Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 57: Escort mission

With the guidance of Jonin, it is reasonable to say that cultivation should be better, but Feng Huo found that he was getting worse and worse.

During the day, I followed Tsunade, Kurenai Yuhi, and Asma to do unnutritious D-level tasks, and was taken to gamble at night. How could I have time to practice.

Feng Huo touched his belly, it seemed that there was a little fat.

It is true that if you do not advance, you will retreat in the cultivation of physical skills, especially if he cultivates the eight-door dunjia like this. Once he relaxes, he may not even be able to open the first three doors that he has mastered before. This is not a joke.

It's like the 100-meter flying man Mouxiang, if he didn't train for a whole year, would he still be able to run like that?


There is also chakra, his current chakra level is probably above the elite middle ninja, especially below the jnin, which is more than enough, but Tsunade takes up a lot of his time, and he can't spare time to refine it. If things go on like this, this The loss can be great.

There is also the illusion of reincarnation, he still wants to improve this illusion that was included in the book of seals by Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Seeing that the third battle is getting closer, there is no time.

Hey, Tsunade, Tsunade, are you a tease sent by a monkey?

Compared with Fenghuo, Yuhihong is very happy these days. She can do tasks, have picnics and play with Fenghuo every day.

Of course, Asma wished that time would pass faster.

After half a month of such sluggish days, Tsunade finally had the intention to guide the jonin.

"Hong, if you don't understand anything about illusion, just ask Feng Huo directly. If this brat doesn't answer, I'll kill him alive! Asma, you can also ask Feng Huo about the wind escape you cultivated. It's not the wind attribute, he has already mastered the change of Chakra's nature, if he dares to perfunctory you, I will beat him up for you!"

Tsunade put his hands on his hips, and his golden hair fluttered in the breeze, looking very chic.

Feng Huo was completely stunned beside him.

Are you **** kidding me? !

Are you guiding the jounin or am I guiding the jounin?

If you push all over my head, what should I do?

Fenghuo was about to cry out of anger.

"Huh? What's your expression, brat!" Tsunade said fiercely.

"Senior Tsunade, what about me?" Feng Huo fought for his human rights.

"You?" Tsunade had a strange expression on his face, "According to your age, your strength is already very good. Are you really going to fly into the sky and stand side by side with the moon?"


Fenghuo was speechless.

He can't talk to Tsunade about the third Ninja World War that happened in Konoha's 43 years, about Orochimaru's betrayal, about Uchiha Madara's resurrection, right?

"I don't know why you are so eager to improve your strength, but sometimes, stopping for a while doesn't mean a bad thing!" Tsunade said solemnly.

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, stop?

Could it be that Sarutobi Hiruzen deliberately arranged for Tsunade to become his guide Jonin?

The moment the fire was sealed off, the famous detective Conan possessed his body.

‘Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Tsunade to be my guide Jonin, and asked me to stop for a while, there must be a reason. '

Is it Sharingan?

The 9-year-old Sangouyu Sharingan is indeed a bit shocking, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi must also know the existence of the kaleidoscope!

In other words, he doesn't want to open the kaleidoscope himself?

Feng Huo felt that he was close to each other, and Hiruza Sarutobi was probably afraid that he would turn on the kaleidoscope and become someone like Uchiha Madara. At that time, Konoha would not be able to check and balance with the gods of the ninja world, so it would be a lot of fun at that time.

Although Hiruzaru Sarutobi is known as the strongest Hokage, but that is bragging, otherwise why no one calls him the ninja master?

The mind of the superior is really painful.

Sealing the fire is very tangled.

But at this stage, he has to hug Hiruzaru Sarutobi's thigh, otherwise Danzo will never let him go, and the Uchiha clan is probably meeting every day to discuss how to recover his Sharingan, alas, this is a bad life Really aggrieved.

In the next few days, Fenghuo had a very fulfilling life, and Xi Hihong pestered him every day to ask questions. She didn't really learn, but enjoyed the feeling of being with Fenghuo.

And Asma is a man with backbone, besides, as the second generation of Huo, he is afraid that no one will guide him to practice Fengdun? So there is no way to ask Fenghuo for advice.

Early in the morning, Tsunade announced that their class would join forces with the Minato class to do C-level missions.

The mission is to **** a business group from the village to Snow Country, which is a very remote country, almost isolated from the world.

After giving everyone half a day to say goodbye to their families, the group gathered at the entrance of the village.

Obito, Lin, Kurenai Yuhi, Asma, and others were all very interested, even Kakashi. After all, since Hiruzaru Sarutobi ordered the ninjas below the Chunin to leave the village alone, he stopped He never left the village.

"Yo, Fenghuo, I heard that you are also a half instructor." Namikaze Minato greeted Fenghuo with a smile.

Feng Huo glanced at Tsunade next to him, and hummed, "It's not thanks to someone."

Tsunade crossed her arms, raised her head at a forty-five degree angle, and lowered her eyes slightly in a dimpled shape: "Little devil, it's fine if you don't thank me well, hmph, you haven't been beaten, have you?"

"Haha, sealing the fire doesn't mean that." Namikaze Minato said with a smile.

Beside, Obito and Lin were all surprised.

"Hey Fenghuo, so you have such a good relationship with Minato-sensei?" Obito asked in surprise.

"Of course, we are brothers!" Namikaze Minato looked gentle, but also very loyal.

"Really?" Obito looked particularly envious.

Kakashi snorted, very arrogant, he knew it in advance.

"Since everyone is here, let's go." Namikaze Minato said with a smile ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then took the lead to walk outside the village.

"That's great, we can leave the village now." Xi Hihong clung tightly to the side of Fenghuo, bouncing and bouncing as she walked, circling around Fenghuo from time to time, her baby's fat face was full of excitement.

Asma was injured before leaving the village, internally.

Outside the village, a small business group had already assembled. There were five carriages in total, two of which were loaded with special products from the Land of Fire, and three carriages were filled with people.

"This business group is called the Snow Country Merchant Group. It is composed of seven people, and its assets are about 300 million taels. It is the largest business group in the Snow Country." Minato Namikaze introduced softly, "Although this mission is C-level, the reward is very high. "

It is clear that the fire is sealed, no wonder Tsunade, one of the Sannin, and the future Fourth Hokage can do it in person. It is estimated that the reward is really, really high.

"Master Ninja, I am the owner of the business group. My name is Long Chuan Yi. Please give me your advice." Long Chuan Yi is a middle-aged man who looks quite shrewd. He is followed by his deputy, Long Chuan Song.

"Mr. Longchuan, hello, I'm Namikaze Minato, and this is Tsunade." Namikaze Minato was interrupted by exclamation as soon as he introduced here.

"Tsunade? Is he one of the three ninjas who are famous in the world of ninja? What an honor to invite Master Tsunade, Konoha is so enthusiastic." Long Chuan was overwhelmed with excitement.

Feng Huo curled his lips secretly, it's not because of your money.

Tsunade was very cold in front of outsiders, he nodded lightly and didn't even say a word, but Longchuanyi was more respectful.

Then Namikaze Minato introduced Fenghuo and the others. As expected of a big business man, Long Chuan was so slick, he even memorized the names of all of them at once. their goodwill.

"Then, Mr. Longchuan, let's go." Namikaze Minato said with a smile.

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