Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 216: ambush

On a small **** a few kilometers away, there are more than a dozen messy boulders standing upright. Fenghuo and several ninjas responsible for protecting him are standing on the boulders and looking into the distance.

For this night attack on the Iwanin reinforcements, Namakaze Minato divided two teams. He personally led a team to sneak attack, and the other team was responsible for responding a little farther away, and the rest were here to protect the fire.

The night is not good tonight, the sky is full of stars and the stars are dim, and the crescent moon is also covered by dark clouds. Looking around, the whole world is pitch black. The three hook jades in Fenghuo's blood-colored pupils are slowly rotating, but it is still impossible to see clearly. situation kilometers away.

Although he knew that Minato Namikaze could not die here, he was still a little worried.

Because of his arrival, the plot has been changed, Konoha Baiga who should commit suicide is alive and well at this time, so is it possible that Namikaze Minato, who was supposed to inherit the position of Hokage, will die at the hands of Sanqianyan Shinobu tonight.

‘But Brother Minato has Flying Thunder God, so there shouldn’t be any danger. '

Feng Huo thought of other ninjas in the mobile unit. He had also been in the mobile unit for a while before, and he knew these ninjas.

Hoo hoo!

Suddenly, waves of fire shot up into the sky in the darkness in the distance, hot flames spewed out in all directions, printing the dark clouds in the sky, and the sky was red, then the wind howled, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the battle started in an instant.

After approaching from the ground, Minato Namikaze launched an attack immediately, defeating the guard ninjas of the Iwanin reinforcements in just a split second. Seeing the dead and wounded everywhere, Minato Namikaze's eyes froze suddenly: "Something is wrong!"

This trip went so smoothly, Iwanin's defense was like a vase, without the slightest resistance, it would shatter when touched!

Moreover, the surrounding area was too quiet, they launched an attack here, and there was no sound in the Iwanin camp!

Namikaze Minato realized something was wrong, and hurriedly ordered the others to retreat.

But at this time, the ground suddenly cracked, and each and every rock ninja came out of the crack, looking disheveled, but with a ferocious expression and fierce aura, they were all at the level of jonin, and they surrounded Namikaze Minato and others in place.

"No, there is an ambush!"

"rush out!"

"Protect Minato-sama!" The ninjas of the mobile unit surrounded Namikaze Minato, holding Kunai and confronting Iwanin outside.

Namikaze Minato was startled, there are three thousand Iwashinobu, if he sticks to it, he may be tortured to death by the three thousand Iwanin, he must break through!

He jumped up from the crowd of ninjas, raised his left hand and sprinkled a large amount of special kunai, rubbed a blue ball with his right hand, and said coldly: "Quick retreat! I will protect you!"

Without waiting for others to refute, the figure of Namikaze Minato was already flickering back and forth in the characteristic Kuwujian, and blood flowers bloomed crazily in the night.

"Time and space ninjutsu, Namikaze Minato, rewind!"

"Avoid the kunai he throws!"

The clever Iwanoshi found out the clues, but at this time, the night is dark and the wind is high, and Namikaze Minato's characteristic kunai is not conspicuous, how can we avoid them all?

In just a short while, seven or eight jounin were beheaded by Namikaze Minato on the spot.

Iwanoshi backed away in a hurry. Although he avoided Namikaze Minato's attack, a gap appeared in the encirclement immediately.

"Go!" Namikaze Minato yelled.


The ninjas of the mobile unit had an ugly expression on their faces. Knowing that any hesitation at this time would only lead to annihilation of the entire army, they immediately broke through the gap in the encirclement.

"too naive!"

"Surround them!"

In an instant, hundreds of ninjas poured out from behind Iwa Ninja, and surrounded them in an instant!

Namikaze Minato's face darkened, this time he really miscalculated.

The ninja who broke out was pressed back again.

"Minato-sama, there are at least Qianyan Shinobi outside, we can't get out!"

"Mizumon-sama, leave us alone, go!"

Namikaze Minato squinted his eyes and looked around, under the night, the shadows around him were all shadowy figures of Iwanobu.


Namikaze Minato hated secretly, but it was too late to regret at this time, he had to protect his companions around him!


At this time, they were surrounded by nearly a thousand Iwanin, and further outside, the remaining two thousand Iwanin were also surrounded layer by layer. The longer they dragged, the harder it was to break through.

In the distance, Fenghuo seemed to sense something was wrong.

The spark just now was clearly a sign of Namikaze Minato's attack, but if there was a real fight, how could it be short-lived?

The rest of the people were not fools either, they figured this out, looked at each other in blank dismay, and ran towards there immediately.

Feng Huo stood at the back and saw this scene, smiled and muttered: "As expected of the fourth generation in the future, it really won the hearts of the people."

Then he followed quickly.

At this time, a team of ninjas arranged by Namikaze Minato to prepare for them also noticed the abnormality, and rushed towards the encirclement immediately, but when they arrived, Namikaze Minato and others were already heavily surrounded by three thousand rock ninjas!

"Damn it, Master Minato is surrounded!"

"Fucked, despicable Iwa Shinobi."

"How to do?"

No matter how capable these people are, it is impossible to attack 3,000 rock ninjas.

"Damn it!"

"Minato-sama must not be in trouble!"

They wandered nearby, and soon attracted the attention of Iwanin, and the outer encirclement suddenly turned around, staring at them vigilantly.

However, the rock ninjas on the outermost layer of the encirclement are mostly middle ninjas and lower ninjas. After being found out by the ninjas of the mobile unit, they immediately crushed them like a millstone.

Although they can't attack the encirclement, they can keep consuming Iwanin in the outer layer, giving Namikaze Minato and others a certain chance.

As for what the final outcome will be, they can only do their best to obey the destiny.


The battle broke out again. After several rounds of ninjutsu confrontation, Namikaze Minato and others were completely suppressed. They had no choice but to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Not so lucky, in just a while, four or five companions were killed by Iwanin.


Namikaze Minato hates him greatly, but with all his strength, the death and injury of his companions cannot be avoided.

There are too many rock ninjas, if one dies, two will be replaced, and one after another, it is impossible to kill them all.

"Master Minato~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you go!"

"Otherwise we're all going to die here!"

"The task has not been completed yet, Minato-sama, please go."

Namikaze Minato's eyes were about to burst, he had already heard the sound of fighting outside the encirclement, and knew that it was the ninjas from that team who came to support him, but facing three thousand Iwanin, these people would definitely die.

Now that the elites of Iwanin are all gathered here, they can still persist for a while, but once the battle in the encirclement is over, the fate of the companions outside can be foreseen.

If Namikaze Minato continues to fight, no matter whether it is the companions inside or outside, they will all die.

If he chooses to leave, he will have time to gather his companions outside to avoid more casualties.

Rationality told Namikaze Minato that he should leave, but he couldn't bear to watch his comrades risk their lives fighting.


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