Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 140: argue

"Let's go after eating!"

Yin Hezhi said coldly, "This mission is not an outing. Even if we risk our lives, we will never come back safely!"

"I know, I know!" Qiu Daotangbei stuffed all the meat in his hand into his mouth in a hurry, and swallowed it without even chewing.

Feng Huo saw that his throat was expanding and contracting like a trachea, and he was afraid that he would be 'blocked'.

But he obviously underestimated Qiu Taoist's physical talent.

After swallowing such a large piece of meat, Akidodohoku showed no signs of abnormality. He stood up lively and said that he was going to go to the rear of Iwanin tonight.

The three of them continued on the road, the gloomy dark clouds seemed to be getting thicker, and the heavy rain seemed to be coming down to the end of the world.

Although it was a bit hard to drive in the rain, the rain curtain formed by the heavy rain also became their natural protective umbrella. Unless Iwanin was very close, ordinary ninjas would not be able to find their traces at all.

The three bypassed the dangerous rock ninja camp and continued to go deeper.

Here, it can be said that every step of the crisis, Feng Huo remembered the frequency of his patrols in the Konoha camp, and he can conclude that the situation on Iwanoshi's side is similar.

If you can master their patrol routes and handover time, their safety will undoubtedly be greatly improved!

Feng Huo made a suggestion, but it was rejected by Yin He Zhiyi: "To grasp his information, we must kidnap a rock ninja, but in this way, we will definitely be exposed!"

It made sense, but Feng Huo was speechless.

"But doesn't Fenghuo have Sharingan? If you use Sharingan, you should be able to easily get information without violence yourself?" Qiudaotangbei said.

Feng Huo took a look at him, and immediately felt that what this little fat man said made sense, and made him throw himself to the ground!

Yin Hezhi glanced at Feng Huo, showing some distrust: "No! If we fail, all of us will die, and even our other companions will be implicated!"

Feng Huo sighed and didn't argue any more.

Although he is confident, as Yin He Zhiyi said, if something unexpected happens, the three of them and the rest will all be exposed. Now that they have just entered the rear of Iwanin, there is no need to take such a risk.

The sky gradually darkened, and the dark clouds in the sky finally subsided. A round of soft moonlight broke through the blockage of the clouds, and gently sprinkled in a dense forest.

Yin Hezhiyi, Fenghuo, and Qiudaotangbei made some adjustments in the forest, then picked up the map to check their location.

"It's still dozens of miles away from the Land of Earth, and their supplies should have been transported from this area." Yin He Zhiyi flicked lightly on the map. It didn't seem to be long, but when placed in the actual location, the distance was at least There are thirty miles.

"If we search blindly like this, we will be exposed soon." Qiu Daotang Bei muttered.

Feng Huo said: "I have two snow eagle psychic beasts, I can let them monitor!"

"Snow Eagle? White?" Yin Hezhi asked.

Seal the fire and nod.

"White words are easy to expose, and there are ninja eagles on Iwanin, if we meet in the air..."

Feng Huo was so fierce that he remembered the time when he first came here, when the two snow eagles were soaked in the heavy rain, he hurriedly shook his head and retracted his suggestion.

‘The Chaolun Dance Brothers are still too young, maybe they will become stronger when they grow up in a few years, otherwise...they can only be slaughtered and served on the dining table. '

The three of them continued to approach the border between Land of Earth and Land of Rain.


Suddenly, a sharp cry came from the air, as if it was about to pierce the eardrum.

Feng Huo hurriedly hid towards the root of the tree branch, he was so familiar with the voice, he immediately reminded: "It's Yan Ninja's Ninja Eagle, pay attention to cover!"

Yin Hezhiyi and Qiu Daodangbei had also rolled to the side, and soon their figures disappeared among the forest leaves.

Fenghuo also seemed to melt into the wood, and his figure could not be distinguished from the roots from a distance.

High in the sky, a ninja hawk screamed and flew back and forth, with a pair of yellow-brown vertical pupils sweeping back and forth in the dense forest.

Yin He Zhiyi's voice came softly: "It is impossible for the ninja eagle to wander in the sky for no reason. I guess that either one of its companions was exposed and caused Iwa Ninja to hunt down and kill him, or there is a batch of supplies being transported from the Land of Earth!"

Feng Huo's heart moved. He was also a supply team member. He knew that general supplies were escorted by a few Chunin. How important is the material.

Feng Huo said: "I prefer the latter, and this batch of supplies should be very important to Yan Nin!"

"I think so too.!" Qiu Daotangbei also softly shouted.

Yin Hezhi said solemnly: "Since this is the case, we must find a way to destroy this batch of supplies. First of all, we must first deal with the ninja eagle above our heads!"

Although ninjas are powerful, there are very few ninjas who can really fly into the sky and stand side by side with the sun!

With Yin Hezhiyi's Fengdun cultivation base, at most he will only stay in the air for a short time, and it is somewhat difficult to chase and kill Ninja Hawk.

Qiudaotangbei was born in the Qiudao clan. Although there are many secret techniques, they can't kill the ninja eagle in the air.

Feng Huo frowned slightly, and said softly: "I can let my psychic beast attract its attention, but..."

If they successfully kill Ninja Eagle, it will also attract the attention of Iwa Ninja.

Yin Hezhi frowned, and suddenly said: "In this case, let's go out in an open and aboveboard manner to attract Ninja Eagle and Iwa Ninja who escorted supplies!"

"What, isn't that sending you to your death?" Qiu Daotangbei exclaimed.

Yin Hezhi showed a faint smile. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Feng Huo understood after a little thought.

They came out this time, but there were three teams. If they could successfully attract the ninjas from the sky and the ninjas who escorted the supplies, then the other two teams might destroy the supplies.

It is indeed a very good method, but Fenghuo still wants to scold her.

First, things like attracting firepower never end well.

Second, they didn't have any communication with the other two teams at all. If they successfully attracted the firepower, but there was no movement at all, wouldn't their sacrifices be in vain?

Thirdly, Feng Huo doesn't want to die. Even if the task is difficult and he has a narrow chance of dying, he still has to stand on the front line of life. However, Yin He Zhiyi's suggestion is simply a life of ten deaths.

Don't say that you can escape, Fenghuo has been a patrol officer of the Konoha camp, and those rock ninjas who came to cut off their supplies, the only ones who can really escape are the elite jonin!

Yin Hezhi said it easily, but for Fenghuo and Qiudaotangbei, it was a dead end.

Qiu Daotang Bei whispered: "Captain, this is too dangerous, I mean, even if we really want to do this, we have to communicate with our companions from the other two teams."

It's embarrassing to hear the sound.

"Why, don't you agree?" Yin He Zhiyi dissatisfied, "For the sake of the village, is that what you are all about?"

Feng Huo smiled faintly, who wouldn't speak big words, he opened his mouth and said, "But we don't know how many Iwain escorts are in this batch of supplies. If the number exceeds our expectation, all of us will die here! Iwain will return the supplies when the time comes." We will get a lot of information from our corpses!"

"That's right, that's it." Qiu Daotang Bei echoed.

"Hmph!" Yin Hezhi snorted coldly, but he agreed with Feng Huo's words, so he didn't mention it for the time being.

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