Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 192: fight against

Go all the way down along the river, then sneak in from the dense forest, seal the fire and stop the water all the way.

"There is a **** smell!" Fenghuo's nose fluttered slightly, and the breeze blew, and the **** smell at the tip of his nose quickly dissipated.

Uchiha Shisui's eyes lit up: "It's not far away."

Feng Huo's heart moved, and he made a seal with his hands: "The technique of shadow clone!"

Zhishui was surprised: This guy's printing speed is so fast!

"Use the shadow clone, so as not to be ambushed by them." Feng Huo said indifferently, but kept staring at Zhishui. In fact, he wanted to take the opportunity to see the other party's clone technique, but unfortunately, he ignored it and followed straight ahead.

This is embarrassing.

Feng Huo glanced at his shadow clone, and waved him to follow around to 'clear mines'.

Soon, they came to a cave and found some broken white bandages with faint blood stains at the entrance of the cave.

"It seems that they have already discovered us." Feng Huo lightly touched the bandage, which still had a few traces of warmth, obviously it had just been removed from his body.

"It should be the perception ninja who discovered us." Uchiha Shisui said, "They can't run far, let's chase after them!"

With the iron wire flower on her back, Qing followed closely behind Minazuki Sho, with a serious expression on her face.

"Don't worry, Tiexianhua has bone veins, and his injuries will heal soon." Minzumu Tsukisho chuckled, "In comparison, I'm curious about the two Konoha ninjas behind. "

Qingdao: "One of them is the Uchiha ninja from before, and the other one seems to be a boy too."

Shui Wu Yue Shuang snorted: "Konoha is really arrogant, even sent only two people to chase us down."

Qing suddenly asked him: "Shuang, have you discovered the secret of the Uchiha ninja's clone technique?"

"Hmph, in front of my ice shield, no amount of avatars is useless!" Minazuki Sho looked back at Iron Flower and chuckled, "After all, I'm not a Taijutsu ninja, as long as you keep a distance, That little Uchiha don't even try to get close to me!"

Iron Flower finally raised her head, and said dissatisfiedly, "I was just being careless, you don't really think I can't beat a brat, do you?"

He was stabbed more than a dozen times by Uchiha Shisui. If he were an ordinary ninja, he would already be half dead, but he is a bone vein, and his powerful blood succession limit makes his recovery ability abnormal.

In less than a day, his wounds were healed and he didn't need a medical ninja at all.

"Tiexianhua, the facts are already in front of you. You idiot can't even defeat a brat." Shui Wuyueshuang laughed loudly, "If it wasn't for me, both of you would have died in the hands of that brat."

Tiexianhua was about to refute, but Qing suddenly threw him out.

Then a hot flame passed by his side.

"Damn it, they're chasing after him!" Qing threw Tiexianhua out, Shui Wuyueshuang quickly turned around to catch him, and swiftly shoved him into a nearby tree hole.

Afterwards, Shuiwuyueshuang quickly formed a seal: "Ice escape - Qiansha Shuixiang!"

Thousands of ice crystals were like a storm, screaming in the air, and crazily shot at the outcropping Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Both Fenghuo and Zhishui sprayed out the powerful fireball at the same time, and Fenghuo's powerful fireball was obviously bigger than Zhishui's.


When Ice Crystal Qianben collided with Hao Fireball, it was like moths jumping into a flame. The next moment...the two Hao Fireballs went out.

And the control still has hundreds of thousands of ice crystals shooting out.

Fenghuo and the two hurriedly jumped left and right.

clap clap clap...

Where the two of them were before, thousands of books were nailed there, penetrating three points.

Feng Huo's eyes froze, this ice escape is very powerful, it is completely different from the fake 'ice escape' used by the snow ninjas he encountered in the snow country before.

Shui Wu Yue Shuang showed a confident smile: "Look, as long as you keep a distance, these guys are not my opponents at all."

While he was talking, he formed seals, and Bing Dun poured crazily towards Feng Huo and the other two.

Qing stood on the side vigilantly, his eyes were shooting back and forth between Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui, and gradually showed a dignified expression. He is a perception ninja, and his perception is very good. He has already noticed that Fenghuo's strength is higher than that of Uchiha Shisui. up.

Especially when avoiding the ice escape, it can be seen that although Uchiha Shisui is sloppy, it looks a bit like a textbook, with a strict eye, and although the movement of sealing the fire is a bit ugly, it is extremely fast, and it is combat experience at a glance. Very rich, battle-hardened man!

"Clone body art!" Uchiha Shisui formed a seal in Senbon, and a dozen 'Shisui' suddenly surged from his side, and rushed towards Mizunatsutsuki Facing the sky full of Senbon.

bang bang bang...

The avatars dissipated under Qianben one by one, and Shuiwuyueshuang was about to open up, when suddenly there was a burst of thunder in the back of the heart, as if there were thousands of birds singing.

"Thunder Dun-Thousand Birds!" Feng Huo's shadow avatar holding the 'Thunder Blade' suddenly descended.

"Be careful!" Iron Flower shouted and rushed out, "Tsubaki Dance!"

He ferociously pulled out a pale white arm bone from his shoulder, refracting steel-like luster in the sunlight, the iron wire flower whirled and danced, and the steel bone in his hand danced in a circle instantly, fiercely colliding with Chidori, the avatar of Hokage. Together.


The thunder light suddenly exploded, shining bright light in the air, and even traces of lightning ran along the bones towards the iron flower.

Tiexianhua's whole body was shaken, and a dozen scarred wounds on her body suddenly opened, and it seemed that blood was overflowing again.

"Bastard!" Tiexianhua yelled and rushed towards Fenghuo's shadow clone, "Tang Song's Dance!"


The bones of Tiexianhua's whole body grew extremely fast, and broke out after half a breath. At this time, Tiexianhua looked like a bone hedgehog, with bone spurs all over her body!

Feng Huoying's avatar hurriedly retreated, at the same time, he rubbed a Fengdun-Xianlu pill, and smashed it hard.

Tie Xianhua didn't care about it, and killed with red eyes: "The hardest part of the human body is the bone, brat, your ninjutsu can't hurt me!"


In the next moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. The helix pill directly blasted him out.

The violent air current raged, blowing the nearby trees tottering.

"Nani?" Qing was shocked, and hurriedly formed seals, "The technique of fog concealment!"

A burst of mist rose out of nowhere and quickly diffused.

"Wind escape-big breakthrough!" Feng Huo jumped out of the mist, blowing inward.

At this time, Shisui Uchiha, relying on his avatar, finally approached Minazukisho, but the mist filled the air. Before he could move, Mizunatsusho had already turned into an iceman and melted instantly.

"Ice Escape Secret Technique? Magic Mirror Ice Crystal!"

Suddenly, strange ice mirrors gushed out around Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui was startled, and hurriedly opened Sharingan, but at this moment, the fog was thick, and even if it was Sharingan, his vision was suppressed, and he could only vaguely see a figure speeding through the ice mirror.

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