Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 150: change in nature

He tried Fengdun-Xiangwan on the battlefield several times but ended in failure. Not only was the fire blocked, but even the comrades beside him were terrified, for fear that he would accidentally injure his own people if he didn't control it well.

Qianteng Baili talked to him several times, asking him to strictly restrain himself and not to do unnecessary things on the battlefield!

Fenghuo's attitude of admitting mistakes is absolutely correct, the left sentence is sorry, and the right sentence is not an example. However, in the next battle, it will still be the same, and continue to experiment with Fengdun-Spiral Pill.

This made Qiandeng Baili very angry, but he couldn't report it to Nara Shikakuna because of it.

That night, Namikaze Minato finally came back from behind Iwanin, followed by Yin Hezhiichi and Saten who were seriously injured. As for the other ninjas, it was confirmed that they all died!

"Thank you!" Nara Shikahisa arranged for Yin Hezhiyi and Saten to go to the medical ninja for treatment, with a relaxed expression, "Finally, two of them are still alive."

Namikaze Minato was also emotional: "It's very dangerous, if I'm one step late."

Namikaze Minato briefly explained the process, and then said: "After Huitu became the commander, Huangtu seems to have more time. I have fought against him more than once behind Iwanin. He is indeed a difficult character."

"Isn't your immortal mode his opponent?" Nara Shikahisa asked in surprise.

"Because it's a preliminary grasp, so there's no way to use it in battle." Namikaze Minato showed a bit of embarrassment, "I only discovered this when I was fighting Huangtu."

"So, you still need time to get familiar with it." Nara Shikahisa felt a little headache.

This is a battlefield. There is no quiet place for Minato to practice, and the battle is urgent. As a high-end combat power, Minato still needs to 'fight fires' everywhere. He is definitely far more busy than other ninjas.

Bo Feng Shuimen said: "Don't worry, I will focus on the overall situation, and the cultivation of immortal mode cannot be completed overnight."

"That's it." Nara Shikahisa said, "Then the mobile unit will be handed over to you, first sweep the Iwanin within a hundred miles of the camp!"

"Is this a mission?" Namikaze Minato accepted the mission with a smile.


On a rainy night, Minato Namakaze came to the tent arranged by Shikoku Nara for him, and found that Fenghuo was already waiting for him.

"Brother Shuimen, you're back." Feng Huo rubbed his hands and looked at him mischievously.

Namikaze Minato showed a gentle smile: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Ah, I want to ask you about the changes in the properties of Helix Pill." Feng Huo said bluntly.

"Come in and talk."

As Konoha's high-end combat power, and Namikaze Minato with the 'backstage', it naturally has an independent tent. This tent is spacious and thick. Once the curtain is closed, all the rain outside will be isolated, as if separated by half a world .

In fact, Namikaze Minato once told Fenghuo about the change in the nature of the spiral pill, but at that time Fenghuo hadn't fully grasped the spiral pill, so naturally he would not consider the change in nature.

"Then, you must listen carefully."

Namikaze Minato stretched out his hand and rubbed a spiral pill directly, and then added the change in the nature of Chakra. The spiral pill that can be held in one hand gradually became larger, the speed became violent, and even the shape changed faintly.

Namikaze Minato taught by example and explained some of the difficulties to Fenghuo step by step.

Fenghuo tried to shake it, but his form couldn't be stable at all, and it quickly dissipated into a strong air current.

The tent was rattling.

Namikaze Minato pointed out his mistake with a smile.

Feng Huo listened carefully, and asked questions from time to time. He had been using spiral pills during the battlefield, and Feng Huo was already very familiar with it, and the change in the nature of Chakra was actually a veil to him.

Being a human being in two lives, especially after nine years of compulsory education in his previous life, his comprehension is naturally not bad. In addition, after reading the original work, and now listening to Namikaze Minato's explanation in simple terms, he will soon understand a lot. The shape of the spiral pill in his hand Gradually changed, the surrounding wind roared like thunder.

"Don't be afraid, believe that you can control it!" Namikaze Minato cheered beside him.

Feng Huo nodded slightly, and put all his mind on this spiral pill that added the change of wind attribute.

Suddenly, the spiral pill twisted suddenly, and then rolled like a boiling 'water polo' crazily.

Namikaze Minato saw it, and immediately sealed the spiral pill into a blank scroll with a sealing technique.

"It's so dangerous." Feng Huo heaved a sigh of relief, but then he looked distressed, feeling that it was still a bit worse.

Namikaze Minato put away the scroll and said with a smile: "Actually, you should try other attributes. After all, you have a physique of thunder and fire attributes."

Feng Huo was taken aback, yes!

He was greatly influenced by the original work, and he was the first to add the wind attribute when he added the property-changing spiral pill, but his main body attributes were thunder and fire.

Fenghuo was so excited that he hurriedly made a spiral pill again. The light blue spiral pill gradually changed color after the chakra that changed the fire attribute was injected.

Light red, light red, red... finally turned into a magma-like color.


With the rapid rotation of the spiral pill, a scorching breath turned into an air current and swirled around the entire tent. Soon, the temperature in the tent began to rise.

"Sure enough." Namikaze Minato looked at the stable Huo Dun-Wilk Wan in Fenghuo's hand, and said with a smile, "You have been failing before because you don't understand the nature of the wind attribute. Now that you change it to the fire attribute, the problem will be solved exists."

The feeling of sealing the fire at this time is like holding a piece of grass, bah, holding an explosive without an iron ring, it is still ignited, and it is about to explode at any time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But strangely, Fenghuo felt like he was commanding this 'dynamite'.

Sealing the fire continued to inject chakra with changing fire attributes, and the spiral pill gradually became larger, and the color also exuded a hot luster like magma.

"You bastard, you want to blow up my tent." Namikaze Minato smiled wryly beside him.

"Oh, sorry." Fenghuo hurriedly stopped injecting, and was about to release it slowly, but was stopped by Namikaze Minato.

"Don't waste it." Namikaze Minato took out another blank sealing scroll, and directly sealed the Huo Dun-Wen Wan.

Feng Huo's heart moved: "Brother Shuimen, are you going to seal this in and then release it during the battle?"

Namikaze Minato nodded: "What do you remember?"

"Detonating Talisman?!" Feng Huo's eyes widened.

"That's right, the principle is the same as that of the detonating talisman."

Feng Huo couldn't help asking: "Then we can definitely do more, blasting Iwanin to death on the battlefield."

Namikaze Minato shook his head: "First of all, even if ordinary ninjutsu can be sealed, it is not as powerful as detonating charms. Secondly, although the materials of detonating charms are precious, there are still many in the ninja world. As for the scrolls of sealing ninjutsu, their production and materials It’s relatively troublesome, and the gain outweighs the loss.”

"I see." Feng Huo nodded.

"However, the Helix Pill with Chakra's nature change is very powerful. If you have time, you can try to seal a few." Namikaze Minato smiled, "I can give you three suitable sealing scrolls."

"Really, that's great!" Feng Huo was very excited.

He also has a sealing scroll on him, but it can only be used to store personal belongings, such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, but it cannot seal ninjutsu.

After taking three blank scrolls from Namikaze Minato, Fenghuo left contentedly.

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