Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 205: 5 Mangjie, Lun Tomb

Fenghuo's right-hand spiral pill was unabated, he slammed it down heavily, then quickly turned his head, and used the three-gou jade writing wheel eye to cast illusion on Loquat Ten Zang.

Loquat Shizang experienced a fierce battle, and his spirit was inevitably tired. At this time, he was photographed by Sharingan, and his eyes suddenly lost consciousness, but he quickly cracked the illusion and regained his clarity.

At this time, the black **** Lei Ya crazily summoned thunder and lightning, dark clouds billowed, and thunder and lightning rumbled down like rain.

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

Fenghuo didn't dare to take it hard, and only used the water whip to guide the thunder and lightning in the air to the ground, and at the same time moved quickly, and came to Mai Tedai's side.

After opening the Eight-door Dunjia Formation, Matt Dai's body temperature was extremely high, like a ball of flames, no, it was coals, and the blood-colored chakra clothes on his body surface were getting dimmer and dimmed, and they would go out at any time. At that time, it was When Matt Dai died.

"Uncle Dai, Uncle Dai!"

Fenghuo yelled in his ear.

Matt's eyelids fluttered, and just one movement seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

"Stop the fire..."

Matt Dai opened his mouth, as if thousands of words were stuck in his throat, and then he pushed the gold mountain and jade pillar down, and collapsed to the ground, the **** chakra clothes outside his body suddenly disappeared.

Everything is quiet all around.

Feng Huo's eyes widened in disbelief.

how so?


Just die like that?

Shouldn't he hold on for a while longer, say a few last words, and explain what's going on behind him?

How could he just die like this?

I haven't spoken to you yet.

Get up, get up quickly!

Feng Huo trembled all over, remembering the first time he met Maitedai, his devil training, how he taught himself the Eight Dunjia, how he gave a thumbs up, and the past scenes flashed in his mind frame by frame. Pass.

"Uncle Dai, get up, and say a few more words to me, no, just one last word, tell me, tell me to take care of Kai, if you don't tell me, I will leave him alone!!"

"Isn't this anime? How could it be like this? How could it be like this?"


On the opposite side, Heihe Leiya and Pipa Shizang looked at the frantic Fenghuo, and were suddenly stunned.

"The eyes of this kid..." Pipa Juzang suddenly remembered the Uchiha he met on the battlefield before, and his Sangouyu Sharingan seemed to have mutated under this stimulation.

The black **** Lei Ya flashed fiercely in his eyes, and his two knives intertwined: "Lei Zan-Lei Yan!"


Violent thunder and lightning fell from the sky, spreading a ferocious purple spider web on the ground, densely covering Fenghuo.

Fenghuo raised his eyelids, and the Sharingan in his pupils had completed evolution.

The three Gouyu have turned into black pentagrams, with sharp edges and corners, full of murderous aura.

"Damn you all!"

The surging pupil power was violent in the eyes, and under Fenghuo's conscious guidance, two techniques hidden deep in the pupils were slowly triggered.

A seemingly invisible pentagram appeared in the surroundings, about a hundred feet in size, and he was standing at a corner of it.


Thunder and lightning surged, Feng Huo's heart moved, and the person had disappeared there.


The black **** Lei Ya's expression changed.

"On the left side!" Loquat Shizang brandished the beheading sword and rushed over.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Feng Huo's mouth, and the next moment he disappeared again.

Loquat Shizang was rushing back and forth, and the black **** Lei Ya frantically summoned lightning, but in the end he didn't even come across the shadow of Feng Huo.

At this time, Feng Huo also gradually figured out the pupil technique hidden in his left pupil.

He called it the five-pointed world!

With one person as the center, he summons a pentagram that cannot be seen by others, and he himself can move instantly at the five corners of the pentagram.

The pentagram that Fenghuo summoned at this time is centered on the black **** Leiya, that is to say, no matter how the black **** Leiya moves, the center of the pentagram is still him, no matter how fast he runs, he and the five The distance between the five corners of the star will never shrink!

