Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 145: fairy mode

"Master Lujiu, there is a change in the Iwanin camp, and a large number of Iwanin suddenly turned around!"

Shikahisa Nara narrowed his eyes slightly: "That's right, that's great! It seems that the mission of the Third Combat Battalion has been accomplished very well!"

"However, Master Lu Jiu, in this case, will the members of the Third Combat Brigade come back alive?"

Nara Shikahisa said solemnly: "So next, we will put enough pressure on Iwanin on the frontal battlefield so that they can't be distracted from chasing and killing our companions!"


"Fenghuo, why do I feel like I can't use my energy anymore?"

Behind Iwanin, Akidodo Kita lay on Fenghuo's back, and muttered listlessly, "Is it because I haven't eaten for a long time?"

"Tang Bei, don't think about the bad, you should think about the good." Feng Huo said, "Maybe you are paralyzed."

Qiu Daotang burst into tears: "Feng Huo, are you comforting me?"

"Just kidding, don't worry, I checked for you, you...you can eat and sleep in the future, but..."

Fenghuo sighed. In the previous battle, Qiudaotangbei blocked the attacks of two Jōnin and five or six Chunin for Fenghuo, and was hit head-on by the aftermath of the explosion. His immortality is considered fat. Now, look at the other Iwa Shinobi, which one has complete parts?

It's just that, as a ninja, Qiudaotangbei's "career" has come to an early end.

His back muscles and fat were bloodied by Iwanin's ninjutsu, and then directly hit by the explosion ripples, many nerve lines were destroyed. As we all know, the human back nerves "connect the past and the next", this damage, Qiu Daodang Whether Bei can stand up in the future is a question.

After learning the truth, Qiu Daotangbei burst into tears.

"Fenghuo, can I really not be a ninja anymore?" Qiu Daodangbei asked unwillingly, his two eyes squeezed into a slit by the fat were full of tears, staring at Fenghuo pitifully.

"There are no absolutes in this world, Tangbei, that's all I can say." Fenghuo wasn't sure if Tsunade could heal such a serious injury, so he didn't dare to say it too absolutely, lest Qiudaotangbei hoped and then fell into despair.

The two Jōnin next to him had ugly faces, and they felt the same way. When they entered the battlefield, their lives were already 'at stake'. At this time, they both spoke to comfort Qiu Daodangbei, and then talked about other things to divert his attention.

"Youyan Shinobi is coming, pay attention to concealment!"

The other two special Jnin are Saten, a sentient ninja who is good at wind escape, and one is Yai, who is good at fire escape.

With Qiudaotang Bei behind his back, Feng Huo quickly hid in a branch of a giant tree, while Satian and Yajing hid on the left and right.

Soon, the three Iwagakushi Murakami Shinobi came galloping from a distance, their eyes turned rapidly, and they watched their surroundings vigilantly.

Soon, the three of them jumped over where Fenghuo and the others were.

"In case they find that the traces we left are not good, get out of here!" Feng Huo roared in a low voice, and then he ran fast like lightning.

Saten and Yai followed one from the left and the other from the right. They had already taken out Kunai in their hands, and were cautiously on guard.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, the three Yannin who had gone away found some clues left by Feng Huo and others, and soon realized what was going on, and turned around to chase after them!

"Damn, these Konoha ninjas are too cunning!"

"It's okay, they didn't dare to fight head-on, that's already explained the problem, hehe, how dare they destroy my rock ninja supplies like this, after catching them, I will make them suffer all kinds of torture!"

"If Konoha didn't suddenly attack us, these little fish would have fallen into our hands long ago!"

The rock ninjas talked and laughed coldly, but their eyes were extremely sharp, staring at the surrounding terrain, any hidden traces were the objects of their suspicion and pursuit!


The boulder flew into the air, and the choking dust swept away layer by layer like a sandstorm, and Yin Hezhi half-kneeled on the ground in embarrassment.

After a night of fierce fighting, he had already broken the surrounding Earth Dungeon barriers, but he also paid a very heavy price.

He looked up at the dust on the opposite side. The other side looked a bit tired, but his eyes were piercing, staring at himself.

Yin Hezhi was gasping for breath, but his lungs were on fire, and every breath he took seemed to be swallowing a large amount of coal, making the fire even more intense.


He had already broken the barrier of earth escape, and if he fought against Huitu here again, he would die.

"Coward, you don't even have the courage to confront me!"

Huitu supported the ground with his hands, the ground cracked, and two huge rock hands emerged from the ground, hanging high and pressing down fiercely.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Yin Hezhi instantly 'divided into two' and flew in two directions.

"The art of soil clone!"

Huitu also immediately formed a clone and chased after him.

As soon as Yin Hezhi ran ahead, he looked back at the 'Huitu' who was chasing after him. He didn't know if he was real or not, so he could only hope for luck.

But soon he was desperate.

In front, five or six Iwanin bumped into him head-on, and when they saw him, they launched an offensive without saying a word.

Huitu also came laughing, surrounded Yin Hezhi and beat him violently.

A few minutes later, Yin Hezhi was exhausted and was beaten badly.

"It's about time to end, right?" Huitu suddenly showed a smile on his face, his avatar caught up with 'Yin He Zhiyi' who was running in another direction, and 'killed' him, then, this one in front of him is The real Yin He Zhiyi is gone.


The smoke dissipated, and Yin He Zhiyi had disappeared there.


Huitu's face darkened, "When is it!"

"Master Huitu?"

"Konoha's ninjas are too cunning!"

Huitu was furious: "You idiots, what are you still doing, go find them!"


When all the rock ninjas dispersed, Yin He Zhiyi's figure suddenly emerged from a tree.

"It's dangerous, but fortunately they don't perceive ninjas."

Yin Hezhi didn't dare to linger, picked up the traces left by his feet, and left quickly.

Sure enough, after a while, Huitu ran back suspiciously, searched around, and then left reluctantly.

Mt. Miaogi.

Namikaze Minato has undergone meditation and can finally feel the natural energy that is everywhere around him.

"This is what Jiraiya-sensei said... Immortal mode?"

Namikaze Minato opened his eyes, and several orange colored shadows appeared on the eyelids.

Fairy mode!

It took Jiraiya several years to practice the super unique art, but here at Namikaze Minato, it took only one year intermittently to master it!

Next to him, a few toads almost popped their eyes when they saw Namikaze Minato.

"It was really mastered by him."

"As expected of Jiraiya-sama's disciple~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A few toads ran over bragging, but were blown away by a gust of wind in an instant, but it was Namikaze Minato who was experiencing the power of the sage mode!

"Helix pill...no, it should be...Xianfa-Super Great Jade Invincible Helix Pill!!"

The wind howled, and the spiral pill, which was only the size of a fist, swelled wildly almost instantly after adding the celestial chakra. !

Namikaze Minato stared blankly at the spiral pill in his hand that turned into a huge 'grind disc', and the violent energy in it made even him palpitate.

"Bastard, you want to destroy this place!"

"Jiraiya's disciple is also a big idiot!!"

The two toads jumped and yelled.

Minato Namikaze came back to his senses, and quickly released the spiral pill, but even so, the air around him roared like thunder, blowing two toads howling into the sky. (https://)

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