Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 174: Hanzo's 'Olive Branch'

Namikaze Minato is a gentle person, but he is even more persistent. His ideal has always been "Hokage" since he was a child, and it has never changed!

And if you want to become Hokage, you can't do it just by talking.

Every contribution he made on the battlefield is a useful help for him to compete for the position of Hokage, so he will never refuse no matter how difficult or dangerous a task is!

With such a large number of people at the stall, it is quite helpless to seal the fire, and his small arms and legs can't hold back the thick legs of others, so he can only risk his life to accompany Junzi, and follow Namikaze Minato to make trouble behind Iwanoshi.

After the previous incident where Huitu led 20 Jonin to kill, Namikaze Minato seemed to be completely 'awakened', and Fei Leishen's use became more and more miraculous, and there was no trace at all.

For a while, the special kunai will be thrown all over the field, and for a while, the Flying Thunder God mark will be directly engraved on your body. Combined with the instant body technique and the shadow clone technique, it is simply unpredictable. In about half a month, three batches of rock ninja materials have been successfully destroyed.

Later, Iwanin also learned how to behave. He divided the supplies into ten or twenty parts, and then set off on more than twenty routes at the same time. Catch them, and only one-twentieth of the materials that can be destroyed, or even less!

In this way, Yan Ren greatly reduced the loss of materials.

After a few times, Namikaze Minato realized that they could no longer pose too much threat to Iwanin, so he left the rear of Iwanin with Fenghuo.

When the two returned to the Konoha camp, they were naturally warmly welcomed by Nara Shikaku. If they hadn't gone deep into the rear of Iwanin and attracted a large number of Iwanin jonin, the previous battle would not have been so successful.

Just more than half a month passed, during which there were several battles with Iwa Shinobi, each winning or losing, and the balance of victory began to swing again.

As the weather turned colder, the rain in the sky became colder and colder. Some ninjas even caught colds, which brought a lot of trouble to the battle.

Sealing the fire has been counting the time. From the declaration of war in Shayin Village last year to the declaration of war in Yanyin Village this year, the war has lasted for nearly two years.

In the past two years, the battlefield in the Kingdom of the Rain has been like a meat grinder, and Konoha, Iwa Ninja, and Sand Ninja have all suffered great losses.

And the Kingdom of Rain, which is the battlefield, is even worse!

Not only were many towns destroyed, but the ninjas directly massacred civilians in the Land of Rain in order to cover up intelligence because of sneak attacks, assassinations, alliances, or other missions.

As for the destruction of the terrain by Iwanin's earth escape, it is insignificant.

‘It’s winter, and it will be Konoha’s 45th year soon. '

Feng Huo silently treated a ninja who was feeling sick, got up and stretched his muscles.

In fact, it has only been half a year since he actually entered the battlefield to fight, but to Fenghuo, it seems like he has spent most of his life. He has seen many farewells, and his heart seems to have hardened.

The previous companions in the third combat brigade, Nara Lubayashi and Yumekong, died on the battlefield one after another, and even their bodies were severely damaged.

Feng Huo went to see him, except for the colder murderous intent towards Yan Ren in his heart, he didn't seem to feel much uncomfortable emotion.

‘People who shouldn’t die are dead, but those who deserve to die are still alive and well, alas. '

That Yoshida Shoichi, his life is too big, he was surrounded by a large number of Iwanin on the battlefield several times, and in the end he was able to break out of the encirclement and save himself from danger. If he hadn't seen the injury on his chest that almost split him in two, sealing the fire would have I thought this guy was in collusion with Iwa Shinobi again.

Of course, the war is so 'hot', the Akatsuki organization is not idle, while continuing to hold the banner of peace to argue with the three parties, while doing everything possible to send the civilians of the Kingdom of Rain to the edge, avoiding those battlefields, But compared to the entire Land of Rain, the Akatsuki organization is really weak.

At this time, the leader of the Urenin village, Sanshoyu Hanzo, the demigod of the ninja world, suddenly sent a 'telegram', hoping to start a war with Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan about Konoha, Iwanin, and Sandin. A conversation beyond friendship.

"If I'm not mistaken, Hanzo wants to use our strength to propose a peaceful negotiation proposal to the three major powers of fire, wind, and earth. This is good news for us!"

Yahiko looked at the red-haired Nagato and the purple-haired Konan, his eyes were shining like stars, "If the two of us really cooperate, we should be able to put some pressure on the three major powers, and hopefully make them withdraw from the Land of Rain!"

Nagato remained silent as usual, but nodded slightly, as if agreeing with Yahiko's words.

Xiao Nan opened her mouth, she was also ecstatic when she first heard the news, she had the same thoughts as Yahiko at the time, but after a long time, the words of a certain brat involuntarily appeared in her mind, and echoed over and over again, making her Difficulty sleeping and eating.

"Yahiko, is it possible, I mean, is Hanzo really planning to do this?" Xiaonan gritted his teeth, "The war has lasted for nearly two years, but the Urenin Village led by Hanzo has not done anything in the past two years. Why is it now? Suddenly want to cooperate with them? Is he really contacting us with a peaceful purpose, or is there another purpose?"

Yahiko looked at him strangely: "Xiao Nan, why do you have such a strange idea?"

"Strange?" Xiao Nan was puzzled.

Yahiko said with a smile: "Of course, Hanzo contacted us because of our strength! Urenin village plus our Akatsuki organization~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can definitely deter the power of the three major powers, and peace is within reach , Xiao Nan, we must seize this opportunity!"

The silent Nagato also spoke: "That's right, even if Hanzo really has another purpose, I'm still here!"

He raised his head slightly, his black and white pupils rippled instantly, and then turned into a pair of circle eyes.

It is the eye of reincarnation!

With these eyes, Xiao Nan's uneasy heart finally calmed down.

‘Yes, Nagato is still there. Hanzo is known as the demigod of the ninja world, but in front of these eyes, I am afraid he will also lose! '

Then she hummed in her heart: Uchiha Fenghuo, if you know that Nagato has the eyes of reincarnation, no, you probably don't even know what the eyes of reincarnation are, right? An ignorant brat, dare to make irresponsible remarks to our Xiao organization, **** it!

"Then, at this stage, we will mainly contact Hanzo, hoping to discuss specific proposals with him in the shortest possible time!" Yahiko said.

Nagato and Konan looked at each other and nodded in unison.

A small fishing boat slowly approached the coastal area in the eastern part of the Land of Fire, but there were no piers nearby, and the coastline was very winding and rugged, so the small fishing boat couldn't dock at all.

But all this is not a problem for the few people on the fishing boat.

"Ah, it's finally here, really, I'm almost bored to death!"

"Don't be too arrogant, this is the country of fire, everyone should be more cautious."

"What are you afraid of? Konoha is now fighting with sand ninja and iwa ninja, so there is no time to pay attention to us. Besides, Mizukage-sama has already decided to declare war, so I don't want to hide!"

"Don't forget our mission! Intelligence collection is the most important thing!"

"Understood, long-winded!"

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