Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 164: Dust's determination

Following the traces left by the ashes and the sealing fire, Minato Namikaze threw a Bingliang Pill into his mouth while chasing him.

The battle with twenty Jōnin exhausted him a lot, not only his physical strength, but also his spiritual will. He needed to recover quickly while on the road.

The heavy rain was still pouring, and the dark clouds in the sky were so gloomy that people couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north, day and night.

"I see!"

Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up, staring at the ferocious terrain in the rain curtain ahead, it was the terrain change caused by the powerful Earth Dunjutsu, which can only be done by the powerful loess and gray soil.

He concealed his body and walked quickly through the rain.

At the same time, he was also formulating a 'battle plan' in his mind.

With his current state, it was already impossible to defeat Huitu, so the only option left was to retreat.

Namikaze Minato immediately formed a shadow clone, moving forward one left and one right.

In the distance, Huitu strongly controlled the earth with the ninjutsu of earth escape, and Fenghuo couldn't land smoothly at all, so he could only use Lilianhua to jump around in the air. In this way, his consumption would be great!

Huitu looked at the sealing fire in the air with a happy face, he really looked like a flea.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you are one of the few ninjas I have ever seen who can fly in the air. Your talent has surpassed most ninjas in the ninja world. As long as you live and continue to grow, your future achievements will be inevitable." It will shock the entire ninja world, and may even have the reputation of your ancestor Uchiha Madara!"

Huitu's voice was full of indescribable temptation, "Think about your ancestor Uchiha Madara, that is a powerful ninja comparable to Senjujuma, the **** of ninja world, even the strategic weapon Tailed Beast of Ninja Village You must surrender at his feet! Don't you want to be such a strong man?"

Feng Huo was panting heavily, there seemed to be a furnace in his chest, burning blazingly, every breath of air was scalding extremely uncomfortable.

He looked down, Huitu was frantically creating a large number of rock thorns to prevent him from falling, and there was a sneer on his face: "You are very reasonable, I plan to think about it, how about it?"

Huitu's eyes lit up: "Okay, then you think about it!"

"Okay, then stop quickly, my brain is hypoxic right now, if I don't rest for a few days, I won't be able to think at all!" Feng Huo said loudly.

How many days?

The corners of Huitu's eyes twitched, feeling vaguely that something was wrong, and shouted, "You don't need to think about this kind of thing for so long!"

"Who said that! This is a super important event that will affect my entire life in the future. How can I not think about it carefully? You have to give me at least two days!" Feng Huo shouted as a matter of course.

Huitu was furious: "Bastard, you dare to entertain me! Uchiha Fuu, you don't have the right to choose, you either die or...surrender!"

"You are so fierce, you must not have a girlfriend!" Feng Huo giggled strangely.

Huitu was furious, this matter hit him sorely.

Although he is a disciple of the third generation of Tukage, he is not very popular with women, and he has never even held a girl's hand until now.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, it seems that you have made a choice!"

Huitu clasped his palms together, and two huge rock hands sprang out from the ground again, carrying the fury of Huitu towards Fenghuo in the air and slapped them fiercely.

Feng Huo let out a sound, and quickly stepped on the air to escape.


Although the person dodged, the violent airflow triggered by Iwate's shot was like a gust of wind, blowing Fenghuo back again and again.

Huitu laughed loudly: "Hahaha, the kid from the Uchiha family, his physical strength can't keep up. Since he refuses to surrender, he should die!"

"Wait a minute, I think I can think about it for a while!"

Fenghuo was in the air trying to find a place to land, but Huitu had already stepped ahead and arranged sharp stone thorns under his body. If he fell, he would definitely be gutted.

"No, I think you should die!"

Huitu doesn't want to spend any more time with this guy, kill him, and then poach his Sharingan, and their village can still produce Sharingan ninjas. It would be even better if they can successfully break the limit of Sharingan!

"I want to see how long you can stay in the sky!"

To be honest, the Taijutsu mastered by Fenghuo is also coveted by Huitu, but the Taijutsu is different from Sharingan, which can be dug directly, but if you want to obtain Taijutsu, you must capture Fenghuo alive, and then torture him.


and many more?

Suddenly, a shocking light flashed through Huitu's mind!

"If you capture Uchiha alive and bring him back to the village stallion..."

Whether Fenghuo is willing or not, his blood will definitely stay in Yanyin Village!

Huitu's blood boiled immediately, feeling like the whole world was saying 'Gambadai' to him!

"Yoxi, since this is the case, I can't let you die so easily!"

Huitu was about to do a big job when he heard a sudden terrifying wind from the side and rear.

He looked sideways, and saw Namikaze Minato galloping towards him with a spiral pill in his hand.

Huitu's eyeballs were bloodshot: "You, why did you appear here?"

Namikaze Minato didn't say a word, and rushed up with a spiral pill.

"Mud flow wall!"

Huitu blocked Namikaze Minato's attack, but his eyes were fixed on him.

Could it be that the twenty jounin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were killed by Namikaze Minato in such a short period of time? !

how is this possible?

What are you kidding?

With Namikaze Minato to restrain him, Fenghuo finally landed smoothly. As soon as his feet touched the ground, his whole body convulsed, and he collapsed on the ground and screamed.

The Eight Doors Dunjia is a forbidden technique, even if only three doors are opened, it will have side effects on the body, and Li Lianhua's state of sealing the fire has lasted for so long, the body has already reached its limit.

At this moment, a wave suddenly appeared on the muddy ground, and a hand stretched out from the ground, grabbed the sealing fire and pulled it down.

At the same time, the battle between Namikaze Minato and Huitu ended soon.

"Shadow clone?"

Seeing the corpse of 'Namikaze Minato' dissipate into smoke, Huitu was startled, turned his head and looked around, how could there be a figure of Fenghuo?


But immediately he thought of those twenty Jōnin, and he felt so anxious.

He immediately separated a clone and sent him back to check the situation over there. As for himself, he followed closely the chakra fluctuations in the ground.

Huitu's avatar rushed back in a hurry, and saw twenty corpses that had been soaked in the rain and turned white.

Then he buried the twenty rock ninja corpses in the soil on the spot, and then turned around decisively.

When the avatar catches up to the main body, Huitu's whole body is not well.

"Twenty Jōnin...that's twenty Jōnin, how did Namikaze Minato do it..."

Huitu clenched his hands into fists, his eyes bloodshot.

"Definitely kill him, absolutely not let him grow up!"

Huitu suppressed the irritability in his heart and quickly analyzed it.

"From the fact that he used his shadow clone to contain me to rescue Uchiha Fenghuo, it can be seen that the price he paid for killing 20 jounin is definitely not small!"

Feeling the chakra fluctuations in the ground, Huitu punched brazenly.

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