Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 209: start again

Hatake Sakumo was very pleased with Fenghuo's request to go to the front line.

"It just so happens that someone specifically mentioned you to me." He smiled, "I will report to Lord Hokage now and ask him to send you to the battlefield of the Land of Rain."

Rain Country?

Feng Huo was taken aback, and asked, "Master Shuo Mao, is that man Brother Shuimen?"

Hatake Sakumo nodded: "He heard about Matt Dai's death and was very worried about you."

Feng Huo's heart warmed up, but the battlefield he wanted to go this time was not in the Land of Rain.

"Master Shuo Mao, I don't want to go to the Land of Rain." The three gouyu in Feng Huo's eyes slowly rotated, his pupils were boiling, and an ominous atmosphere slowly permeated like a fog in the middle of the night.

Hatake Sakumo subconsciously reached out to the white blade: This ominous breath...

Then he came to his senses, patted Feng Huo on the shoulder calmly, and said, "I understand what you mean, you want to avenge Matt Dai, you want to go to the Wunin battlefield, right?"

Feng Huo nodded, there is no need to hide this matter.

Hatake Sakumo thoughtfully looked at Sangouyu Shulunyan who sealed the fire, and persuaded: "There are only two of the seven ninja swordsmen left, and their whereabouts are unknown now. It doesn't help. Besides, Minato and the others are really worried about you."

Feng Huo also knows this truth, but even if he can't kill Xiguashan Puffer Ghost and Loquat Juzang for revenge, it is still possible to kill a few Wunin.

Facing the stubborn Fenghuo, Hatake Sakumo slapped sideways: "Fenghuo, the main forces in the Mist Ninja battlefield are the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan. Although you are from Uchiha, you have always been at odds with them. Mist ninja battlefield, do you know what will happen?"

Feng Huo twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a light smile, "I'm not afraid."

Yes, when the kaleidoscope is turned on, other Uchiha people are completely hot chickens in front of him.

Hatake Sakumo sighed, pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "There is something I feel is necessary to tell you. Before the Seven Ninja Swordsmen massacred on the Mist Ninja Battlefield, Uchiha Fuyue, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, personally I tried to stop them, but it was a pity that I was unsuccessful. No one saw what happened at that time, but one thing is certain, after that battle, Uchiha Fugaku's eyes... became just like yours!"

The moment the fire was closed, the heart beat like a drum, as if the Ferrari accelerator had been stepped on to the bottom!

Could it be that Uchiha Fugaku also opened the kaleidoscope?

"Could you tell me what's going on?" Hatake Sakumo was so close to the fire sealing station, so he could see the change of his heartbeat in an instant?

"What?" Feng Huo was a little distracted.

"Eyes! Maintaining Sharingan requires constant consumption of Chakra, so the Uchiha clan will not open Sharingan in a non-combat state, but you, as well as Uchiha Fugaku, have always maintained the state of three hook jade, why is that?"

Hatake Sakumo stared closely at Fenghuo's eyes, he felt that there must be a huge hidden secret in it!

Fenghuo hesitated, should we talk about this matter?

Once he said it, Hatake Sakumo would definitely report it to Hiruzaru Sarutobi. If Hiruzaru Sarutobi knew about it, it would not be far from Danzo knowing it. Don't let Shisui's eyes be opened before Shisui opened his eyes. Danzo is watching!

So Feng Huo half-truthfully said: "At that time, when I saw Uncle Dai fell in front of me, the pupil power of Sharingan suddenly increased, and that's it."

Hatake Sakumo nodded noncommittally: "Because I witnessed the death of my dearest relative...I see."

He is the captain of the Dark Troop, and he also knows a lot about the Uchiha Blood Succession Limit, but about the secrets such as the kaleidoscope, the entire village is now only known to the top few.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes, and slowly restrained the pupil power of Sharingan.

According to what Hatake Sakumo said, combined with the original work, Uchiha Fugaku is likely to have opened the kaleidoscope at this time.

So does the other party already know that he has opened the kaleidoscope?

If he goes to the Mist Ninja Battlefield again at this time, once Uchiha Fugaku attacks...

Although relying on the Wumangjie and the wheel tomb, he is not afraid of anyone when singled out, but Uchiha Fugaku is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and there are as many ninjas under his hands, and the ninja walks everywhere. If he is shameless and sends a crowd to fight, His fate is up for debate.

Also, the Uchiha Fugaku family's genes are very **** up. The elder son Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope has a pupil technique of Amaterasu, and the second son Uchiha Sasuke's kaleidoscope also has a pupil technique of Amaterasu, and this powerful gene can come from Yu Uchiha Fuyue!

Feng Huo speculates that one of Uchiha Fugaku's two kaleidoscope pupil techniques is likely to be Amaterasu!

Amaterasu, the most terrifying fire escape in the ninja world, nothing is inflammable, and it will never be extinguished unless the target is burned to death. If you open the five-pointed world yourself, this guy will give you a large-scale Amaterasu, and even if he reincarnates If his shadow can kill Uchiha Fuyue first, he will also be burned to death by Amaterasu.

It is really unwise to go to the Mist Ninja Battlefield at this time!

'It seems that Uncle Dai's grudge is about to be let go. '

Fenghuo is not a pedantic person, and of course he should avoid the edge for the time being.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but for a villain to take revenge from morning to night, in Fenghuo's view, they all lead to the same goal by different routes, so he can bear it!

It was night, and Feng Huo handed over the position of the deputy captain of the supply force, hurriedly said goodbye to a few brats who were still in the village, and prepared to leave for the Land of Rain.

When he arrived at the entrance of the village, he unexpectedly saw a fat man in a wheelchair.

"Tangbei?! It's you, why are you here?"

"Hmph, you **** hasn't come to see me in the village for so long, so I can only come to see you."

The person who came was Akidodo Kita, who used to cut off the opponent's supplies side by side with Fenghuo behind Iwanin. In order to cover Fenghuo, Akidododo blocked the attacks of two Iwanin Jōnin, and then blocked the detonating talisman for Fenghuo. The impact of the explosion was severely damaged!

"Is your injury better?" Feng Huo asked.

Qiu Daotang smiled and said: "I will be able to stand up in half a year, but..."

Fatty's face suddenly became lonely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's just that he wants to become a ninja but he can't.

"Sorry, it's all because of me."

In this ninja world war, Fenghuo gained many precious things, but at the same time, he kept losing something.

Qiu Daotang quickly laughed and said: "What stupid things, I have never blamed you, Fenghuo, in fact, I am not sad, you know, I am lazy, good food is enough. But you, and want Go to the front line, remember to protect yourself."

Feng Huo said with a smile: "Don't worry, I understand."

The two chatted for a while before sealing the fire and leaving.

There is no moon tonight, and the stars are also dim. Looking around, the world is dark, like a sinking world, and there is no redemption.

Not long after he left the village, Fenghuo showed a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he turned away from the flat road until early in the morning. He came to a silent valley, and then stood there waiting quietly.

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