Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 261: mute, ferret

After receiving the transfer order, Feng Huo immediately returned to the village from the Yunin battlefield, just in time for the annual graduation day of the ninja school, and the village was rarely lively.

Feng Huo went to Hokage's office first, and reported to Sarutobi Hiruzen about Yun Nin's current situation, and was about to go directly to the Land of Rain when he was done, when Tsunade suddenly appeared and dragged him away.

The two came to the ninja school and saw many parents, mostly civilians, with happy and sad faces, for fear that their children would be dragged directly into the battlefield.

"Mr. Tsunade, what did you bring me here for?" Feng Huo was a little puzzled.

"Look over there." Tsunade stood there with his arms crossed, looking like a king of the mountain.

Feng Huo followed her gaze, and when he saw a little girl, he was furious: "Mr. Tsunade, I'm a serious ninja. You can defile my body, but it's not impossible to insult my spirit!"

"What are you thinking, brat!" Tsunade seemed to think of something, and glanced at him with dangerous eyes, "You...are you familiar with that guy Jiraiya?"

Feng Huo was breaking out in a cold sweat: "Are you kidding me? I'm Tsunade-sensei's disciple, and I don't know anything about myself, hahaha."

"Hmph!" Tsunade snorted coldly, before explaining, "That's the disciple chosen by Orochimaru."

Orochimaru's disciple?

‘Mitarai red beans? ’ Feng Huo’s eyes lit up, and when he looked carefully, it was indeed a bit similar to the original book.

It's just that you dragged me here just to see her?

This is not at all handy.

Sure enough, after going around the ninja school, Tsunade took him to Hokage Rock.

On the rock head of the first generation, stood a quiet girl with black hair, about the same age as Feng Huo, Feng Huo understood it at a glance.


This is Tsunade's number one fan girl, she has been following her side by side, working hard, and she can be called the number one ninja boy in the ninja world.

Tsunade said with a smile: "Shizune, come here, and introduce a kid to you."

"Yes, Master Tsunade." Shizune jumped over lightly, looking straight at Fenghuo with a pair of big eyes, "You are Master Fenghuo, right? Hello, I am Shizune, please give me your advice."

Fenghuo waved: "Hi Shizune, I am Uchiha Fenghuo, please give me your advice."

Tsunade was very satisfied, and said: "Shizune lived in my Senshou Clan when she was a child, this war... In short, she will always follow me from now on, brat, you should get along well with her in the future!"

Seal the fire and nod.

"If you dare to bully her, hehehehe..." Tsunade squinted and sneered non-stop.

Feng Huo said with a dry smile: "Teacher Tsunade, you are being serious, I am not that kind of person."

"Really? Don't let me know about your relationship with Jiraiya, otherwise..."

Feng Huo gritted his teeth, it seems that he really wants to stay away from Zilai in the future, so as not to be troubled by him.

He even changed the subject: "Is Jing Yin replenishing the troops now?"

"I just came out of the supply unit, and I'm preparing for the next Chunin exam." Shizune replied seriously.

Chunin exam.

Feng Huo nodded, feeling as if he had forgotten something.

Tsunade said from the side: "Red will also take part in this year's Chunin exam, Shizune, you and her should form a team."

Fenghuo was ashamed and almost forgot.

"Mr. Tsunade, is Hong in the village now?" Feng Huo asked hurriedly.

"She still has to send a batch of supplies, and then she will prepare for the Chunin exam." Tsunade frowned, "You don't even know this?"

Feng Huo laughed: "How could I not know, I was just testing you."


"Haha, don't pay attention to these details." Feng Huo laughed awkwardly.

Seeing the embarrassment on Feng Huo's face, Jing Yin lowered her head and smiled.

"There is no movement at Yunin, are your eyes okay?" Tsunade asked suddenly.

Feng Huo was startled, then shook his head: "No, it has been useless for a while."

Tsunade snorted coldly: "Don't be a hero when you go to the Land of Rain, your eyes belong to you, if you are blind, I won't take care of you!"

Knife mouth tofu heart ah.

Feng Huo's heart warmed up, and then he remembered Yaoshidou, and hurriedly asked: "Mr. Tsunade, is there any news about Yaoshidou?"

"That orphan, I thought you didn't care about him." Tsunade frowned slightly, and said, "No Naiyu asked me before, and I also negotiated with Danzo, but unfortunately he refused to let him go. Train him to be a spy."

"Spy?" Fenghuo heaved a sigh of relief, but it was still the same as the original.

However, in order to deepen the bond between him and Dou, I have to show up to Dou from time to time to give quilts, bah, to send warmth.

It's just that the information on the root is not something ordinary people can get. He rolled his eyes, looked at Tsunade, and smiled before saying anything: "Hehehe..."


Tsunade knew at a glance that there was nothing good, and jumped off Hokage Rock while holding Shizune.

"...Hey, hey...Your uncle!" Feng Huo was furious.

He was about to jump down to stalk him, when he suddenly heard the cry of a child from the forest behind Huoying Rock.

After sealing the fire, he walked over.

Passing through the grove, Fenghuo accidentally saw an acquaintance.

"Stop water?"

Feng Huo's gaze then fell on a snotty little kid behind Zhishui's buttocks, about three years old, with a tiger head and a tiger head, very cute.

The crying just now must have belonged to this little kid.

"Fenghuo, I didn't expect to see you here." Uchiha Shisui was also quite surprised, "Congratulations, you are famous in the ninja world, and even my Uchiha clan is also famous."

Feng Huo laughed loudly: "Even if you say that, I'm not happy at all, hahahaha."

"Brother Zhishui, who is he? He's obviously very happy, so why do you say he's not happy?" The little boy raised his head and looked at Fenghuo strangely.

"Itachi, this is the super genius of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fenghuo." Uchiha Shisui said to the little boy with a smile.

"Weasel Weasel..." Feng Huo's tongue got knotted.

"Fenghuo, when did you start learning to rap." Uchiha Shisui looked at him in surprise.

Feng Huo quickly covered his mouth.

Itachi Uchiha.


Today I finally saw him alive.

Fenghuo looked Uchiha Itachi up and down, and Uchiha Itachi squeezed behind Uchiha Shisui in fright: "Brother Shisui, his eyes are so scary."

Feng Huo's eyes are still in the state of three hook jade, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is still very deterrent to little hairy children.

"Don't be afraid, this is Sharingan, the blood successor boundary of our Uchiha clan." Uchiha Shisui explained with a smile.

"What is Sharingan?" Little brat Itachi asked, "What is Blood Successor Limit?"

Uchiha Shisui was very patient, sitting on the ground to explain to Uchiha Itachi, and then new problems appeared, Uchiha Shisui continued to explain until dark.

Feng Huo looked at them, one big and one small, asking and answering questions, and vaguely understood why the Itachi in the original novel had a magnanimity that surpassed that of the whole family. It was completely instilled in him by Uchiha Shisui.

Then Uchiha Shisui carried Uchiha Itachi on his back, bid farewell to Fenghuo and left.

Uchiha Itachi lay on Uchiha Shisui's back, curiously looking at Fenghuo's Sangouyu Shulunyan, and when Fenghuo's eyes fell on his face, he hurriedly buried his face in Uchiha Shisui's shoulder .

‘Although he is still a child now, the future is close at hand. '

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