Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 243: God stick

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! When Haiyi Yamanaka and Maji had a fierce confrontation over the issue of war compensation, Feng Huo sat next to him and dozed off with boredom. Not much interest.

Looking left and right, he then offered to go out for a walk.

With his fierce power at this time, how could Ma Ji dare to obstruct him?

As soon as Feng Huo came down, he met a woman with a big belly, she looked quite gentle and familiar.

Seeing Feng Huo staring straight at him, Jia Luluo was startled: How did you meet this guy?

She hurriedly clutched her stomach and left.

"I remembered." Feng Huo's eyes lit up, isn't this the same person who chased and killed him in the Land of Fire with Luo Sha last time?

Seeing her big belly, Feng Huo understood: "You are Luo Sha's wife?"

Jia Luluo paused, gritted his teeth, turned around and said, "Yes, I am Jia Luluo, and Luo Sha is now the shadow of the village, please call him an adult!"

"Don't be so serious." Feng Huo looked at her stomach and said with a smile, "Have you chosen the child's name?"

"Hmph!" Jia Luluo snorted dissatisfiedly, "Don't worry, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first, please don't take offense if I'm rude."

Feng Huo's heart moved, and he immediately possessed his body, shaking his head and saying: "The poor Taoist figured it out, the child in your belly is a boy, named...Kan Jiulang!"

Jia Luluo's eyes widened, and his whole body was not well.

She turned her head incredulously, looked at Feng Huo in surprise, her brows and eyes were slightly twitched.


Luo Sha just picked this name, how could Uchiha Fenghuo know?

Is there a spy?

No, only she and Luo Sha were present at the time, how could others know?

When Feng Huo saw Jia Luluo's expression, he immediately put his hands on his back, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and looked like an expert: "Jia Luluo, it seems that I have counted."

"You, how did you know that!" Jia Luluo couldn't help asking, his face pale.

The fierce reputation of Uchiha sealing the fire has now spread throughout the entire Sand Hidden Village. If there is such an unpredictable peeping ability...

"Haha, don't ask me how I know, some things are meaningless to say." Feng Huo pretended to be mysterious, and slapped US dollars on his face.

When it was over, he swaggered away, leaving Boss Jia Luluo with a psychological shadow.

Konoha, the hundreds of captives captured from Mount Kikyo finally arrived.

This batch of captives included old and young, ninjas and civilians.

Valuable ninjas were placed in a guard, and some of them would be selectively released after the money was paid by Hidden Sand Village. As for those civilians, it was miserable, and it was basically impossible to return to the Land of Winds.

Among the common people, the elderly were placed in a large compound, the young people were arranged to work as coolies, and as for the children, they were placed in various orphanages in batches.

Even Yakushi Nonoyu's orphanage has received several children.

Because the Battle of Kikyo Mountain was extremely fierce, especially when the fire was sealed off with Susanohu hammering Kikyo Mountain, many civilians were injured, and most of the children who were sent to the Yakushi Nonoyu Orphanage were injured, and even one And the child lost his memory.

Pharmacist No Naoyu is gentle by nature, he can't see this, after accepting these children, he takes good care of them, and even named the child with amnesia after his own surname, Pharmacist Dou!

In the Hokage office building, Minato Namikaze met Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and reported the battle of Kikyo Mountain, and then talked about the mistaken killing of his comrades by Fenghuo.

"I believe in Fenghuo, but Danzo, Xiaochun, and Menyan all insist on a thorough investigation, and I can't stop it, alas." Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly, smoking a pipe, "And this incident has spread After the opening, the families of the dead ninjas have come to me to protest several times."

The implication is that he has overwhelmed them, but unfortunately the coffin board is not thick enough to overwhelm Danzo and them.

Namikaze Minato was puzzled and said, "How could this matter spread so quickly?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled bitterly and said, "Sakumo took Anbu to the Land of Rain and hasn't returned yet, so Danzo is in charge of investigating this matter."

"That is to say, Danzo's subordinates leaked this matter." Namikaze Minato crossed his arms, showing doubts.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and said: "Okay, don't think about it, Fenghuo is now negotiating post-war compensation in Shayin Village, so you don't have to face these messy things in a short time, Minato, next, you have to take people to the north to resist Do you have a specific plan for Yunin's invasion?"

Namikaze Minato pondered: "Master Hokage, I want to focus on harassment and try to prevent them from going deep. As for the others..."

He shook his head with a wry smile.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi expressed his understanding.

After the war with Hidden Sand Village ended, a large number of ninjas from the first battlefield of the Land of Rain came back, but these ninjas were dead, injured, and disabled. The ninjas who can take out their hands and fight Yun Nin Rarely, if you fight head-on, there is basically no chance of winning.

"Minato, cloud ninjas are good at Taijutsu and Lightning Dungeon, and their melee combat ability is very good, you must be careful!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi warned.

"Don't worry, Hokage-sama, I will pay attention!"

In a remote training forest in Konoha Village, Danzo stood aside indifferently, watching A's training with cold eyes.

"Wooden escape-wooden ingot wall!"

Under Jia's feet, several ugly branches broke through the ground, waved in the air for a while, and finally fell down powerlessly.

A look of unwillingness appeared on A's immature face.

"Don't be discouraged, keep practicing!" Danzo said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" A cheered up and continued to make seals.

Danzo sighed softly, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Jia really worked hard and had good talent, but unfortunately the Mudun he inherited was at most only about 20% of the power of the first Mudun, so the group Hiding disappointment is inevitable.

But thinking of Uchiha's kaleidoscope Sharingan, his heart became hot!

If you have all the Dragon Balls, bah, all the Kaleidoscope and Mudun, and you can combine the two most powerful abilities in the ninja world of the previous era, how powerful would it be?

Danzo became crazy after thinking about it.

The second battlefield of the Land of Rain, the Rock Ninja Camp.

Onoki, the third generation of earth shadow, was flying above the camp, looking at the land of fire.

'Ai, this guy, finally made a move! '

Onoki's big red nose wrinkled, showing an unhappy expression, "It's the same virtue as before, three generations of Raikage, hum!"

The Land of Earth and the Land of Thunder had feuds in the last Ninja World War, and Ohnoki didn't have the slightest liking for this country, even though they were on the same front now.


The sound of loess came from below.

Onoki fell slowly, and accidentally dodged his waist.

Onomu braced himself, his face remained calm: "What's the matter?"

"Father, we have discovered the traces of Uchiha Fuuhuo, and he is now in Sand Hidden Village as Konoha's representative!" Huangtu said.

"It's negotiating post-war compensation for the Kingdom of the Wind! Hmph, a mere brat is already qualified to represent Konoha? No one left Konoha!" Ohnoki groaned, glanced at Huangtu, and ordered, " Keep monitoring, once he leaves Sand Hidden Village... ouch my waist!"

Huang Tu was in a cold sweat: "Father, are you okay?"

Ohnoki yelled: "This is how people get old, don't make a fuss! Remember, you must grasp the whereabouts of Uchiha Fenghuo, and you must not let him return to Konoha!"

Huangtu looked excited: "I know!"

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