Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 162: dirt target

"Wind escape-helix pill!"

"Fire escape-helix pill!"

Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo rubbed two **** at the same time, one sky blue, one magma red, exuding a powerful aura, roaring up against the huge boulders all over the sky.

The two spiral pills collided in the air, and there was a violent storm and flames, as if walking out of an oil painting, with a very strong visual sense.

Then the messy rocks fell, disintegrated and shattered in the wind and fire, and turned into countless fine fiery red stones, which fell all over the sky, which was more obvious in the heavy rain.

Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo were not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and ran without looking back.

Behind him, Huitu and twenty Jōnin passed through the shattered huge stone ball and followed closely.

"Bobie is wasting all his strength, you can't escape!" Huitu clasped his palms together, and two huge rock hands suddenly rose a hundred meters ahead, swatting at the two of them like flies.

"This is terrible."

Namikaze Minato threw a spiral pill and smashed the two Iwates without looking back, but his expression became more and more dignified.

Feng Huo took the time to look back, his head was getting bigger, and the rock ninjas behind him were all imposing, none of them were lower than Jonin at first glance.

"Brother Minato, they should be after you, right?" Fenghuo felt that his "fame" was not enough for Huitu to bring so many Junin to hunt him down.

Namikaze Minato nodded and said, "Ah, probably."

"Can you beat it?" Feng Huo asked, but he knew the great feat of Riba Kaze Minato in the third Ninja World War with the Flying Thunder God, and there were only more than 20 senior ninjas behind him. Shinobu, it shouldn't be a big problem for Namikaze Minato, right?

Unexpectedly, Namikaze Minato shook his head: "It's just Ashes that gives me a headache, if you can delay the other jounin for half an hour."

The corner of Fenghuo's mouth twitched, you might as well let me get rid of the dust!

"But Brother Minato, relying on Flying Thunder God, the team battle should be extremely beneficial to you. If you throw dozens of those kunai at random, can those people still catch you?"

Namikaze Minato glanced at him and said, "It is true to say so, but to be honest, I am not confident myself."

After all, if one person shuttles and kills around twenty jounin and Huitu, if he is not careful, he may fall into a siege, and the only end result is death.

Namikaze Minato also tried this kind of battle, but it was against more than a dozen chunin and lower ninjas, but in the current situation, there are more than 20 upper ninjas!

If you are not careful, you will capsize!

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, and understood, it turned out to be like this.

He hurriedly poured poisonous chicken soup on Namikaze Minato, telling him that you are the child of destiny, loved by the will of this world, the kind who will never die no matter what you do, which made Namikaze Minato stunned for a while.

At the same time, the two of them felt the hostility of this land towards them all the time.

Countless rock thorns and rock pillars swarmed in, and from time to time the ground in front of it would crack to the ground, frantically devouring the nearby vegetation.

And Yan Shinobi behind him also chased closer and closer.

"It seems that I can only do as you say." Namikaze Minato showed a resolute expression on his face!

Feng Huo knew that if he hadn't held back, with Namikaze Minato's speed, he would have run far away, but now, he chose to fight for 20 jounin, Feng Huo was very moved.

"Shut off the fire, step back!"

Namikaze Minato turned around resolutely, under the rain, he quickly threw a lot of kunai forward.

"Be careful with his space-time ninjutsu!"

Huitu drank loudly.

Iwanin has already noticed that he has played against Namikaze Minato several times.

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

Walls of earth rose from the ground to 'catch' all the Kunai in the air. At this time, even Namikaze Minato could not get close to them even if he used Flying Thunder God.

The rock ninjas were excited and rushed faster.

"Killed so many of our companions, Namikaze Minato, go to hell!"

"There is nowhere to escape, accept our sanctions!"

In an instant, the ground fluctuated, and countless stone thorns and stone pillars poured out, and the figure of Namakaze Minato turned rapidly, but he was already in a panic.


Feng Huo was very anxious, he had already rubbed a Thunder Dun-Spiral Pill in his hand, once Namikaze Minato couldn't support it, he would smash it!

At the same time, stimulated by Namikaze Minato's speed, in order to keep up with his speed, his eyes unknowingly opened the Sangouyu Sharingan.

"Huh? Those sufferings are..."

Opening the Sangouyu Sharingan, Fenghuo's eyesight greatly improved, and he could clearly see the kunai on the stone walls, they were just ordinary kunai, and there was no mark of Fei Leishen on them.

"The routine is so deep."

There was a knowing smile from the corner of Fenghuo's mouth. Among the densely packed stone thorns and stone pillars, Namikaze Minato jumped back and forth, looking embarrassed, but he didn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

And that's not all, Fenghuo vaguely discovered that when Minato Namikaze was jumping, Kunai flew from his hand from time to time, and shot it on the stone thorns and stone pillars.

Seeing this scene, Fenghuo already understood Namikaze Minato's plan.

Iwanin, who couldn't attack for a long time, was really anxious. Several Iwanin who were good at physical skills couldn't control themselves, and directly forced them to kill.

Namikaze Minato raised his head slightly, a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Finally here."

"Namikaze Minato, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com die!"

"You can't escape, stop struggling!"

Namikaze Minato suddenly stopped, and let these Yannin surround him, and said with a smile: "This is not necessarily true, because it is not me who is surrounded, but you."

Fly Thor!

The next moment, the figure of Namikaze Minato had disappeared. Several Iwanin were startled, turned their heads and looked around, and there were several Namikaze Minatos in their sights, one on the left and one on the right. At first glance, it seemed that there were more than a dozen of them. A Namikaze Minato surrounded them.

"How's that possible? Isn't his characteristic Kunai blocked by us!"

"Damn it, we fell for it!"

"Fight him! Earth Dungeon - Dungeon Tang Wu!"

"Earth Dungeon-Earth Clone!"

At the critical moment, these rock ninja quickly formed their seals, either desperately or fleeing for their lives, but under the extreme speed of Namikaze Minato, soon there was hatred on the scene.

Fenghuo is overjoyed, according to this posture, Namikaze Minato can completely devour this group of Iwanin!

But suddenly, his back felt cold, and a terrifying aura suddenly enveloped him.

On the left side, Huitu's gaze was fixed on him!

"Uchiha Fenghuo, it was you, the brat, who destroyed the supplies I escorted, heh, let's deal with you first!"

The dusty persimmon was squeezed soft first, and with his hands resting on the ground, the ground suddenly cracked, and dense cracks spread towards Fenghuo centered on him.

"Hey, **** it!" Feng Huo was furious: Why didn't you follow the script!

A few of your younger brothers died, shouldn't you go to Namikaze Minato to fight for your life at this time?

Huitu said no.

With no choice but to seal the fire, he turned around and ran, shouting as he ran, "Brother Shuimen, I'll draw the dust away first, and you should get rid of those miscellaneous fish first!"

The voice shook the sky, the righteousness was awe-inspiring, Feng Huo himself was moved by himself.

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