Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 92: Konoha Daily

"Bastard, how dare you say that about me behind your back!" Inuzuka Claw was furious, if it wasn't for his big belly, he would have had revenge on the spot and repayed his kindness.

"Woohoo." Heiwan stood beside him, baring his teeth and showing a fierce look on his face.

"Sister Inuzuka, don't be angry, be careful of tire gas." Feng Huo hurriedly persuaded.

"Hmph, kid, you came to the newspaper office as soon as you returned to the village, are you worried that I can't manage the newspaper office well, huh?!" Inuzuka Claw showed a fierce look.

Feng Huo knew that he couldn't reason with a pregnant woman, otherwise he would definitely be a human being inside and out, maybe even worse than Hei Wan, so he ran away without saying a word.

"Kuromaru, catch him!"

"Wow, woof!" Kuromaru rushed over immediately.

"Look at my fleshy bone - Shuriken!" Feng Huo hurriedly took out the storage scroll from his pocket, took out a bone with meat and threw it aside.

"Wow~~~" Heiwan immediately turned around, wagging his tail and put the meaty bone in his mouth, drooling while eating.

Seeing Inuzuka Claw, he used to kick three times in a row.

"Idiot Black Pill!"


After leaving the newspaper office, Fenghuo came to the grove where Matt Dai and Kai trained.

Before entering, I heard shouting from inside.

"Whirlwind Konoha!" Kai's voice was still passionate and full of positive energy.

"It's too slow Kai, you can't even touch the hem of the fire-sealing clothes at this speed!" Matt Dai's words were full of provocation, "He is a genius, you need to work harder to catch up with his footsteps, Kai, again Hurry up, hurry up!"

Fenghuo finally understands, no wonder Kai has challenged him every day for a while, it turns out that Matt Dai helped him win so much hatred.

"Huh? Wait a minute, Kai, someone is coming." Matt Dai laughed when he heard Fenghuo's footsteps, "It should be Fenghuo's return."

"Uncle Dai, it's really good of you to do this." Feng Huo walked in.

"Fenghuo, accept my challenge!" Seeing him appear, Kai roared and rushed over, "Whirlwind Konoha!"

Feng Huo hurriedly hid beside Maitedai ​​with the instant body technique.

"Haha, Fenghuo, I'm finally relieved to see you come back safely." Matt Dai patted his shoulder affectionately, and smiled, "How could those killers in the black market kill you, hahahaha."

"Uncle Dai, you..."

Kai ran over and shouted: "Father, please allow me to challenge Fenghuo!"

"Oh! I agree!"

What a ghost you agree!

Sealing the fire is all bad.

He hurriedly refused: "Hey, I just came back, I am physically and mentally exhausted, and I really don't have the energy to fight."

"Youth is not allowed to shrink back, Fenghuo!" Matt jumped back onto a tree.

"That's right, Fenghuo, these days when you're not here, I've put my life into training!" Under Kai's thick black eyebrows that looked like lying silkworms, his eyes sparkled, and a light bulb seemed to cover Fenghuo's body.

Feng Huo felt uncomfortable, and tried to divert his hatred: "Actually, Kakashi is back, and he also said that it was his fault for not accepting your challenge before, so if you go to him quickly, he will be willing to fight you until dawn! "

"No, I'm going to challenge you now!"

"Kai, don't make trouble!"

"I'm on it! The Konoha whirlwind!"

Next to him, Matt Dai looked up at the sun in the sky and said with a smile, "This is youth!"



The battle with Kai lasted for more than half an hour before the winner could be decided.

"Fenghuo, you actually used ninjutsu, you cheated!" Kai cried dissatisfiedly lying on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Feng Huo hummed, he was also kicked several times by Kai, his clothes were disheveled, he was quite embarrassed, full of resentment: "I told you to find Kakashi, you deserve it if you don't."

"Damn it." Kay wanted to get up and fight again.

"Enough Kai, failure is failure, there is no excuse for any reason!" Matt Dai began to pour chicken soup, "It doesn't matter if you fail once, as long as you persevere in training, one day you will defeat him! Youth never gives up!"

"That's right, that's it!" Kai was resurrected with full blood, and a vast ocean suddenly appeared on the background wall, "This is youth!"

