Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 52: Izanami?

Even if the Sangouyu Sharingan ninja is in the Uchiha clan, it is very precious, and they are often the elite combat power of the Uchiha clan, especially at Fenghuo's age at this time, it is very possible to go further!

Therefore, after Sarutobi Hiruzen got the news, he immediately ordered the news to be blocked.

"Can sealing the fire really open the kaleidoscope?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was smoking a pipe and talking to himself, he couldn't help but think of Madara Uchiha in his mind.

Will those sinful eyes come to Konoha again?

"No, Feng Huo is a good boy, no way!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smoked his pipe vigorously, restless.

After lying on the bed in a dazed and dazed state for three days, Feng Huo woke up again.

"Fenghuo, you finally woke up, are you okay?" Xi Hihong asked with concern.

In the past few days, after school, she came to the hospital to watch Fenghuo. Seeing him wake up, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah?" Feng Huo was breathing wearily, his mind was still a little confused, "Where am I?"

"It's in the hospital." Xi Rihong hurriedly ran out to call for someone, "Sister Yaoshi, come quickly after sealing the fire."

A blond woman with round glasses and eyes walked in, smiling.

Pharmacist Nonoyu?

Feng Huo couldn't help but startled when he saw the person coming: "Sister Yaoshi, the money I owe you has already been given to Tsunade, you can ask her for it. Ah, no, what I mean is, why are you here, Sister Yaoshi?"

Pharmacist No Naoyu couldn't help smiling when he saw his ugly appearance: "Don't talk, just remember what happened before."

He nodded, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

In order to evolve the Shuanggouyu Sharingan into the Three Gouyu, he cast several illusions on himself, and as a result, these illusions were inexplicably combined into a brand new illusion, trapping his consciousness in the illusion world, and then...

‘Haiichi Yamanaka? ! '

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, he remembered the sudden appearance of Haiyi Zhongshan in the illusion world.

'The Yamanaka family is proficient in spiritual mysteries. Could it be that I was trapped in the world of illusion, and Yamanaka Haiyi came in. '

Those illusions, but he made them according to the memories of his previous life... I don't know if they have scared Kaiichi Yamanaka.

As for whether Yamanaka Kai would doubt that Fenghuo is from another world, Fenghuo is not worried. After all, in the world of Hokage at this time, there is no such advanced theory as alien world travel.

'By the way, my Sharingan should have evolved to the Three Gouyu, right? '

In the end, when he woke up, his consciousness was a little fuzzy, and he couldn't remember clearly.

If it fails, Fenghuo will really cry.

Using illusion to stimulate his emotions is more dangerous every time. If it wasn't for Haiyi Yamanaka who entered Fenghuo's mind with a subtle mystic technique to remind him, he might be trapped in the illusion world forever.

Thinking about it makes me afraid, and I can't do this again in the future.

But wait!

'Did I accidentally get something weird out of it? '

It was obviously just a few simple illusions, at most they were combined with the world of his previous life, but they turned out to be a brand new illusion.

Does this mean that if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed?

Feng Huo recalled the several illusions he had performed and their order, and felt that he had to try them after he was discharged from the hospital. If he could really develop a brand new illusion, he would be in a very happy mood.

Feng Huo opened his eyes, and before Yao Shi Ye Naoyu could speak, he hurriedly asked, "Sister Yao Shi, how are you doing now, did Danzo make things difficult for you?"

Pharmacist Nonoyu showed a gentle smile: "No, Tsunade-sama took me to the Senju Clan. It's safe there. Hokage-sama has also negotiated with Danzo, and I have successfully left my roots."

"That's good." Feng Huo was sincerely happy for her.

"Okay, let's talk about you, what happened? I heard from Master Shanzhong that the illusion in you is very weird. He has never seen it before, and he didn't find it even after looking through the materials." Pharmacist No Naoyu asked solemnly.

Feng Huo's face was not red and his heart was not beating, and he lied and did not write: "This is actually an accident. Last time I saw Jiaodu use a combination of ninjutsu to fight against the enemy, I wondered if I could combine illusions together, but you saw it. , I succeeded, but nearly trapped myself to death."

"Combined illusion?" Pharmacist No Naoyu didn't know much about illusion, "No wonder the adults in the mountain haven't seen it either."

"Close the fire and drink water." Xi Hihong was very busy at the side, serving tea and water, and peeling fruits for Fenghu to eat.

Pharmacist Nonoyu showed an ambiguous smile.

Feng Huo couldn't stand it anymore: "Hong, don't you have to go to class?"

Kurenai Yuhi shouted: "Yesterday I have successfully graduated, I am now a ninja, look, this is my ninja forehead!"

She happily took out her forehead protector and put it on her forehead, holding her head high and humming proudly.

"Congratulations, Hong, by the way, what about Obito and the others?"

"Obito, Lin, and Asma also graduated successfully, but I didn't tell them about your illness." Kurenai Yuhi added, "Papa didn't let me tell."

Fenghuo felt that the time passed too fast, and everyone graduated in a blink of an eye.

And the third war is not far away.

In Hokage's office, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, Sakumo Hatake, even Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Ikacho, Yuhi Mako, Namikaze Minato, and others were present, quietly listening to Yamanaka Kaiichi report.

"I checked all the information in the village, and found that the illusion in the fire seal is very similar to a certain forbidden art of the Uchiha clan!"

Haiyi Yamanaka's face was extremely solemn, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "This illusion is said to be the ultimate forbidden technique of the Uchiha clan, called Izanami! It is called the technique of determining fate, and once it is used, it will fall into infinite chaos. During the cycle, this illusion cannot be deciphered. Only when the victim admits the purpose of the caster, Izanami will automatically cancel it. That is to say, the mind of the person who has been affected by this illusion will definitely change! "

Everyone's face sank.

If Fenghuo was really hit by this technique and he came to his senses again, does it mean that his position has been changed by the Uchiha clan?

"Can you confirm it's this technique?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked in a calm voice.

Yamanaka Haiyi shook his head: "Sorry, Hokage-sama, I can't be sure."

Namikaze Minato stepped forward: "Does this kind of illusion really exist in this world? It's incredible to change a person's mind!"

"So the caster will pay a huge price, and that is a Sharingan!" Said Yamanaka Kaiichi.

Makoto Yuhi also spoke: "If the Uchiha clan really master this kind of ninjutsu, why waste it on Fenghuo?"

His eyes swept over all the people present, and the meaning is self-evident. Everyone here is worth far more than Fenghuo. Even if the Uchiha clan makes a move, it should not be against Fenghuo, but Everyone present!

Orochimaru sneered and said: "At this time, it is necessary for the teacher's Anbu to take action."

There is a torture department in the dark department. If Fenghuo is really changed in mind, he will definitely be tortured.

"No!" Bo Fengshuimen said, "I don't agree, I absolutely don't believe that Fenghuo can be changed mind!"

Yuhi Zhenhong also said: "Me too."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi had a sullen face, lost in thought.

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