Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 110: funeral

Sand Shinobi sent more than a dozen ninja squads into the Land of Fire after getting the information, trying to rob the corpses of the Konoha ninjas and obtain information, but was soon noticed by Shikaku Nara, who was frightened and let the area around Kai Yamanaka In front of Haiyi Yamanaka, who has mastered the mysterious art, Sand Shinobi has no privacy at all. The exposure of one team is equivalent to the exposure of all the teams!

Before Fenghuo returned to the village, all sand ninjas who entered the land of fire were wiped out.

"If you dare, we are unlucky to encounter such a wave of sand ninja."

Feng Huo was indignant and furious.

There are hundreds of people in his supply unit, and there are dozens of supply teams in total. His team was unlucky to meet sand ninja. I really don't know if it was his bad luck or someone really leaked the information.

But fortunately, he returned to the village smoothly in the end.

Summon the Chao Rondo Brothers in the carriage. After getting the box, Feng Huo will go directly to the Hokage Building and hand it over to the Third Hokage.

"It turns out that Lu Jiu gave it to you, hehe, I should have thought of it earlier." Sarutobi Hiruzen took the box, but said such a sentence without thinking.

Feng Huo was stunned for a moment, but he really didn't expect that Nara Shikahisa even concealed Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In this way, it must be an accident that I bumped into Sand Ninja, but the leak of information must be caused by an insider.

Feng Huo immediately instilled his greatest malice in Danzo.

As an advisor to the village and in charge of root ninjas, Danzo is the person who is most likely to know the information in advance and leak the information, and he also has motives. Think about it, if Sand Ninja gets these corpses, he can get them from the corpses A large amount of information is not good for war. In this way, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is Hokage, will naturally be under great pressure. Secondly, these dead ninjas are Konoha heroes and martyrs. What will the family think? At that time, Sarutobi Hiruzen will be even more to blame.

However, these are just Fenghuo's own guesses. Given the complicated relationship between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, he might be someone who is not a human being when he says it.

Instead of this, Fenghuo might as well strive for some benefits for himself. He immediately poured out bitterness, saying that he went back to the village as a Tang monk to learn scriptures, and he has gone through vicissitudes and dangers.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was very good, he immediately stated that this task was of great significance, and it was during the war, so he directly defined this task as A-level!

Not to mention the A-level remuneration, at least in the ninja resume, this is Fenghuo's first A-level task!

Not to mention Kai and Ebisu, they haven't broken out of the category of C-level missions yet.

But Fenghuo is a bit reconciled. Comparatively speaking, he hopes to learn a forbidden technique from Sarutobi Hiruzen's "Book of Seals". Unfortunately, our Hokage-sama didn't even mention it.

In the afternoon, Feng Huo made a special trip to Kushina's house. Although he couldn't see her, it was okay to say a few words through the wall. He told him to conceal the news of his injury and only picked up the good ones.

Kushina was careless, so naturally he didn't know that Fenghuo dared to lie to her, and when he learned that everything was fine in Namikaze Minato, he was in a good mood, and then he scolded Hiruzaru Sarutobi for not being a good person, keeping her here and unable to get out, cursing and swearing, seeing more and more The more he scolded, Feng Huo hurriedly slipped away.

The next day, the Konoha Newspaper immediately published the deeds of these sacrificial ninjas, highlighting the impact of the sacrifices of several ninjas on the war, denounced the cruelty and despicability of sand ninjas, and at the same time did not forget to promote the spirit of fire !

Hiruza Sarutobi maximized the function of the newspaper office!

After reading the newspaper, the civilians in the village naturally felt the same way, wishing they could hold demonstrations and vent their hatred for Shayin Village!

A few days later, Hiruzaru Sarutobi buried the corpses of these sacrificed ninjas in the Martyrs Cemetery. On that day, almost half of the ninjas in the village gathered here to mourn these companions, and not a single student from the ninja school gathered here. In addition to the family members of the martyrs, there were also many civilians who came to watch the ceremony after reading the newspapers, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely dignified.

Of course, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not let go of such a good opportunity, and immediately took the stage to give a speech, saying that these ninjas died to protect the village and their companions, and the sacrifice was valuable, and then he extended the spirit of fire and talked about it. Many ninjas couldn't stand the excitement, tears filled their eyes, and they wished to replace the people in the martyr's cemetery to sacrifice for the village.

In the dark, Danzo squinted his eyes and watched coldly, with a sarcastic sneer at the corner of his mouth.

In his opinion, the so-called spirit of fire is just a means for the superiors to fool the common people, and it cannot be put on the stage at all.

"If you want to make Konoha really strong, you don't rely on the spirit of fire, but strength!"

Danzo set his eyes on a skinny child, and his eyes gradually shone with fiery light.

The child seemed to have sensed something, and turned his head to look at Danzo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This person is none other than A, the only survivor in the human experiment of Orochimaru!

He has now entered the ninja school, and his performance in the school is quite satisfactory, without attracting attention at all. No one knows that in this small body, there is hidden the Mutun inherited from the first generation.

A's eyes fell on Danzo's location, but he could only see a shadow.

He froze for a moment, then looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi, and listening to his eloquent talk about the spirit of fire, A couldn't help but think in his mind that in the experiment of Orochimaru, he watched his little friends die in front of his eyes but could do nothing In this scene, a small seed called guardianship can't help but be planted deeply in my heart.

A little farther away, Fenghuo, Kai, and Ebisu were also on the scene. They had experienced fighting on the battlefield before, and they understood the significance of these ninja sacrifices.

Yebisu clenched her fists: "I must also become such a ninja!"

Kai was even more so. He was already prone to agitation, but when he heard the soulful speech of his spiritual mentor Hiruza Sarutobi, his breathing became short of breath.

Only Fenghuo, who was already immune to Sarutobi Hiruza, stood on the sidelines and watched coldly, and could see the expressions of many ninjas.

Some are filled with grief and indignation, some are indifferent, and some are eager to go to the battlefield to make meritorious deeds. It can be seen that the many forces in the village are far from reaching the state of a 'united front'.

Think about the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan, neither of them are fuel-efficient lamps. Today's frontlines hardly see these two clans.

And of course the same is true of the small families attached to these two major forces.

The grand funeral was finally over. Everyone went back to their homes to find their mothers. Fenghuo, Kai, and Ebisu had no time to rest. The friction on the front line continued, and the exhaustion of Kunai and Shuriken could not be stopped. San could only take two big boxes of supplies and set off to the front line again.

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