To put it simply, when Fenghuo summons this pentagram, he and the black pick Leiya will never be able to get close.

Although Loquat Shizang can get close to Fenghuo, but with Fenghuo who can move instantly with the pentagram, it is impossible to catch him with Loquat Shizang alone!

"Fire escape - head hard!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

The hatred in Feng Huo's heart could not be dispelled. After he figured out the function of this pupil technique, he began to shoot infinitely at the black **** Thunder Fang in the center of the pentagram.

"Damn it!" The black **** Leiya tried to get close to Fenghuo while summoning the thunderbolt, but everything was in vain, all the thunderbolts were in vain, and no matter how he struggled, using the clone technique, shadow clone technique, or earth escape, nothing happened. No, the main body can't get close to him at all!

Loquat Shizang also gradually became aware of the abnormality. He glanced at Fenghuo who was pouring out ninjutsu crazily, and then at the black **** Leiya who was passively beaten, and ran away decisively!

"Damn it, Tozo, you bastard!" Heihe Leiya hated secretly, he finally opened his mouth when he saw Fenghuo's flickering figure.

The black **** Lei Ya raised Lei Daoya high, and amidst the lightning and thunder, his whole body and Lei Daoya slowly merged, and finally turned into lightning form!

"Thunder Dun-Splitting Thunder Snake!!"

The black **** Lei Ya went completely berserk, and hundreds of thousands of lightning snakes suddenly gushed out of his body, surging wildly in all directions.

No matter where the fire is teleported, it will face the attack of the lightning snake.


Thunder and lightning descended violently from dark clouds overhead.

The black **** Leiya continued to release the lightning snakes while 'charging', and there were more and more lightning snakes in the pentagram.

"Little devil, I don't believe you can beat me in terms of energy consumption!"


There are more and more thunder and lightning, and the Thunder Snake is also dancing like a group of demons, gradually covering the entire pentagram one after another.

At the same time, Feng Huo's right eye also began to emit strange pupil power.

"This is…"

With the expansion of pupil power, a strange world appeared in front of his eyes.

'...The tomb of the wheel? '

Feng Huo's Tongli transformed into a shadow in that weird world, and finally confirmed it.


At this time, the densely packed lightning snakes had already flooded in, completely occupying the pentagram.

"Then, let's try this!"

Feng Huo's heart moved, and the shadow in the round tomb world immediately attacked.

Heihe Leiya's heart tightened inexplicably, and he subconsciously rolled around like a lazy donkey.

When he stood up, he suddenly found that a new wound had been added to his left elbow at some point, **** and bloody, with bones visible!

"Just... what happened?"

The next moment, he felt something approaching him again.

"Who? What, what is it!"

Attacked by this unknown ghost, the black **** Thunder Fang could no longer 'recharge', and the lightning snake that covered the entire pentagram was gradually diminished under the ninjutsu of sealing the fire.

"Damn it, **** it! Damn it!!"

The black **** Lei Ya couldn't see the shadow of the round tomb world, and with the ninjutsu attack of Fenghuo, the black **** Lei Ya was quickly broken!

Feng Huo originally wanted to kill him directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but that would be too cheap for him!

When the black **** Lei Ya completely lost his combat power, Feng Huo almost couldn't hold on.

His eyes were bloodshot at some point, traces of blood slowly overflowed, and his vision blurred slightly before returning to normal.

But none of this can stop the fire.

He put away the kaleidoscope, then sneered and went to the black **** Lei Ya, cut off his limbs directly, used medical ninjutsu to stop his bleeding, and then sealed all his chakras with a sealing technique.

The black **** Lei Ya yelled in pain: "Kill me, kill me!!"

"You are Black Pick Lei Ya, right? Don't be afraid, I will let you... live a long life!" Feng Huo said coldly.

"Devil, you are a devil!" The black **** Lei Ya was about to go crazy. For him, what's the point of living without his hands and feet?


He didn't want to live for a hundred days!

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