The father and son staged another crying in front of Fenghuo. Those who heard it were sad and those who listened to tears. The scene was uncontrollable for a while, and it was really touching.

At half pay, Matt Dai finally controlled his emotions.

"Fenghuo, how is the cultivation of Bamen Dunjia?"

Feng Huo shook his head: "It's still only open to three doors."

"This is impossible. I know that you still need to practice ninjutsu and illusion, but if you don't advance in physical arts, you will retreat. If you continue like this, your body will not even be able to open the three doors." Matt Dai said seriously, "Next , I want to tailor a set of strict training for you, be prepared!"

Cold sweat dripped down the back of Fenghuo: You people, really, let me make up my mind every now and then, and I would have a heart attack if I had nothing to do!

"I see, Uncle Dai."

A few days later, Fenghuo saw the "strict training" of Matt Dai, and it was like putting Fenghuo to death. Twenty-four hours a day, eighteen hours were occupied by him!

For this reason, Fenghuo bit the bullet and went to Tsunade to coordinate the time. He thought he would be made things difficult by Tsunade, but it turned out to be surprisingly smooth. Tsunade directly agreed, which made Fenghuo a little uncertain.

But after a few days, Fenghuo found that Tsunade really didn't come to trouble him, so he devoted himself to the devil training that Matt Dai put his heart and soul into!

Fenghuo felt like a piece of pork, which was put into the pot by Maite Dai and squeezed the oil crazily.

Half a month later, his body finally returned to its peak state, and he even showed some energy.

"It's not surprising. Your body is growing all the time. With every bit of growth, your body's potential will increase until you become an adult. Therefore, Fenghuo, you must maintain enough training in the days to come!"

Matt Dai felt a sense of accomplishment looking at Fenghuo's body.

To tell the truth, if it wasn't for Fenghuo's perverted physique, no matter what kind of devil training he did that day, his physical fatigue would disappear after a night of sleep, and Matt Dai wouldn't dare to train him like this.

On this day, Namikaze Minato and the high-spirited Kushina came hand in hand.

"Brother Minato, uh, Kushina..."

"Huh?!" Kushina's red hair shook slightly like an octopus.

"...Sister." Feng Huo immediately recognized her.

Only then did Jiuxinna nod in satisfaction, and snorted, "Fenghuo, show me your psychic beast."

"So, you are here to see my bird, bah, Snow Eagle?"

"You talk too much nonsense." Kushina put her hands on her hips, domineering.

Namikaze Minato smiled and said, "Actually, I am also worried about them, and I don't know how they are doing."

Although I cleaned up the snow mountain where the Xueying brothers lived before leaving, what if other wild beasts broke in? Too many surprises.

It was heartless to seal the fire, and I haven't had a psychic visit to see them after returning to the village for more than half a month.

"All right."

What else can I say.


He cut his finger, and a trace of blood turned into strange symbols on the ground along his palm print.


The smoke filled the air, and two crisp eagle cries pierced the air.



The Chaolunwu brothers flapped their wings and flew into the sky, flying recklessly, and then they landed, standing on Fenghuo's shoulders on one side and flapping their wings uncomfortably.

Snow Eagles live in the Land of Snow. When they first came to the Land of Fire, the difference in temperature made them very uncomfortable.

"Wow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What a beautiful snow eagle!" Kushina rushed over and reached out to touch their heads.

As a result, the two brothers naturally avoided her salty hands, and then flew to Namikaze Minato's shoulder, rubbing his face affectionately.

"Haha, Chao Rondo 3rd Form, 2nd Form, it's great to see that you're all right!" Namikaze Minato gently stroked their eagle feathers, and the two snow eagles also showed expressions of enjoyment.

"Bastard!" Jiu Xinna was unhappy, and rushed over to grab them, "Let me touch them!"

"Kushina, don't scare them." Namikaze Minato hurriedly stopped her.

"But they ignored me." Jiu Xinnai said coquettishly.

"It's okay, I'm here!" Namikaze Minato lightly grabbed Kushina's hand and placed it on a snow eagle's head.

"It's so comfortable." Kushina's eyes widened.

On one side, Feng Huo looked at this loving couple, who received ten thousand points of critical damage! (https://)

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