Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 98: front camp

According to the speed of three carriages, it would take half a month at the fastest to travel from Muye Village to the Battlefield of the Land of Rain. Too many accidents could happen during this period.

Feng Huo didn't dare to be careless, and immediately summoned a snow eagle with spiritism, let him fly in the air to look down, and remind him if he found anything abnormal.

It came from the Chaolun Wu Sanshi, flying in the high altitude of the country of fire is like flying on the top of a flaming mountain, it is too hot.

After a while, it flapped its wings and landed, sweating profusely, and the eagle feathers were wet.

Feng Huo learned from Sarutobi Hiruza, and encouraged him by reminiscing about the glorious years in the past, but Chao Lunwu Sanshi lay on his shoulders and pretended to be dead, and remained motionless.

Fenghuo had no choice but to get it back and change to the second Chaolunwu style.

But the two snow eagles have the same virtues, and after flying for a long time, they chirped and screamed to go back, and they couldn't stop them, and it was no effort to keep them.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, this is your psychic beast, it's so beautiful!" Ebisu approached with glowing eyes, and said nervously, "Can I also sign a psychic contract with such a white eagle?"

Feng Huo said weakly: "This kind of eagle is a snow eagle. It lives in the distant snow country. It is cold-loving. There is no such thing in the fire country. And you saw it. It won't take long to rebel. It's useless!"

"I see." Ebisu was rather disappointed.

"I will sign a contract with the turtle to be my psychic beast in the future!" Kai suddenly shouted.

Fenghuo's heart skipped a beat.

Ebisu was puzzled: "Why? The snow eagle is much prettier than the tortoise."

"But the tortoise's defense is high!" Kai's thoughts can't be guessed by ordinary people. "In the future, I will cooperate with the tortoise. It will be the main defense, and I will be the main attack. It's a perfect cooperation!"

"Hehe." Feng Huo didn't bother to complain, anyway, your wish will definitely come true

"If there are turtles, there should be more seashores." Ebisu quickly changed his position and offered advice to Kai.

Feng Huo yawned indifferently, and then took advantage of the two of them not paying attention, summoned a shadow clone to sit on the carriage instead of him, and the main body left quickly.

Both Kai and Ebisu didn't notice, they were still discussing about the turtle and the sea.

The avatar of Hokage is in the light, and the main body is in the dark. If you really encounter an assassin from Danzo or Uchiha, the avatar can run directly to lure the enemy away, and protect yourself, Kai, and Ebisu to the greatest extent.

The reason why I wanted to hide it from the two of them was because I was worried that they would show their flaws when this situation really happened.

Afterwards, as the carriage moved forward, Kai, Ebisu and his shadow clone chatted and laughed, but the main body was eating and sleeping in the open, and the key point was that it could not enjoy the fire and could only eat dry food.

The trip was unexpectedly smooth, and the three-person team arrived at the front line of the Land of Rain 20 days later and handed over the supplies to the front-line ninjas.

"It's really helpful!" A ninja wearing sunglasses and wrapped in a windbreaker received them.

Judging by his attire, he should belong to the oil girl clan.

"Next, you come with me."

After handing over the supplies, the ninja of the oil girl clan led them into the front camp.

Fenghuo looked around, and there were dozens of tents scattered around a kilometer. There were at least a thousand ninjas coming in and out. Each of them looked stern, and a small number of ninjas were more or less wounded. It looked rather embarrassing.

"We're here, let's go in." The ninja of the oil girl clan brought the three of them to a big tent and motioned them to go in.

Ebisu was anxious: "Well, why did you call us to this kind of place? We're just here to deliver supplies."

"What are you afraid of? It's not enough to send you to the battlefield as cannon fodder." Feng Huo expressed his contempt, pushed open the tent and walked in.

"Huh?" Feng Huo was overjoyed when he saw the people inside.

"Haha, Fenghuo, here we come."

"It's so slow, you will be punished for delaying the fighter plane!"

There were quite a few people in the tent, and they were all acquaintances.

Namikaze Minato, Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi, Akimichi Choza, and Yume Shiwei, Yuhi Mako.

It is worth noting that Nara Shikahisa stands in the middle position, obviously the people here are dominated by him!

This is not surprising, who made Nara Shikahisa have a high IQ!

And in the original book, he is also the squad leader of Konoha Jonin class!

Don't underestimate this squad leader. Theoretically speaking, any ninja who is promoted to Jonin will be restrained by him as the squad leader, so he has great power and can be directly compared with the patriarch of the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan!

To a certain extent, even the Minister of Anbu may not be better than him!

When Ebisu saw so many big bosses around, Mengxin was so frightened that he didn't even dare to lift his head.

After hearing Captain Fenghuo chatting and joking with them, he relaxed a little bit, and then felt that Captain Fenghuo was really amazing, to be able to talk to such a big man!

He vowed to hug the captain's thigh tightly in the future!

"By the way, isn't Kakashi here yet?" Feng Huo suddenly asked.

"Not yet, but it should only be these two days." Younu Zhiwei looked at Fenghuo playfully, and the worm on his body told him that the 'Fenghuo' in front of him was just a clone.

It can only be a shadow clone to be so realistic.

He didn't expose it~www.wuxiaspot.com~As for other people, like Minato Namakaze and Shikahisa Nara, they should have seen through it too, but everyone had a tacit understanding and didn't tell the truth.

After all, the last Snow Country mission to seal the fire was rewarded on the black market, and there were too many assassinations, and the mastermind behind the scenes has not yet been found out, so it is natural to be cautious.

"Fenghuo, do you want to go to the battlefield to play?" Yamanaka Haiyi joked, "Sha Yin's wind escape is very good, stay on the battlefield for a while, you will definitely be reborn!"

"Hey, compared to actual combat, it's better to cook two barbecues!" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo shouted dissatisfied.

"This is a battlefield, Ding Zuo, don't mention food!" Yamanaka Kai covered his face.

"How can you fight if you don't have enough to eat?" Qiudao Dingzuo yelled.

After fighting for a while, Nara Shikahisa arranged for someone to prepare a tent for Kai and Ebisu to rest in. As for sealing the fire, they left it behind.

"Fenghuo, you are too cautious, are you still using the shadow clone here?" Nara Shikahisa laughed.

Feng Huo shrugged: "It's none of my business, I'm just a shadow clone."

"Let your main body come over quickly." Nara Shikahisa said to Akimichi Dingza, "Ding Zuo, go and pick up Fenghuo's main body."

This is the camp of Konoha ninjas. There are a large number of sentient ninjas monitoring the surroundings. If Fenghuo's main body enters rashly, it will be a death sentence!

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo followed Fenghuo's shadow clone to the outside of the camp, and then the shadow clone dissipated, and his real body came after a while.

Returning to the tent, Nara Shikahisa got down to business.

"Feng Huo, remember Xiao?"

"Xiao?" Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat.

Now the war between Konoha and Sand Yin is inevitable, and it is becoming more and more fierce. The Kingdom of Rain is sandwiched between the two countries, and it is bound to be affected by the flames of war and become a battlefield again. It is not surprising that Akatsuki appears here, but...

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