Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 198: My big knife is already hungry and thirsty!

Matt Dai's popularity is actually not good.

Wannian Xiaren who has been called for so many years, in the eyes of others, this is a salted fish that cannot stand up. To be friends with salted fish? Even if they are both genocide, the vast majority of people are unwilling, as for ridiculing, even more.

If this were an ordinary person, he would have given up on himself long ago, and only with Matt Dai's temperament can he never give up, and the more frustrated he becomes, the more courageous he becomes.

Mai Tedai and others accepted the task and entered the rear to search for the whereabouts of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Most of them looked uneasy.

These ninjas are usually only responsible for guarding, patrolling, and other miscellaneous things. Although they are cumbersome, they are safe. Now, looking for the whereabouts of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is simply looking for the **** of death.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen killed the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan on the battlefield, screaming. Isn’t killing them the same as chopping melons and vegetables?

But the task is imminent, and there is no room for them to refuse.

Matt Day was also a little uneasy, not about himself, but about his son Kay.

If the Seven Ninja Swordsmen really planned to cut their supplies, Kai would definitely bear the brunt, and there were other children, and Matt Dai didn't want to see any casualties.

They dispersed and entered, patrolling back and forth around the various supply routes, not daring to be sloppy in the slightest.

For several days, the rear was safe and sound.

On the contrary, frontline battles are becoming more and more frequent.

The Minazuki clan and the Kaguya clan fought frantically, with the attitude of a decisive battle imminent, forcing Uchiha and Hinata to put all their energy on them.

In a remote tent in the Mist Ninja camp, seven people, men, women, old and young, were sitting there in strange shapes.

"Hehe, Shui Wu Yue Kong is really arrogant." Loquat Ten Zang, who was holding a beheading knife, sneered, "You actually put us here."

"After all, he is the patriarch of the Minazuki Clan, and because of the reputation of the Hao Clan, it's not surprising that he would do this." Wearing a white mask and a water ghost mask, Li Shou Kushimaru suddenly smiled coldly, "How about I go and kill him? "

In the first sentence, he still had the tone of the other party's excuse, and then he showed his murderous intent directly. He actually wanted to assassinate the patriarch of the Minazuki clan and the Minazuki Sora who was also the commander of Kirinin, but the others didn't think it was strange. There were even a few who showed great interest.

Murashi Jin Yayin smiled and said: "That's a good idea, it's the same for killing Minazukiku and letting us be the commander in chief!"

"Three generations of Mizukage will not agree." The black **** Lei Ya lightly danced Lei Daoya, but there was no respect in his words.

"Then kill the third Mizukage as well, heh heh heh..." Wuli Shiba said cruelly.

"I agree!" The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost is tall and courageous, "I've been annoyed by him for a long time!"

"Hey, don't forget that our enemy is Konoha." Loquat Juzo snorted, "It's not too late to discuss the killing of Mizukage Mizukage after the war is over."

"Hahaha, that sounds interesting."

The powerful Seven Ninja Swordsmen are cruel, treacherous, capricious, or ruthless. They are all cold-natured people. In the eyes of the Seven, there is no one in this world who cannot be killed, even So what about Mizukage?

The seven chattered more and more vigorously, each of them was generous, they couldn't sit still, they rushed out of the camp immediately, and headed towards the battlefield to kill.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku, the new patriarch of the Uchiha clan, is personally leading people to fight to the death with Kiri Ninja. The strength of the two sides is almost the same, but when the seven ninja swords appear, the situation on the battlefield changes drastically!

"Damn it, it's those seven people!"

"The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Mist Ninja have come out again?"

"Didn't they say they went to the rear? Why are they here?!"

"Whoever stops them, we can't beat them."

Uchiha's morale was greatly reduced in an instant, and he had no intention of fighting again.

Seeing these seven people, the members of the Shuiwuyue clan also started to back away.

"How did these seven guys come out?"

