Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 238: Susanoo in the 4th form

Layer after layer of chakra nets are as light as nothing, like catkins in the wind. They seem to be blowing with the wind, but they are extremely tough.

Susano's sledgehammer slammed over, and the net fluttered like catkins, but it didn't break. After a few back and forth, the sledgehammer was covered with layers of dense chakra wire nets.

"Seal him!"

"Shoot all!"

Fifty sand ninja Anbe elites output crazily, and the chakra net gathers more and more, and soon covers all of Susanoo. From a distance, it looks like Godzilla is covered with a fishing net.

Susano was almost trapped, and Feng Huo felt that his whole body was not well, his hands and feet seemed to be bound by someone, and he couldn't move his whole body, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Feng Huo subconsciously operated his pupil power, and the black and red pentagrams in his pupils turned faster and faster, and waves of terrifying and surging pupil power crazily poured into Susanoo.


With the backflow of pupil power, Susanoo's lower body and legs gradually appeared, and its shape and volume increased by more than three or four times in an instant!

At the same time, Fenghuo seems to have escaped gravity, and flew directly to Susano's head.

With a movement of his mind, he felt that the shackles around him had disappeared, and his every move was accompanied by infinite mighty power!

He looked around, and the entire battlefield was clearly visible. The ninjas on both sides were like ants, piled here and there, and they all looked at him with fear, trembling, and disbelief.

Fenghuo raised his head again, and found that the tall and tall Campanulaceae Mountain was only at the same level as himself!

Suddenly there was a miraculous feeling in his heart that he was invincible in the world, and even this sky could not trap him!

He lightly raised the copper hammer, violent power erupted, and the dense chakra wire net that wrapped him was instantly exploded, turning into nothingness in the air.


The copper hammer fell, and the huge force brought terrifying speed. The copper hammer directly smashed through the air and produced a sharp sound, which spread throughout the battlefield!

At the same time, when the copper hammer rubbed against the air violently, a trace of red flames burst out, and then wrapped around the hammer head instantly, burning blazingly, looking like a huge meteor falling from a distance!

Feng Huo's eyes overflowed with traces of blood, and the desire for destruction and destruction in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

boom! !

When the meteor hammer landed, the ground pushed out like a wave, forming a huge ring-shaped hole in an instant, and then a hot red air flow swept all directions. The ground seemed to be unable to bear it, and it cracked one after another. .

Fifty Anbe elites from Ebino, Namikaze Minato, Sand Ninja, and the surrounding ninjas, faced with this blow that could be called a natural disaster, how could they have the courage to take it head-on, and backed away in a hurry.

Some ninjas escaped into the ground, but the ground was being squeezed by huge forces all the time, and the ninja was squeezed into a fleshy pulp as soon as it got in.

A ninja jumped into the air, and was blasted a thousand meters by the scorching red airflow. When he fell, his eyes were already white.

Farther away, Konoha and Sand Shinobu stopped their fierce fighting at this moment, and looked over there with wide-eyed eyes.

"What is that?"

"Is it a tailed beast?"


"What a terrifying destructive power!"

"It must be the despicable sand ninja who released the tailed beast!"

"Hey, this is clearly Konoha's Nine Tails!"

Feng Huo raised his head to the sky and howled, and in his mind, Susano went into a frenzy, swung the copper hammer to the highest point, and smashed it again at Ebino who had just emerged and the surviving Sand Ninja Anbe elite.


The earth was blasted to pieces like tofu, and the terrifying crack even spread to the Jigeng Mountain, which meant to divide the Jigeng Mountain into two.

"Stop the fire, stop, stop! Damn it!"

Namikaze Minato's eyes were red.

As Susano entered the fourth form, its destructive power increased exponentially. The two hammers just now have caused casualties to the ninjas on Konoha's side!

Namikaze Minato jumped into the air, but Susano was too high, he couldn't jump to the head at all, but he had no choice but to throw the special kunai at Susano's head, and then Fei Leishen teleported away superior.

At this time, Feng Huo's eyes were bleeding, full of mad desire to destroy and destroy, as if he had lost his sanity.

"bank up a fire!!"

Namikaze Minato roared, "You want to kill me!!"

Then he jumped directly to Susanoo's left shoulder.

The corners of Feng Huo's eyes twitched, the boiling power of his pupils made his thinking slow down by three points, and it took half a day to recognize him.

"Brother Minato?"

Then his mind cleared up, and the evil and ominous boiling pupil power in the kaleidoscope was gradually suppressed by his rationality.

'sharp! '

Feng Huo secretly called out luck, and almost ran away.

Then he felt distressed, really hurt, this Susano is in the fourth form, and he doesn't know how much his eyesight will drop, no, he has to deal with Ebino and the others quickly, or he will suffer a lot!

"Fenghuo, you..." Namikaze Minato didn't know what to say, he thought that the Susanoo he had seen before was already a 'perfect body', but he didn't expect it to be able to change! And it was so terrifying that it almost ruined his three views.

"Brother Minato, I understand, I'll pay attention!" Feng Huo shouted, then didn't dare to waste time, and hurriedly looked down, Ebino and the surviving Sand Shinobu Anbe had turned around and ran away.

"Want to run?"

As soon as Feng Huo raised the thought of raising his feet, Susano almost took a big step, one step is hundreds of meters!


After a few steps, he quickly caught up with Ebino and those Sand Nin Anbe elites.

Hai Laozang's face was as pale as snow, and he screamed, "Get out, get out and run!!"


The meteor hammer struck again.

But this time, Fenghuo deliberately controlled the strength, so that it didn't spread to the surroundings.

But even so, this hammer directly killed more than a dozen Sand Ninja Anbe elites.

At this time, the entire battlefield was silent, and countless people stared dumbfounded at Susano, whose hands and feet were stiff and unable to move.

Orochimaru stood behind the battlefield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The golden vertical pupils had been replaced by horror, and then a desire so strong that it was about to burst lingered in his eyes.

‘This kind of power, among the Uchiha clan, only Uchiha Madara can master it! Hehe, no wonder Uchiha Madara can compete with the first Hokage...Sharingan is so powerful...I must get his eyes, absolutely! absolute! ! '

At this time, Susano chased and killed Ebino step by step, and his figure was already approaching Mount Kikyo!

His huge figure cast a huge shadow under the sun, completely covering most of Kikyo Mountain, the elders of the sand ninja and the wounded and cruel were in the shadow, looking at Susano who was getting closer and closer at a loss Almost, everyone is bad.

"What kind of monster is that?"

"Nine tails?"

"No, it's not Kyuubi, this is... Uchiha Sealing Fire!"

Luo Sha's injury is still not healed, but he is able to walk freely. He looked at Susano, who blocked the sun in the sky, and his face turned dark instantly.

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