Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 229: 3 generations of water shadow

On the battlefield in the distance, Zatsubaki led the Minazuki Clan, Kaguya Clan and Konoha Ninjas to fight fiercely, while the third Mizukage brought Minazuki Sora, Zatsubaki and thirty jounin to this place secretly, ready to attack and kill Uchiha Fugaku, Hyuga Matsuhura and others.

As the patriarch of the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Matsuhiro's reconnaissance ability must be astonishing. It is not surprising that Mizukage Mizukage's whereabouts were discovered by him.

The thick fog filled the air, and soon Uchiha Fugaku, Hinata Matsuhiro and their guards were all covered. Thirty Kirigakure jonin had been lurking in it, waiting for an opportunity to assassinate.

"You protect Rizu!"

Hyuga Matsuho said to the Hyuga branch family around him.


The people who separated the family immediately rolled their eyes and surrounded Hinata Hyuzu.

"Father?" Hyuga Hinata said displeasedly, "I don't need protection, as a child of the Hyuga Clan, I can fight!"

Uchiha Fugaku chuckled beside him: "Well said! Songhuo, the young eagle under the eagle's wings can't fly into the sky!"

Hyuga Matsuhiro squinted at him with ferocious white eyes, and in the thick fog, he could only vaguely see his blurred cheeks.

The Hyuga Clan has been developing over the years, and the prestige of the village is also increasing day by day, but there are only a few positions at the top of the pyramid. If the Hyuga Clan wants to go up, there must be friction and collision with the Uchiha Clan. At this time, Uchiha Fugaku’s words sound fine. , but in fact the intention is sinister, it is clear that he wants to provoke his son to fight Wunin to the death, so that his son will die here!

He was about to speak, when suddenly there was a shrill wind around him, but it was Wu Ninja who assassinated him.

Dozens of kunai pierced the air and shot from all directions.

Everyone listened to the wind to identify their positions, or blocked or hid, and were scattered without knowing it. When they reflected, Mist Ninja had already killed them, completely dividing them.

Hinata Matsuhiro used the sixty-four palms of the Soft Fist to directly kill a Kirinin who was attacking from close quarters. Turning his head and looking again, Hyuga Hyuzu vaguely had three children from the separated family beside him, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then his heart sank, Baiyan is one of the three major pupil techniques in the ninja world, and his super insight is even better than the other two pupil techniques, but at this time he can't see through the thick fog, which shows how extraordinary the caster is.

"Could it be..."

Hyuga Matsukazu's heart skipped a beat, with a faint premonition of foreboding.

On the other side, Uchiha Fugaku and his personal guards were also divided by Wu Ninja and assassinated frantically.

Three generations of Mizukage slowly approached, her long hair rippling slightly in the thick fog.

"Then, let's start with you!"

Three generations of Mizukage formed seals with both hands: "Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

A huge whip of water flowed like a boa constrictor spitting out a letter, and suddenly came, wrapped a Uchiha around his waist in an instant, and then wrung him hard, twisting him in two!

"Ah!" Uchiha's screams resounded through the high ground before dying.

"Damn Mist Ninja!"

"Get out of here!"

"Protect Master Fuyue!"

Everyone shouted and shouted one after another, quite messy.

Mist ninja took the opportunity to harvest, and many Uchiha and Hinata died one after another.

Uchiha Fugaku's Sangoudama's Sharingan turned into a kaleidoscope in an instant.

The pupil power boiled, and the light blue Susano almost enveloped Uchiha Fugaku in an instant.

In the dense fog, except for Kiri Shinobi, everyone's sight was blocked, even the Hyuga clan couldn't see Uchiha Fugaku's Susano clearly.


Under the powerful defense of Susanoo, Mist ninja's attacks were all in vain.

Uchiha Fugaku sneered, Susanohu directly grabbed the two Kirin in his hands with his arms, squeezed them lightly, and directly kneaded them into meat paste.

"What is this!"

The third generation of water shadow raised his eyelids and rushed over.

"Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!"

A huge waterspout whizzed up, like the Nine Heavens Milky Way falling violently, and suddenly descended on Susano.


Waves of violent waterspouts bombarded Susano, knocking him back steadily.

A few Uchihas next to him heard the sound and wanted to come up to support, but the third Mizukage made a seal again: "Water escape-water flow whip!"

The thick water whip swept away, directly blasting these Uchihas into the air.

Uchiha Fugaku roared, the kaleidoscope pupil power boiled again, Susanohu's appearance changed instantly, the flesh and blood meridians were slowly covered, and then a layer of Utengu armor quickly enveloped, with a huge blade in his hands.

The blade cut across the sky, directly cutting the waterspout at both ends, and the huge water flow poured along the blade to both sides, and the water quickly flooded there.

At this time, Hinata Matsuhiro had already fought against the head of the Kaguya clan, Haotsubaki, and the two confronted each other crazily with their physical skills.

"Soft Fist - Acupuncture!"

"Willow Dance!"

Hyuga Matsuhiko kept sending his own chakra into Zaochun's body, destroying the opponent's meridians, Zaochun seemed to be aware of it, his whole body shook, and the bones in his body suddenly grew wildly as if he had taken hormones.

Section after section of sharp bone spurs burst out of the body without any warning, Hyuga Matsukura's eyes froze, and he immediately defended himself with Huitian.

There was excitement in Zao Tsubaki's eyes: "Today I will see the strongest defense breakthrough for your Hyuga Clan!!"

He yelled and leaned close to Songhuo, entangled with physical skills and attacked with bone spurs at the same time, completely giving up defense, just attacking, attacking crazily!

Hyuga Matsuhiro sneered: "You are still far from breaking through Huitian's defense!"

"Really?!" Zao Chun sneered, and the attack became more urgent. At the same time, he still didn't forget to disturb his heart, "Mizukage-sama came personally today, do you think you can escape?"

Hinata Matsuhiko's heart skipped a beat: It really is the third Mizukage!

At this time, his white eyes were fully fired, but the thick fog suppressed his 360-degree vision without blind angles a lot, and he couldn't see the battle situation in the distance at all.

‘Damn it, at least I can’t let Rizu die here! '

But Zaochun was completely dependent on him, and the crazy offensive did not give him a chance to breathe, and entangled him tightly!

In the distance, violent roars came crazily, as if two giants were fighting crazily, the ground began to crack faintly, and the ubiquitous thick fog was also affected, rolling like wolf smoke.

"what happened?"

Both Matsuhiko Hinata and Tsubaki were startled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ subconsciously backed away, and turned their heads to look to the left together.

In the dense fog, there seemed to be a huge shadow hanging down there.

"What's that?" Hinata Matsukura's eyes widened, but unfortunately, the chakra rolled in the thick fog, and his vision was seriously disturbed.

Even Tsubaki couldn't see clearly.

At this time, Mizukage Mizukage had already completely matched Susano in the third form of Uchiha Fugaku.

"Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!"

"Water escape-water chaos!"

"Water escape - water gun!"

"Water escape - the art of water dragon bullet!"

The three generations of Mizukage stood tall, completely transformed into a fortress, and the water escape ninjutsu poured out one after another crazily. In an instant, the water vapor was transpiring and the mist was vast. From a distance, it seemed as if the sea had capsized, unstoppable!

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