"Damn it, these guys don't know who we are on the battlefield at all, everyone, retreat quickly, don't be accidentally injured by them!"

In fact, this is exactly the case. With the entry of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, seven strange swords were born out of the sky. Regardless of whether they are enemies or friends, anyone who approaches them will be killed.

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the seven people who were massacring, with a dignified expression.

"Patriarch, back quickly!" A nervous voice came from the side.

Uchiha Fugaku glanced back at him. The latter was covered in blood, and Sangoudama Shulun's eyes were full of fatigue and fear. He was the deputy captain of the police force and his friend.

"Qiu Shan, I want to stop them, otherwise more clansmen will be killed by them!" Uchiha Fugaku said solemnly.

Uchiha Qiushan was in a hurry: "No, you are our hope, how can we let you fight these seven monsters! I will cover, you go!"

"It is precisely because I am the patriarch that I cannot just sit and watch my clansmen being slaughtered!" Uchiha Tomigake's pupils instantly improved, and a pair of **** Sangodama Sharingans slowly rotated, resolutely rushing towards the Seven Ninja Swordsmen public.

"Haha, that's interesting." Murashi Jinhachi saw that Uchiha Fugaku did not retreat but advanced, showing a ferocious smile, waving the explosive knife in his hand, and a scroll full of detonating symbols gushed out from the blade, flying with the wind, in the Uchiha Fugaku was surrounded in the air, "Die!!"


Countless detonating talismans on the scroll exploded wildly, and a series of thunderous roars shook the entire battlefield.

Moreover, the aftermath of the explosion affected more than a dozen ninjas in the surrounding area, and nearly half of them were fog ninjas!

"Hahaha! You guys are so weak!" Wuli Jinpachi laughed wildly.

"It's too early for you to be happy!" Uchiha Fugaku's voice suddenly came from the sky, "Fire escape - the art of fireball!"


A huge fireball with a radius of three feet descended like a great sun, exuding scorching heat, and crashed down, directly covering Wuli Jinhachi and the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost next to him.

"Ah, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

The watermelon mountain blowfish ghost smiled and waved its shark muscles.

The shark muscle was in the air, and when it came into contact with the Hao fireball, it turned into a huge shark's mouth, and frantically swallowed the Hao fireball.

"Nani?" Uchiha Fugaku was shocked, but before he had time to react, a very thin knife came straight from the air.

Kuri Sakushimaru and Murashi Jinhachi have a very good relationship, and they are collectively called the Ruthless Duo. At this time, seeing a "mere" Uchiha dared to attack and kill Murashi Jinpachi, how could he not be angry?

Li Shouchuanwan's weapon is a long knife for sewing needles, a very small knife with a few steel wires attached to the handle, which is extremely tough and sharp.

Uchiha Fugaku escaped the long knife's stitches, but was entangled by several steel wires behind the long knife's stitches. He wanted to break free, but the steel wires became tighter and tighter, and finally cut into the flesh like a blade.

"Go to hell!" Murashi Jinhachi and Kuri Sara Kushimaru cooperated very tacitly. Seeing that the other party was tied up, they immediately waved the explosive spray, and the detonating charm scroll in the blade instantly flew out countless detonating charms, blasting towards Uchiha Fugaku .


The moment of life and death~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Uchiha Fugaku was helpless, the illusion of Sharingan was completely useless at this time, and he could only watch countless detonating symbols rushing towards him.

"Fuyue, be careful!"

At this moment, Uchiha Okayama finally rushed over, opened his arms, and held all the detonating symbols flying towards Uchiha Fugaku in his arms.

In the next moment, the detonating symbols detonated at the same time.


Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and Uchiha Okayama was blown to pieces!

The cold blood sprinkled on Uchiha Fugaku's sluggish face with the wind.

"... Qiushan?"

Seeing his friend die tragically in front of his eyes in order to save him, the corners of Uchiha Fugaku's eyes twitched, and a pair of writing sharing eyes of Sangouyu unexpectedly changed drastically at this moment...

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