Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 143: Anxious Yin Hezhi 1


Under the treatment of Palm Immortal Technique, Qiu Daotangbei finally opened his eyes slowly, saw Fenghuo, he couldn't help grinning, but the injury turned into crying suddenly.

"Tang Bei, how do you feel?" Feng Huo asked worriedly.

"I, I..." Qiu Daotang Bei trembled, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"I will take you back immediately!"

After the treatment of Zhangxianshu, the wound on Qiudaotangbei's body had stopped bleeding, so he sealed the fire and gave him a simple bandage.

"Wait, task, task..." Qiu Daotangbei said intermittently.

Feng Huo nodded, and directly separated the shadow clone to check, while he carried Qiu Daotangbei on his back and left.

This fat man is really heavy, but fortunately Fenghuo has been exercising, so he is not afraid of being crushed by him.

On the other side, the shadow clone of Fenghuo came to the scene of the explosion, and saw that the ground was already in a mess, and there was a huge charred black pit in the middle, which was more than forty meters in radius, and all the materials in it were destroyed in the explosion. It can be said that, This time they did a great job.

Judging from the explosion just now, the number of detonating symbols in this batch of materials is probably very high. If it is successfully transported to the front line, it is unknown how many Konoha ninjas will die under these detonating symbols.

"By the way, there are those rock ninjas."

Feng Huoying clone hurriedly ran to the other side.

Not far away, he saw several **** figures lying together.

The reason why Fenghuo was safe and sound was that Qiudaotangbei's meat bomb chariot blocked the aftermath of the explosion, but these rock ninjas were not so lucky, one or two were all missing arms and legs, and none of them were intact.

In the spirit of humanitarianism, Feng Huoying's avatar couldn't bear them to endure such painful suffering before they died, so he went up and killed them one by one.

Afterwards, Feng Huoying's avatar rushed towards the place where Yin Hezhiyi and Huitu fought, he wanted to buy time for the main body and Qiudaotangbei to escape!

In the dense forest on the east side, more than a dozen Iwa ninjas successfully caught up with the three Konoha ninjas and killed them, but before they could be happy, they heard a loud noise from behind.

No, not one sound, but countless loud noises converging together!

"not good!"

"Go back, **** it, these Konoha ninjas are bait."

"With Mr. Huitu here, how could they possibly have the opportunity to destroy our supplies?"

These rock ninja got up one after another and rushed there as fast as possible.

Before launching the attack, Yin Hezhiyi, Fenghuo, and Qiudaotangbei had planned the evacuation route after the mission was successful, so at this time Fenghuo was only concerned with hurrying along, and as for other things, he had no thought or ability to care about them.

"If my Sharingan evolves into a kaleidoscope..."

"If I can summon Susano..."

Feng Huo gritted his teeth, but unfortunately the gap between reality and dream lay before his eyes like a moat.

"If... Qiu Dao Tang Bei can lose a few dozen catties... I will definitely be able to run faster!"

Feng Huo kicked heavily, feeling that the fat man on his back was getting heavier and heavier, almost suffocating him.

At the same time, Fenghuo's shadow clone collided with the turning Huitu.

"Konoha's little devil!"

Huitu's hands quickly formed a seal: "Tu Dun-Tu Long Spear!"

Boom boom boom!

Feng Huoying's body was sideways, and a huge sharp stone thorn violently stabbed out from the ground.

"Don't use this kind of naive ninjutsu to make a fool of yourself." Feng Huoying's avatar easily avoided it. As a physical ninja who can open the first three gates of the Eight Gates of Dunjia, Feng Huoying's avatar can completely ignore this fixed ninjutsu .

"Earth Dungeon - Rock Fist Technique!"

With a sneer, Huitu manipulated a huge rock arm, and frantically blasted towards Feng Huoying's clone.

Even though Feng Huoying's avatar was nimble, the Iwate was too big, and he was quickly smashed into a mess.

"A little brat like you dared to sneak attack on my Iwanin's logistics supplies. It seems that Konoha has no one left." Although Huitu was anxious, he also knew that under such a terrible explosion before, their supplies might not be enough. It has been completely destroyed, so torturing these Konoha ninjas has become his best way to vent his hatred.

Feng Huoying's avatar sneered and replied: "On the contrary, a brat like me is enough to deal with people like you."

"Sharp teeth!" Not only did Huitu not vent his anger, but it became stronger and stronger under Fenghuo's mouth.

"Wind escape - the art of wind cutting!"

Yin He Zhiyi suddenly jumped out from behind and cut off the huge rock hand directly.

"It's really a pity that you didn't die, because next, you will bear my wrath!" Huitu saw Yin He Zhiyi, with deep malice in his eyes.

If it wasn't for this Konoha ninja to lure him away, how could the supplies be destroyed?

"Fenghuo, tell me that the supplies have been successfully destroyed!" Yin Hezhiyi's hands and elbows were bloody, but after the first aid bandaging, the bones inside have returned, and he can fight again, but the speed of seal formation will inevitably be affected.

"Captain, don't worry, the supplies have been completely destroyed by us!" Feng Huoying clone said.

"Great, the mission is finally our reinforcements arrived?" Yin Hezhi continued to ask while pestering Huitu.

If reinforcements arrive, their chances of escape will be much greater.

Feng Huoying's avatar stood beside him and threw a fireball, causing the dense forest to billow with smoke.

"No, there are no reinforcements. It was done by Qiudaotangbei and I together!" Feng Huoying's avatar said deliberately, "Those rock ninjas were too underestimating the enemy, and we settled them in two or three shots, and burned the supplies."

Yin Hezhi frowned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the previous explosion didn't really exist, he would have questioned what Feng Huo said.

Even if those rock ninjas underestimate the enemy, there are more than two junin and more than ten meters of ninja, not to mention two special jnin, even two jnin are probably helpless.

"You two, that's enough!"

Huitu finally laughed angrily, "Earth Dungeon - Dungeon Tangwu!"

The earth trembled, and an earthen wall quickly formed a circle, turning into a dungeon, enclosing Feng Huoying's avatar and Yin Hezhi in the middle.

"This kind of ninjutsu..." Feng Huoying's avatar was about to say something contemptuous, but was interrupted by Yin Hezhi.

"This is an enchantment ninjutsu. It can absorb our chakra and restore the wall. It is a very difficult ninjutsu!"

Feng Huo frowned, and directly sprayed a fireball over there.


Hao's fireball exploded on the stone wall and collapsed a small section of the wall, but in the next moment, chakra surged on the stone wall, and the wall recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon returned to its original state.

"Then jump out of this barrier!" Feng Huoying's avatar suddenly ran towards the other side of Huitu.

"It's useless, hahaha." Huitu sneered and stamped, and stone thorns shot out from the stone wall, forcing Fenghuo back.

As soon as Yin Hezhi ran to Fenghuo's side, he suddenly asked in a low voice, "Where's Qiu Daotang North?"

"He was seriously injured, and my main body has already sent him away." Feng Huoying's avatar replied in a softer voice.

Yin Hezhi's mouth, eyes and nose began to twitch: "You... are a shadow clone?!"

Bageya Road!

Yin Hezhi was furious!

If I knew this guy was a shadow clone, why would he run in so stupidly? Isn't it better to run as far as possible?

Yin Hezhi had tens of thousands of words mmp whizzing past in his heart, but it was too late at this time.

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