Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 125: powerful puppet

At the critical moment, Naruto successfully cut the chakra line with Kunai and saved Sara.

"Naruto, cough cough!" Sara was still in shock and terrified.

When Naruto saw it, he immediately used his mouth to escape: "Sara, you are definitely not a puppet princess! You have to do what you should do now!"

Then Naruto set an example and rushed to the puppet alone, but was beaten by the puppet and flew all over the sky.

'What should I do? '

Sara was startled, and subconsciously looked at Naruto who was desperately blocking the puppet. Suddenly, the song her mother sang when she was a child sounded in her mind, and her heart moved.

At this time, Namikaze Minato and others also rushed here to confront the puppets with Naruto and Fenghuo.

"Naruto!" Sara stood up suddenly, picked up the Kunai cut skirt Naruto gave her to tie her hair, and decided to close the dragon's veins!

Naruto suddenly realized: "Swoosh! No wonder that Baizu guy wants to kill you!"

If Sarah is not killed, the dragon vein may be closed by her. In this way, no matter how ambitious An Lushan is, it is just a fantasy.

"I said, now that you've made your decision, hurry up and beep here. You really treat An Lushan as a sculpture."

Feng Huo couldn't help complaining, when he read the original book, he often found these unreasonable places, the enemy was clearly nearby, and Naruto could still beep endlessly beside him, his mouth was pouring out like crazy, it was simply unscientific !

"Hey, you suspicious guy, I haven't asked you where you learned the spiral pill!" Naruto shouted.

A well of anger appeared on Fenghuo's forehead: Nima, is the Helix Pill developed by him? ! Are you provoking me by saying this in front of me, the founder!

Namikaze Minato's heart skipped a beat.

Naruto learned the spiral pill, but he didn't know that this technique was developed by Fenghuo, which is strange!

‘Could it be that Fenghuo really doesn’t know Naruto? '

"Aww!" An Lushan roared angrily, and charged again.

Naruto yelled to stop him and prevent An Lushan from hindering Sara.

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo reached out to stop him: "Wait, this is our job."

Younv Zhiwei also said in a deep voice: "Go and protect Sara, it will save time by splitting up!"

Naruto was not happy.

But at this moment, even Namikaze Minato stood up: "That guy is very difficult to deal with, it's better to set up a few more layers of defense nets!"

"But..." Naruto hesitated.

"Believe in our strength, let's go!" Qiudao Dingzuo turned back.

Naruto still hesitated.

Feng Huo's liver was in pain: "Why do you look like a mother-in-law like a woman."

"Bastard, who are you calling a woman!" Naruto said, "Damn brat!"

But he finally ran to Sarah: "Okay, I'm counting on you here!"

An Lushan manipulated the puppet to rush towards Sara. The dragon veins were his source of strength. If Sara was allowed to close it, he would be beaten back to his original form in an instant!

"Don't even think about going to Longmai!" The puppet's tail swiped wildly, breaking all the nearby towers, and the Tamino hit Sara and the others like a domino.

"Wind escape-big breakthrough!" Namikaze Minato's knot seal sprayed the wind.

The wind swept away, changing the direction of the fall of those broken towers.

At the same time, Younv Zhiwei once again summoned a large group of parasites, swarming over, surrounded the puppet, and frantically absorbed its chakra.

"Look at me!"

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo swallowed the family's secret medicine, and his whole body instantly became a giant, and his size even caught up with a puppet!

Feng Huo was stunned, this was the first time he saw Qiu Dao Dingzuo's 'giant form', and it blinded his titanium alloy eyes.


Qiu Dao Ding Zuo, who turned into a giant, rushed forward with a set of combined punches, smashing the puppet to the ground.

But soon, An Lushan channeled the power of the dragon veins again, and the endless energy of the dragon veins increased crazily, and even Younv Zhiwei's bugs had no time to absorb them all!

"This level of chakra, I can give you as much as you want, hahaha!" An Lushan laughed.

"No matter how you store Chakra, in the end it's just a puppet... there should be a limit!" Qiu Dao Ding Zuo pondered.

Younv Zhiwei looked around and saw that the top of a tower next to it was sending a steady stream of chakra into the puppet, and her heart sank. If this is the case, the dragon veins will not be closed, and the puppet will have endless chakra.

"Puppet spinning fist!" An Lushan absorbed enough chakra, immediately got rid of the bugs on his body, and made a big move towards Qiudao Dingzuo!

The terrifying chakra formed a storm, sweeping the surrounding towers.

"Dayu Heliwan!" Namikaze Minato rushed up, and the helix pill, which had added wind attribute changes, blasted the puppet against the violent airflow.

The violent explosion turned into a raging airflow all over the sky, blowing Qiudao Dingzuo, Fenghuo and others into pieces.

"Hahaha, is it only to this extent?!" An Lushan laughed wildly, while absorbing the chakra of the dragon vein, he rushed towards the dragon vein without stopping.

He wants to kill Sarah, and he must not let her close the dragon vein!

The puppet has a huge body, with a step of more than ten meters. There are so many people in Sarah and the others, it catches up to it in no time.

Naruto looked at it, rubbed a spiral pill again and rushed up, but in vain, the puppet had no fear at all.

"Wait a minute!" Namikaze Minato appeared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ at the critical moment, indicating that there was a way to find the weakness of the puppet and let Naruto protect Sara.

Naruto was not happy and wanted to refute, but for some reason, he suddenly remembered Feng Huo's phrase "like a mother-in-law like a woman", so he gritted his teeth, nodded and ran towards Sara.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"

Namikaze Minato unleashed a large shuriken, which turned into thousands of shurikens in the air and blasted at the puppet with rapid speed.

Boom boom boom!

The huge puppet seemed to be shot by a machine gun, and its huge body couldn't help but freeze. At the same time, countless shurikens also destroyed the surface of the puppet, which was horrible!

In one of the holes, An Lushan's tired old face suddenly appeared.

"This is your weakness!"

Just as Minato Namikaze was about to launch an attack, he saw a dragon chakra shot down from the air. The puppet received this huge chakra and came alive again. Even the bumps on the puppet's surface were repaired, giving it a new look!

Namikaze Minato was shocked to see that the hole where An Lushan was located was plugged up again, and his expression became more serious: "The regeneration is too fast!"

The puppet roared and went berserk again. Seeing that Sara was very close to the dragon's veins, he didn't care about Namikaze Minato and rushed down directly.

Namikaze Minato followed closely.

Above, Feng Huo, who was blown away by the hurricane, rubbed his butt, gritted his teeth and stood up.

‘Nimma, this dungeon is too exaggerated! '

The puppets of An Lushan and the infinite chakra of the dragon veins are simply cheating!

‘If the entire puppet cannot be destroyed in an instant, the puppet can be resurrected infinitely by virtue of the dragon veins, there is no solution. '

Feng Huo moved his body and ran towards the dragon vein.

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