Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 68: Kakuto's Weakness

"my money!"

Jiao was all angry, he had already caught Fenghuo, but he didn't expect the reversal to come so suddenly, and ten million taels of heads would fly away, he couldn't accept it, and couldn't bear this grievance!

"You can't escape!"


The explosion of the detonating talisman directly broke one of Kakuzu's arms, but countless resentful tentacles shot out from his body, directly connected the severed arm, and Kakudo pursued frantically without changing his face.

Even if there is an abyss ahead, he still wants to get back the money that belongs to him with interest!

"Even the resurrection of Senshou Bashirama is useless!"


During the turbulence, Fenghuo finally regained consciousness from the drowsiness and opened his eyes.

It smells so good!

Feng Huo sniffed lightly, and smelled a burst of fresh body fragrance. It seemed that there was still soft hair attached to his ears, and the sun shone down, which was very warm.

"Fenghuo, you're awake." Namikaze Minato's voice came from the side.

Younv Zhiwei also looked at him through the big sunglasses.

Feng Huo blinked twice, raised his head, only to realize that he was being carried by Tsunade.

"Ah, oh, yes." Feng Huo rubbed his head. The battle just now broke out too suddenly, and ended even more abruptly. With Namikaze Minato's Fei Lei Shen, his reaction was half a beat slower now.

"Little devil, get out of here when you're done." Tsunade snorted unhappily.

"Tsunate-sensei, don't make trouble, I'm still a child." Feng Huo shook his head, took a deep breath, and asked, "Brother Minato, where is Kakuto?"


After the words fell, there were bursts of violent explosions in the forest half a mile later, and clouds of fire rose into the sky accompanied by thick black smoke.

"As you can see, he is chasing us now." Namikaze Minato smiled wryly.

"Oh." Feng Huo nodded and asked him, "Brother Shuimen, can you beat Jiaodu?"

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be, Namikaze Minato's fighting nerves are definitely at the pinnacle level in the ninja world.

Namikaze Minato didn't know how to answer.

"Fenghuo, Kakuzu is a rebellious ninja from Takiyin Village. He is very powerful and very strange. Just now, Mizumon's spiral pill hit Kakuzu head-on, but he is fine, as if he has an immortal body." The oily girl next to him Zhiwei explained, "And my bugs don't work on him either."

Feng Huo was stunned, well, it's his fault, he paused, and said: "Brother Shuimen, Jiaodu seems to be strong, but his weakness is also obvious, that is his five hearts!"

"Wait, how can a person have five hearts, there must be a limit to joking!" Tsunade said dissatisfied.

Feng Huo was not angry, and continued: "Jiaodu has earth grievances in his body. This is a powerful forbidden technique, which can capture other people's hearts and absorb them together with the nature of Chakra. Every time he captures a heart, he will have an extra life. !"

"Nani? There is such a weird forbidden technique in this world?" Younu Zhiwei's face changed, "Then he has an immortal body?"

"No, Di Yuanyu can only steal four hearts at most. As long as these hearts are destroyed, Jiaodu's 'immortal body' will also be broken." Feng Huo Kaikai said.

Namikaze Minato showed a relieved expression: "I see."

Younu Zhiwei asked: "Fenghuo, is his heart inside his body?"

Feng Huo shook his head: "The heart captured by Earth Resentment will appear on his back in the form of a mask. During the battle, you can use Earth Resentment's tentacles to differentiate into masked monsters. Destroying these masks is equivalent to killing a heart! "

Namikaze Minato suddenly remembered the four masked monsters that Kazutsu used to differentiate from Yuyu before, and his heart suddenly became clear.

"Little devil, how do you know this?" Tsunade asked solemnly.

Feng Huo was stunned, with cold sweat overflowing from his forehead, wow, it seems that there are too many spoilers, at this time he can only be sloppy: "Ah, well, Jiao told me."

"What a joke!" Tsunade was furious.

The secret of Earth Resentment is definitely the biggest secret of Jiaodu. Anyone who knows this secret will probably be hunted down to the ends of the earth by Jiaodu. How could he tell Fenghuo?

"Master Tsunade, these are not important anymore, are they!"

Namikaze Minato suddenly stopped in his tracks, with a confident smile on his face, his golden hair gleaming in the sun, and his sky blue eyes full of firmness!

Tsunade and Yume Shiwei also stopped.

"Minato, you?" Younv Zhi was slightly taken aback.

"Now that I know his weakness, I think I can kill him!" Namikaze Minato smiled gently.

"It's really reliable, much more reliable than someone else." Feng Huo gave him a thumbs up and called him.

When someone heard this, he was furious and threw him off his back.

The Fire Sealing Monster yelled and landed smoothly with the Instant Body Technique.

"Do you need support?" Younu Zhiwei asked cautiously.

"No need, I can do it by myself." Namikaze Minato said and took out a lot of special kunai.

There are not many Kunaita with this trait, and it is very hard to recover every battle.

Then, he hid half of the special Kunai in a hidden location within a hundred meters nearby, and then quietly waited for Jiaodu's arrival.

"Hey, brat, is the information you said true? If it is wrong, it will kill Minato!" Tsunade asked Fenghuo solemnly at the branch of a giant tree.

"Don't worry, Brother Minato can fly Thor, so it's absolutely no problem to escape."

Tsunade's face darkened.

At this time, there was a rush of wind in the distant mountains and forests, and the horns were coming!


Kakuzu lightly landed on the trunk of a big tree, staring at Namikaze Minato opposite, with a little surprise in his angry eyes, he didn't run away?

"You are really brave!" Kakuzu said angrily, "Hand over Uchiha Fumura and all your property, and I may let you go."

Namikaze Minato said coldly: "Beat me first!"


Kakuto had seen the speed at which Namikaze Minato appeared and disappeared, and immediately opened the distance and released four masked monsters. At the same time, dense tentacles of earth grievances gushed out of his body, entangled like spider webs, protecting him like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Minato Namikaze squinted his eyes, looked at the four masked tentacle monsters, and showed a faint smile.

"Go to hell!" Jiao Du sneered.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Fire escape - head hard!"

The two masked tentacle monsters spewed out wind and fire and launched a berserk attack.

The wind and fire produced a powerful chemical reaction in the air, directly turning the fifty meters ahead into a sea of ​​flames.

Namikaze Minato flickered to the vicinity as a flying thunder god, and at the same time threw a handful of special kunai at a masked tentacle monster.

"How could this kind of thing hurt me, hahaha." Jiaodu laughed, and the tentacle monster was so desperate to move.

But in the next instant, Namikaze Minato's figure had disappeared from the spot.


Jiaodu was stunned, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Then he heard a horrible cracking sound from the left side, and when he turned his head, he saw that the tentacle monster's mask had been completely shattered.

"What happened?" Jiao was stunned.

In the next moment, more than a dozen kunai flew out of the air and enveloped the three masked tentacle monsters.

At the same time, the figures of Namikaze Minato flickered frantically in these dozens of kunai. As the kunai spread, the flickering range of these figures became wider and wider, and because the speed was too fast, only blurry black could be seen. In the shadow, only the golden hair reflects the sun's rays.


The same sound came from the right again, and the horn turned his head, and the mask of a tentacle monster on the right was also broken.

Kokaku was stunned, his eyes couldn't keep up with Namikaze Minato Fei Raijin's speed!

"Thunder Tunnel - Pseudo-Darkness!"

A masked tentacle monster released a powerful thunderbolt at the flickering black shadow in the sky, but it couldn't hit Namikaze Minato at all. (https://)

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