Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 194: Confidence 10 feet

Seeing Feng Huo's eyes, Qing's expression changed: "Sangouyu Sharingan?!"

Feng Huo's appearance looks really too young, good-looking, nice-sounding, and strong, and he is actually a member of the Uchiha clan who has opened the Sangouyu Sharingan!

Qing's first reaction was that this guy couldn't grow up, and then sadly found that this idea seemed a bit divorced from reality.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Feng Huo didn't pay attention to the constipated Qing, but directly attacked Shui Wu Yueshuang.

A huge fireball whizzed over, and the scorching heat rolled in. Under the high temperature, the ice mirrors were slowly moistened, as if they were about to melt.

"Damn it! This idiot Tiexianhua is really useless!" Mizunatsuki Sho's frantic voice came from Bing Jing, very dissatisfied.

On his side, he only needs to slowly consume Uchiha Shisui's Chakra, and he can easily win a kill, and at the same time get a pair of double Gouyu Sharingan, how beautiful is it? Just like that, it was ruined by the iron thread flower.

Can Mizunagisho not be angry?


Hao's fireball hit the ice mirror head-on, and seven or eight ice mirrors couldn't hold on immediately, and melted in the flames.

Uchiha Shisui hurriedly ran out with a blink of an eye.


Shuiwuyueshuang drilled out of the ice mirror, and the ice flowers around her seemed to be spiritual, twirling crazily, and slashed towards Fenghuo like the light of a knife.

"Fire Escape - Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

Sealing the fire and retreating while sealing the seal.

After all, ice escape is the limit of blood inheritance, its power is far stronger than the general escape technique, even if it is Huo Kebing, it can't be suppressed.

"Water Dun-Shui Liu Whip!" Qing forced Feng Huo's shadow clone back, and said anxiously, "Shuang, go!"

"Are you kidding me!" Minazuki Sho showed an unhappy expression, "I will kill these two people!"

Mizunazukisho jumped onto the tree, "Ice Escape Secret Technique - Burst Ice Crystals!"


Countless ice crystals drifted over like snowflakes, covering Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui completely.

"There is an inexplicable sense of foreboding."

Feng Huo kept retreating, but the ice crystals in front of him were like maggots attached to bones, following him like a shadow.

Feng Huo's heart moved, and he let out a breath.

A sheet of ice crystals was blown upside down, and then...


That piece of ice crystal exploded violently, and the surging air wave crazily rolled towards the densely packed countless ice crystals around it.

The dominoes were all toppled, and the countless ice crystals in the air exploded almost instantly.

Feng Huo's face turned pale: "Tudun - Tuliubi!"

A stone wall rose from the ground, but it was soon riddled with holes under the explosion of ice crystals. Fortunately, he bought some time to seal the fire, and he escaped into the ground with seals, avoiding waves of explosions.

On the other side, Uchiha Shisui also avoided the range of the explosion with an extremely fast teleportation technique.

As for the shadow clone that sealed the fire, it was directly blown into smoke by the ice crystals.

"Qing, go find Tiexianhua quickly, and leave this place to me." Minazuki Sho became more and more courageous in the battle, and her confidence swelled, and she wanted to clean up Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui.

"Okay, Shuang, be careful!" Qing turned and left immediately. As a perception ninja, finding someone couldn't be easier. As long as the iron flower is not dead, he will definitely find him!

At the same time, Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui also quickly joined together.

"This guy's ice escape is so strong." Feng Huo glanced at him, "How did you defeat him before?"

Feng Huo was curious to death.

When you were alone, you ran away with 1v3, but now there are two of us here, but we can't even do it alone.

Am I possessed by a depraved god?

Sealing the fire was a bit depressing.

Uchiha Shisui was very calm, and slowly said: "No, I didn't defeat them, I just successfully attacked one of them with the special clone technique I developed, and then scared them away."

'You are bluffing me. '

The corners of the eyes of Fenghuo twitched.

"Two pairs of writing sharingan, this is really great!" Mizunatsutsuki clapped her hands and laughed, "If I can successfully transplant, I will have two kinds of blood inheritance limits, hahaha!"

"You think too much." Feng Huo quickly closed his seal, "Huo Dun-Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

On the other side, Uchiha Shisui immediately separated his avatar and rushed towards Mizunatsuki Sho.

"Huo Dun can't hurt me!" Shui Wuyueshuang glanced at Huo Dun who was sealing the fire, and then formed a seal easily and freely, but her eyes fell on the group of clones who were crazily approaching her.

"Ice escape - no ice rock hall!"

An ice wall quickly condensed in front of him, and the sunlight refracted colorful light, which was magnificent, and then two huge fireballs collided brazenly, and the surging fire waves rippled on the ice wall like ripples, and the scorching heat made The ice wall melted quickly, but when the fire wave disappeared, the ice wall still had nearly one-third of its thickness!

At the same time, Uchiha Shisui's clone has also arrived.

"Ice escape - icicle swallow!"

Mizunatsuki Sho jumped back to distance herself, and at the same time threw out ice picks, encircling Uchiha Shisui's clone.

The moment the ice pick hit the ground, it formed a thick icicle, and then exploded.

Avatars disappeared in the explosion, but more avatars sprang out from the smoke, spread in all directions, and then surrounded Shuiwuyueshuang from up, down, left, and right.

"Wind escape-big breakthrough!" Feng Huo supported from behind.

"Damn it!" Shui Wu Yue Shuang's face was cold, with a large number of ice crystals dancing around his palms, "Ice Dun-Qiansha Bingxiang!"

The ice crystals between the palms turned into countless ice cubes, shooting towards all directions.

This wave of 360-degree attacks has no dead ends, and soon Uchiha Shisui's clone exploded.

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

Feng Huo grabbed a water whip and slammed it towards Shuiwu Yueshuang, and the surrounding ice directly passed through the water whip, seemingly without hindrance.

Uchiha Shisui used the perverted instant body technique again, and his whole body seemed to be virtual, flickering back and forth nearby, and crazily approached Minazukisho.

"Damn it!"

When Shimizu Uchiha's body was exposed behind him when Shisui Uchiha turned his head to avoid the water whip, the latter directly took out a handful of kunai, and stabbed Shisui Uchiha's waist hard.

"Water instantly!"

At the critical moment, Mizunatsusushi finally completed the seal, his figure flickered instantly, and he had already come behind Uchiha Shisui, "Ice Escape Secret Technique-Crystal Knot Technique!"

Minazuki Shimo grabbed Uchiha Shisui's shoulder and launched a secret technique at the same time.

In an instant, the blood on Uchiha Shisui's shoulder quickly began to freeze, and the ice crystals spread along the blood vessels of his body at a terrifying speed.

Just two breaths~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Uchiha Shisui's whole body blood will be completely frozen!

But Mizunatsuki Sho's face changed suddenly, and the 'Uchiha Shisui' under his palm turned into smoke and dissipated with a bang.

Then he felt Xiaoman's waist sore and tight, and a piercing pain hit his heart.


Minazuki Yoshiro yelled, looking sideways, isn't it that Uchiha Shisui?


Mizunazuki Sho didn't expect that the other party's clone technique and instant body technique were used so smoothly, and she rubbed him directly on the ground.

"Water instantly!"

Shui Wuyueshuang didn't dare to stay, and wanted to run away, but suddenly the pair of three-gou jade writing sharing eyes in front of him suddenly became bigger and bigger, gradually filling his field of vision. tied up.

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