not important, let's talk about it when I come back."

"Very important, very important!" Kakashi said solemnly.

"Kakashi, are you ready?"

Hatake Sakumo came behind Kakashi and asked with a smile.

Zhizi Moruofu, after the battle with Uchiha Madara, Hatake Sakumo has obviously guessed Kakashi's thoughts.

"Ah, I've already thought about it."

Kakashi couldn't help but pull Obito and walked towards the medical class of the Ninja Alliance.

"Kakashi, can't you wait for me to come back? Kabuki is seriously injured." Obito said with a bitter face.

"Don't worry, I've communicated with slugs in your pupil art space before, and Kato won't die in a short time," Kakashi said.

"Okay." What else can Obito do, but soon he rolled his eyes, rubbed his hands, and said embarrassedly, "Actually, I also have something to tell you."

Kakashi paused and said without looking back, "It's about my Sharingan."

Obito said: "Yes, I think..."

"I understand!" Kakashi interrupted him directly, then turned his head solemnly, looked into Obito's eyes, and said seriously, "That's why I came to you. Back then, it was Lin who transplanted this Sharingan. It’s on me, now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it’s time to return it to you. It just so happens that Lin is also here, so it’s best to let her do this matter.”

"You...no, that's not what I meant! You bastard!" Obito was startled, then furious, and righteously roared, "I said that this Sharingan is a gift I gave you to be promoted to Jnin. So no matter what, I will never take it back!"

Kakashi frowned slightly, and was about to make a long speech to persuade Obito, when he saw that Obito, who had just been upright and awe-inspiring just now, showed the appearance of a little girl, rubbing his hands shyly and continued, "So, so, just let Doku clone it. .”


Kakashi was a little confused.

Then he finally understood why Obito was so active in sending him back to Konoha.

"Obito, you bastard..." Kakashi rubbed his long silver-white hair, why was he suddenly moved? Eye sockets are hot, tears are about to flow down.

Kakashi touched his right eye subconsciously, but there were no tears.

Could it be the left eye?

Kakashi was about to take off the ninja forehead, when he heard Obito snort, "This is the best of both worlds, don't you agree?"

"No, I agree." Kakashi put down his hand with a wry smile, and said, "Then, let me go back to Konoha with you."

Obito was taken aback for a moment: "You are the captain of the third combat unit, is it really okay to leave at this time?"

Kakashi shrugged: "No problem, I have already selected the acting captain a long time ago. If I am not here, the acting captain will manage the third unit."

"In that case, it's a deal!"

Obito immediately operated the right eye kaleidoscope, transferred Kakashi and himself to the pupil space, and disappeared in place in an instant!

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