Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 117: funding orphanages

The moment the shadow clone dissipated, after running wildly for two days and two nights, Fenghuo, who was close to the limit, finally couldn't bear the sudden memory and fatigue, rolled his eyes and fainted, fell from the air in embarrassment, and broke several Branches fell to the ground.

Not long after, a few children in ragged clothes, about five or six years old, passed by and saw Fenghuo, who had fallen to the ground with pale faces.

"Look, someone passed out."

"It's a ninja, it's Konoha's ninja."

Several children frantically helped Fenghuo up, dragging and dragging him to a nearby orphanage isolated in the mountains.

These children are all orphans who have lost their relatives and were adopted in this orphanage. Although the living conditions are difficult, they are far away from the war, and they no longer have to bear the suffering of the war, and they can grow up safely. Respect!

"Dean, Dean, we found a Konoha ninja, and he passed out."

"The dean was the one I saw first."

These children all knew that their headmaster was once a Konoha ninja, so they scrambled to get the 'credit'.

The dean looked at the group of children with a smile, her face was full of happiness, but when her eyes fell on the unconscious ninja, her face suddenly became tense.

"bank up a fire?!"

The dean has long golden hair and a pair of black round eyes on a gentle face. He is the pharmacist Nonoyu!

After Nonaiyu was rescued from the root by Tsunade, he was thrown into the Senshou Clan. After a long time, Nonaiyu couldn't stay idle, so he left the Senshou Clan and came here to open an orphanage. More than a dozen orphans have been adopted.

She checked Xia Fenghuo's injuries, and was relieved when she saw that he had just fainted from exhaustion.

"Dean, do you know this ninja?"

"Dean, when we saw him, we brought him back immediately, and there was no play on the way."

No Naiyu smiled and stroked their heads, and said, "You guys did a great job, thank you, well, let's go out and play, remember not to run too far."

"Yes Dean!"

"Haha, the dean praised me, praised me."

A group of children ran out laughing and laughing.

Ye Naiyu hugged Fenghuo to the bed, lost in thought.

The war between Konoha and Hidden Sand Village has already spread throughout the Land of Fire. Nonaiu hates war, because every war will bring countless misfortunes and orphans!

And Feng Huo was so tired that he fainted on the road, it must be because of the war!


Nonaiyu sighed, but there was nothing he could do.

One day later, Feng Huo finally woke up and opened his eyes, but his brain was in a mess, and the memory of the shadow clone was frantically surging, which disturbed him so much that he couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north.

After half the payment, he finally came back to his senses.

"Nimma, it turned out to be them!"

After sealing the fire, I was terrified.

The Rasha and Karura seen from the memory of the shadow clone are Gaara's parents in the original book! Moreover, Luo Sha is also the fourth generation of Kazekage in the future!


Feng Huo's strength at this time is the highest, that is, the special level of ninja. He may run away when he meets ordinary ninja, but he has no chance to run away when he meets Luo Sha and Jia Luluo!

‘Fortunately, the two of them met my shadow clone first, otherwise I might really die there! '

Feng Huo gritted his teeth at this thought.

‘Oshemaru, your second uncle, this matter is endless! '

Afterwards, Fenghuo looked around. It was a bedroom, a bit worn out, but it was not hard to tell from some decorations that it was a woman's bedroom.

‘Saved by a woman? '

He struggled to get up, made some noise, and suddenly there was the sound of the door opening.

"Uh... Sister Pharmacist?!" Feng Huo was both surprised and delighted when he saw the person coming.

"You're awake, turn off the fire." Nonaiyu came over with a smile, holding a bowl of warm rice soup in his hand, "You slept all day, drink some rice soup to restore your strength."

Only then did Feng Huo realize that his stomach was growling non-stop, and his face turned red.

He took the rice soup, swallowed it, and asked vaguely: "Sister Yaoshi, did you save me? Thank you so much."

Nonaiyu shook his head and said, "It wasn't me, it was the orphan I adopted who found you and brought you back."

"嗖嘎." After drinking a bowl of rice soup, Feng Huo finally felt more comfortable.

He has a unique physique, no matter how hard or tired he is, he can regain his strength as long as he gets a good night's sleep, and when his empty stomach is filled, he will be full of vigor immediately!

"Sister Yaoshi, did you open an orphanage?" Feng Huo remembered some plots in the original book, No Naiyu became the director of an orphanage after leaving Root, the conditions seemed to be very difficult, and he needed other people's support to open it. Then Danzo used it as a threat to coerce her to continue working for the root.

However, with him now, Danzo can no longer use this trick.

"Yes, I have adopted more than a dozen children, and they are all orphans." Nonaiyu sighed, "Now that the war is coming, there may be more orphans."

"Sister Yaoshi is worried about the lack of funds for the orphanage?" Feng Huo hurriedly patted the two muscles on his chest and said, pretending to be fat, bah, local tyrant, "I am one of the shareholders of Muye Newspaper~www.wuxiaspot .com~ rich man!"

Nonoyu was taken aback, she had naturally heard of the name of Konoha Newspaper, but what does it mean to be just a shareholder?

Feng Huo patiently explained it to her, making her understand that as long as the Konoha Newspaper exists for one day, he will continue to get a lot of dividends from the newspaper!

"Is that so?" Nonaiyu hesitated.

"Sister Yaoshi, I remember that you lent me money several times when we first met a few years ago. Without that help, I might still be just a dispensable person in the Uchiha family, so don't treat me as an outsider." The feeling of sealing the fire is generalized.

Ye Naiyu looked at him, with a look of relief in his eyes: "Okay, I will take it as my loan from you."

Feng Huo shook his head: "It's not borrowing, it's funding!"

Although Fenghuo is not clear, he also knows that the consumption of an orphanage is definitely not light, and during the war, there will only be more orphans. At that time, the cost of eating, drinking, and other miscellaneous expenses will definitely add up to a lot!

If there is no stable financial support, the orphanage will never be able to operate!

Nonoyu was silent.

Seeing her hesitation, Feng Huo's heart moved, and he hurriedly said: "Sister Yaoshi, how about this, if any of these adopted orphans are suitable to become ninjas, send them to the ninja school, what do you think?"

Nonoyu frowned: "Send it to the ninja school?"

She was a little unhappy. Many of these children lost their parents because of the war, and the war was not started by ninjas?

Considering the half-pay, she finally nodded and said, "If these children are willing."

It doesn't matter if the fire is sealed off, although this is his proposal, it's just for Ye Naiyu to accept his funding, that's all. As for whether there will be any genius ninjas in her orphanage, uh...it seems that there will be.

Pharmacist bag? !

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