Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 203: fight to the death

"Youth? Bloom? Don't overestimate yourself!" The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost leaped up and threw out the big knife in his hand, "Shark muscle-flying chain slash!"

Matt was wearing a blood-colored chakra suit, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth: "This is not overreaching, so be aware, and the Seven Rendezvous Swordsmen!"

Matt Dai's toes gripped the ground, then he threw his fists.

To the peacock! !

Boom boom boom!

Matt Dai punched out, the speed was so fast that even the afterimage could not be seen clearly!

The air was frantically rubbed and rubbed, and finally sparks were sparked, and the sparks gathered into flames, covering the sky and covering the sky, like a peacock spreading its tail.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost laughed loudly: "Hahaha, it's useless, no matter how powerful the moves are, they are all fish belly in front of my shark muscles!"

Facing the sky full of flames, the Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost calmly manipulated the shark muscle and plunged straight into the middle of the flames: "Swallow it as much as you want, hahaha, eh?"

Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost's eyes twitched, something is wrong, why is there no chakra?

Before he had a second thought, Chao Peacock had completely overwhelmed him.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, thousands of flames blasted violently on his body with terrifying vigor.

"Puffer ghost!"

"Why can't shark muscles absorb this guy's chakra?"

"What's the matter with this guy's technique?"

"This idiot!" Li Shuangchuanwan flicked the steel wire, and pulled the Xiguashan puffer ghost out of the flames, but the man had already been blasted to a **** mess, but fortunately, his chest heaved and there was still a trace of life.

"Go together!"

Wunashi Jinba wiped the blade scroll, dragged out a long scroll of detonating charms, and surrounded Matt Dai, "Explosive sword ninja - broken and strangled to death!"


Countless detonating talismans detonated wildly, and mushroom clouds rose into the sky like ripples.

"Be careful!" Kuri Sara Kushimaru watched in horror as a **** shadow in the air approached Murashi Jinpachi at a terrifying speed.

"Konoha... Rigid Tornado!!"


Wuli didn't have time to react, and was directly kicked in the waist and abdomen by Matt Dai. The unparalleled speed brought terrifying power!

The moment when Wuli Jinba was kicked, it was like a pause in time, a pause in the picture, and the next moment, the extreme stillness turned into extreme motion, and the whole person was like an arrow flying from the string, breaking three towering giant trees with a bang bang bang, and finally embedded in a huge boulder In the middle of the night, blood stains mixed with minced meat slowly overflowed from the cracks in the stone, dripping to the ground.


The blasting knife droplets slipped from Wurashi Jinhachi's hands.

"Shinhachi!" Li Shoukudanmaru was startled and angry. Among the seven Ninja swordsmen, he and Murashi Jinhachi were the most similar in character, and they seemed to be sympathetic to each other. Seeing him dead at this time, he was furious.

The rest were also furious.

Loquat Shizang brandished the beheading sword and rushed forward again.

The black **** Lei Ya held up the Lei Dao Ya, attracting the thunder and lightning in the air.

Matt Dai's breathing became more and more rapid.

‘Damn it, Chakra is running out. '

As a Genin, Matt Dai doesn't have much Chakra in his body, otherwise, with his proficient physical skills, it would not be a problem to be promoted to Chunin!

When Matt Dai was distracted for a moment, an old man with a black beard had already walked behind him in an instant.

"Flounder - Liberation!"

With the injection of chakra, the flounder became bigger and brighter, and finally turned into a ball of light and smashed hard at Maitedai.

However, the speed is too slow!

After Matt Dai opened the dead door, his speed has surpassed the limit of human beings!

He turned around, made a fist, punched, retracted, punched again, punched again, punched again, punched again...

Before the ball of light touched Maitedai, he had already punched a hundred times!

The terrifying force of the punches shattered the man's internal organs completely, and the flounder lost control and fell powerlessly.

"Thunder Dun-Thunder Dragon Tornado!"

The black **** Lei Ya swung out a thunder and lightning tornado, roaring towards it.

"To the peacock!"

Maite Dai swung countless fist shadows again, the air was violently rubbed, and countless flames spread like peacocks, covering the lightning tornado ahead.

"Broken knife - beheading!"

Loquat Shizang suddenly appeared behind Maitedai, aimed the beheading knife at Maitedai's neck, and cut straight down.

"Long sword ninja - ground spider crack!"

Chestnut Kushimaru had already arranged multiple steel wires under Maitedai's feet at some point, and under the stitches, they cut to Maitedai's legs in an instant.


Matt Dai screamed wildly, his feet stomped heavily on the ground, and the ground seemed to be unbearable, cracking every inch of it. Matt Dai took advantage of the counter-shock and jumped to the high altitude in an instant, and then punched the ground in the air.

Still facing the peacock!

Countless flames fell from the sky like meteors, falling heavily, and the covered areas, whether it was mountains, rocks or forests, were all blasted into debris!

Loquat Shizang raised his head-beheading sword horizontally, and with its wide blade, blocked most of the flaming meteors, but the long knife in Li Shuangwan's hand was so narrow that the needles could be ignored. Facing the sky full of flaming meteors, he was using After the ninjutsu failed to resist, he was completely exposed to the peacock, and was killed on the spot with only half a breath!

at this moment.

"Go to hell!" Tong Cao Ye Bairen had already jumped on top of Maite Dai's head, and slashed down fiercely with a blunt knife in his hand.

Matt Dai turned around, instead of retreating, he punched out.


The blade of the blunt knife fought resolutely with Matt Dai's fist, and there was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and circles of air ripples swayed from there.

Tongcao Yebaiter's blunt knife was attached to a huge hammer head. At this moment, he was overjoyed to see that Maite Dai really took his blunt knife hard.

He raised the hammer head high, and slammed it on the back of the blunt knife, one hammer, one hammer, and another hammer!

"My knife can defeat any defense, hahaha, go to hell!"

Tong Cao Ye Bairen smashed dozens of times in the air in an instant, and the force of the blunt knife became stronger and stronger, causing Matt Dai to fall straight down.

"Thunder Burial - Thunder Feast!"

The black **** Lei Ya sneered and plunged the Lei Dao Fang into the ground, and countless thunderbolts rushed into the ground along the blade in an instant, densely forming a purple hideous spider web, and opened its mouth wide to devour its prey.

Tongcao Yebaiten in the air showed a cruel smile, and the hammer in his hand became more and more powerful: "Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell, hahaha, go to hell!!"


Matt Dai was finally dropped by him.


In an instant, the lightning spider web burst in an instant, flocking to Maitedai ​​frantically.


Matt Dai roared to the sky.

His whole body was surrounded by lightning, his skin was torn apart, and the blood in his body was evaporating faster and faster!

Especially the chakra~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is consumed too fast!

He put his feet on the ground, the ground cracked, and his figure rose into the sky again, flying towards Tongcao Yebairen who was slowly falling in the air.


Tong Caoyebait was startled, he swung the blunt knife with his right hand and slashed at Matt Dai again, while holding the hammer high in his left hand, ready to strike again.

But the same move can no longer have an effect on Maite Dai.

He turned quickly in the air, and his figure was so fast that only **** afterimages remained.

The next moment.

Tong Caoye Bairen's back was kicked firmly by Matt Dai.


The crisp, penetrating sound of bone cracking came from the back of Tongcaoye Bairen, his eyes were red and bloodshot, his eyeballs were about to pop out, and then he fell down unwillingly, without making a sound.

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