Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 114: Luo Sha, Jia Luo

"Captain, you don't look too good, what happened?"

On the way back to the village, Ebisu looked at Fenghuo strangely.

It's no wonder that Feng Huo has a good face at this time!

Although the box was channeled to the Snow Country Snow Mountain where the Chao Rondo brothers were located, he believed that Orochimaru would definitely assist him, and those sand ninjas would definitely be entangled like maggots attached to their bones!

He glanced at Kai and Ebisu next to him, this matter has nothing to do with them, there is no need for them to follow him to be hunted down by sand ninja.

"Kai, Ebisu, you two, go back to the village on a different route!" Feng Huo said immediately.

"Ah? Why?" Kai was taken aback.

"I still have something to deal with." Feng Huo couldn't tell the truth, otherwise with Kai's personality, he would definitely choose to stay.

"Really?" Kai asked subconsciously.

"Are you still afraid that I will go back to the front line to join the battle!" Feng Huo snorted.

Kai scratched his head in embarrassment: "That's right, well, let's meet at the gate of the village!"

Ebisu was a little hesitant, he was more willing to follow Fenghuo's **** than Kai, so he looked at him pitifully.

"Get out!" Feng Huo became angry when he saw Ebishou's eyes, and kicked him away.

"Then I'll go first." Feng Huo said, turned and left.

"Kai, let's go too." Ebisu stumbled and ran back.

Under Kai's thick and thick eyebrows, there was a unwilling look in his eyes: "If there is something to be done to seal the fire, there is no need for us to change the route!"

Ebisu was taken aback: "You mean the captain is hiding something from us?"

Kai shook his head: "I don't know, but since Fenghuo dismissed us..."

Kay clenched his hands into fists, veins showing.

'If I were stronger, I wouldn't hold back Fenghuo, and he wouldn't drive me away either! hateful! '

"Should we follow the captain?" Ebisu thought of the sand ninja he met last time, and seemed to realize something.

"We can only slow him down by following Fenghuo." Kai took a deep breath and said, "Without us, Fenghuo can't beat Fenghuo and still run, right?"

When Ebisu thought it was true, he suddenly felt ashamed.

After confirming that Kai and Ebisu had left, Fenghuo walked out solemnly.

Although Kai guessed something, there was no better way to seal the fire.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Without a carriage, Fenghuo was more free, separated into shadow avatars, one left and one right half a mile apart, and hurried on the road at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the sand ninja also received the "definite" information that a large number of Konoha and sand ninja corpses were being escorted back to Konoha village by a supply team.

In this information, the action route and team leader of the supply team were even accurately captured.

"Uchiha seals the fire?"

Chiyo looked at this information and found it inconceivable. His first reaction was that it was false information and a trap, but considering the source of the information, it was unlikely to be false.

Because of the matter of Sandai Kazekage and her grandson Xie, she was already a little restless, but when she received such information, she was at a loss for a while.

Fortunately, her younger brother Ebizo was also there, and analyzed: "If the information is true, sending a few ninjas is enough to kill the Uchiha Fire Sealing Team and capture all the corpses. If the information is false, at most a few ninjas will be sacrificed."

All in all, this kind of intelligence would rather be credible than credible.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's send Luo Sha and Karu Luo!"

Chiyo thought about it and finally made up her mind.

"Nani?!" Ebizo's eyes widened in disbelief, "Sister, Luo Sha has mastered magnetic escape, but he is the most powerful candidate for the next Kazekage. Sending him deep into the land of fire to carry out such a mission, will it be okay?" meeting…"

"Shut up!" Chiyo suddenly shouted angrily, "That's the decision, send them out immediately!"

"That's... well, I see."

After Ebino left, Chiyo calmed down his anger slowly.

Sandai Kazekage suddenly disappeared, then suddenly appeared in the village, and then her grandson Xie defected from the village for no reason. This made Chiyo suspect that some forces in the village planned to replace the disobedient Sandai Kazekage, and her grandson Just happened to discover the secret, and had to betray the village in order to save his life!

But thinking about it this way, it seems that there are some things that don't make sense.

Chiyo frowned deeply, really puzzled.

Soon, two young ninjas left the sand ninja camp.

These two ninjas are a man and a woman. The man is young and handsome, and the woman is gentle and resolute. They are Luo Sha and Jia Lu Luo!

"Luo Sha, why do I feel that this task is more like a joke?" Jia Lu Luo, who has short shoulder-length sandy brown hair, turned her head to look at her companion, with a bit of admiration in her eyes.

Luo Sha, the proud son of Sand Hidden Village, has already mastered the same blood succession limit as the three generations of Kazekage at a young age, magnetic escape, among the younger generation, he is the strongest, and many young female ninjas in the village agree He admired him endlessly, including her, Garura.

Luo Sha was silent, and replied with half the salary: "This is a task that Chiyo-sama personally ordered. I believe she will not joke about the lives of her companions in the village!"

"Even so, it's too embarrassing for only the two of us to go deep into the Land of Fire, isn't it?" Jia Lu Luo intentionally showed a bit of grievance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luo Sha was really fooled, and said a few good words to comfort her she.

Jia Luluo's heart was as sweet as eating honey. He just felt that this mission was really exciting and joyful. He wished that such a mission would come every day. As for the danger? As long as she can be with Luo Sha, she is not afraid of any dangerous missions!

A few days later, the two of them crossed the Konoha camp and successfully entered the territory of the Fire Kingdom.

However, Luo Sha's face suddenly darkened.

"Luo Sha, what's the matter?" Jia Lu Luo couldn't help but tense up.

"It's so strange. It's a time of war, and the borders of the Land of Fire are so loose. This is too weird." Luo Sha's face was gloomy, and countless sand and iron floated up around his body, crazily penetrating towards the surrounding ground.

"Luo Sha, maybe we are lucky!" Jia Lu Luo comforted.

"No, absolutely impossible!" Luo Sha's sand and iron spread a full half a kilometer in diameter, but he didn't find half of the Konoha ninja. Suddenly, his heart moved, "It's as if the Konoha ninja knew we were coming and avoided it on purpose. !"

"What? Could it be a trap?!" Jia Lu Luo was startled, "Luo Sha, we, shall we go back?"

"Even if it's a trap, we have no way out!" Luo Sha said with a serious face, "This mission is related to the corpses of a large number of comrades in our village, and it must not fall into Konoha's hands!" Luo Sha said, "Garula, Are you afraid?"

Jia Luluo shook her head, her shoulder-length short hair swayed slightly, revealing her white jade-like earlobes: "No, as long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid of anything."

The sudden confession stunned Luo Sha's stern face: "Jaruluo, you..."

Luo Sha opened her mouth, but finally said nothing, "Let's go."

Jia Lu Luo showed a look of disappointment, but immediately regained his strength, and followed Luo Sha deep into the territory of the Fire Kingdom!

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