Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 50: weird fantasy world

It has been nearly two years since Sharingan evolved into Shuanggouyu, and these eyes have helped him overcome many difficulties, but as the third Ninja World War is approaching, Shuanggouyu seems a little unsafe.

"Looks like it's time to evolve into a three-hook jade!"

Fenghuo intends to use the old method, using illusion to let the sleeping self enter the miserable world, so as to stimulate his emotions to achieve the goal of breakthrough.

That night, Fenghuo trained to the limit and was exhausted. Before falling asleep, he asked the shadow clone to perform several well-prepared illusions, one after another, in order to make a one-time breakthrough.

But he didn't know that these illusions almost killed him!

In his sleep, Fenghuo fell into the grief of the illusion and couldn't extricate himself, and even let out a dream-like cry, which woke up Yuhihong in the next room.

"Seal the fire, what's wrong with you, are you having a nightmare? Wake up and seal the fire."

Yuhihong shook Fenghuo with a worried face, but no matter how she shook Fenghuo, she couldn't wake up. She was frightened and hurried to call her father.

"Dad, Dad, he's having a nightmare to seal the fire! Open the door quickly."

Clap clap!

After a set of combined punches, Yuhi Zhenhong, who was deeply asleep, was also awakened.

"Hong, it's just a nightmare, it's okay, sealing the fire is not a child." Yuhi Zhenhong said helplessly.

"But no matter how I call him, he won't wake up." Xi Hihong said aggrievedly, pouting.

"Hi hi!"

What else can the sunset really be red?

I can only sprinkle the gas on the fire sealing head.

But when he saw Feng Huo's appearance at this time, he was startled.

At this time, Feng Huo's face was pale, and he was sweating continuously, soaking the pillow.

"Seal the fire? Fenghuo, wake up!"

Yuhi Zhenhong pushed the seal fire, but couldn't wake up at all.

"Father, is Fenghuo sick?" Xi Rihong was very nervous, "Let's send Fenghuo to the hospital."

Xiri Zhenhong frowned, and said to her daughter: "Hong, go to bed first, I will send Fenghuo to the hospital."

"But Dad." Xi Hihong also wanted to follow.

"Hey, the graduation exam is coming soon, don't be distracted, you know?"

"Got it, Dad."

Makoto Yuhi galloped all the way holding Fenghuo, and soon arrived at Konoha Hospital, but the doctor saw Fenghuo and used various medical equipment, and could only come up with a diagnosis of nightmares.

Yuhi Mako invited the medical ninja again, but still had no clue.

"It looks like a nightmare, but I can't wake up. It's strange."

"The vital signs are constantly declining. If you can't wake up, your life may be in danger!"

A medical ninja suddenly shouted: "Could it be that he was hit by an illusion?"

Yuhi Makoto's heart sank slightly: Could it be that the Uchiha clan cast illusions on Fenghuo when he was asleep?

He hurriedly picked up the fire seal, jumped out of the hospital, stepped on the roof and went straight to the family in the mountain.

The Shanzhong family is the 'butterfly' family among the pig deer butterflies, who are good at spiritual secret arts, can control other people's actions through powerful spiritual power, and even explore the other party's memory!

If Fenghuo really fell into the illusion, the secret arts of the mountain clan might be able to help.


Yuhi Zhenhong performed miracles on the door of Yamanaka Hai's family vigorously, and in two or three strokes, the door of the family was brought into trouble.

"Really red? It's so late and you..." Yamanaka Haiyi covered his forehead weakly when he saw the appearance of the gate of his own house.

"Hurry up, Fenghuo seems to have been hit by the illusion of the Uchiha clan, and his vital signs are constantly declining." Yuhi Zhenhong didn't have time to apologize, and walked in with Fenghuo in his arms.


Yamanaka Haiyi took Fenghuo, checked it, and frowned slightly, "Do you want me to use mystic magic to enter Fenghuo's mind to wake him up?"

Yuhi Zhenhong said: "Yes, Fenghuo is now trapped in the illusion and cannot extricate himself from the illusion at all. I can only trouble you to do so."

Yamanaka Kai nodded: "I understand!"

He put the fire seal down, then put one hand on the center of his brow, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Ninja method-mind reading technique!"

Kaiichi Yamanaka's spirit was instantly immersed in Fenghuo's mind.


The thunder roared, and the rain was like needles. On the Caishikou execution ground, a row of tough soldiers lined up, firmly blocking the theatergoers outside.

"Fenghuo, you! Do you have any last words?" On the supervisory banquet, an **** pinching his orchid fingers said in a high-spirited and high-pitched voice.

"You dog, you must die!"

"Hahaha, Fenghuo, after you die, our family will personally send your wife and daughter to the brothel, and watch them pick up customers with our own eyes, hahaha, beheaded by our family!"

"Steward, stag dog! I hate it!"

Haiichi Yamanaka stood blankly in the crowd, looking around, his face full of disbelief.

"What's going on with this dream? It's so absurd, but it seems to have existed? Strange."


The executioner raised his knife and fell.

"Wait!" Yamanaka Hai threw out Kunai in a hurry, but Kunai turned into nothingness and disappeared as soon as he shot it.

At the same time, the fire-sealing head fell to the ground!


Amidst the thunder, ripples suddenly appeared in the surrounding scene, and when the ripples dissipated, Yamanaka Haiyi suddenly discovered that the surrounding environment had changed.


"Fuck, traffic jam again, damn!"

"I'm late, anyway full attendance is long gone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Take your time."

"It's Beijing after all, it's useless to be stuck in such a traffic jam."

"Look, what are those traffic policemen doing so stupidly? They don't give orders."

Yamanaka Haiyi looked down at his weird clothes, the big iron boxes around him, and the people pointing at him in the iron boxes, his face was full of confusion.

"The dream of sealing the fire is too strange, what is going on?"

Yamanaka Hai turned his head and looked around, just in time to see chaos in front of him, as if someone was fighting.

He hurriedly used the blinking technique to pass, but soon, he found that the blinking technique failed, and he stood motionless on the spot.

"how so?"

Yamanaka Hai was shocked, "Is there no ninjutsu in Fenghuo's dream?"

He could only run over, and when he looked, he happened to see a person with a bruised nose and a swollen face being pinned to the ground and slapped.

It is the adult version of Fenghuo.

"Little bastard, you dare to **** women from me with your monthly salary of 2,000, you're tired of it!" A burly man couldn't get enough of it, kicked him hard, and next to him, a pretty girl with beautiful features was crying pear blossoms. Bringing the rain, he was finally taken away by the big man abruptly.

"Hahaha, beauty, let's go, let's go open a small room and have fun, I have prepared a bag of condoms, I will guarantee that you will fall in love with each other for a long time, hahaha!"

Fenghuo collapsed, crying loudly, people around pointing fingers, but soon, Kaiichi Yamanaka found that people around him were all looking at him.

Even Feng Huo rushed forward, his eyes were bloodshot: "Aren't you a policeman, why are you standing by and don't care about anything, do you look down on me, don't you look down on me too!"

Yamanaka Kai widened his eyes, looking at the ferocious and crazy Fenghuo, at a loss.

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